Forum › Posts by Lilliwyt

joined Jun 25, 2019

Yeah, I hope you didn't think it will had been cute shit. Juste a little spoiler ahead Kaede get kidnapped by her "mom" and Fuuka will save her. I leave you how to your imagination.

Anime season 10 Mar 15:18
joined Jun 25, 2019

Not to mention that Vlad Love got delay to Fall

joined Jun 25, 2019

What manga did Lilliwyt take their new profile pic from?

Watamote Ch.163

last edited at Mar 10, 2020 1:51PM

Sweet Room discussion 10 Mar 13:46
joined Jun 25, 2019

You see, Tsubasa went to buy some food, something that doesn't take too much time. And when she returns, Honoka cries tears of joy. But it isn't simple joy, it's scales to passion, even adoration (look at the hearts at Honoka's eyes). So think for a moment: is there any creature that haven't any sense of time, sleeps when it haven't anything to do and, for last, cries tears of joy and jump over its beloved (adored) person when it's back at home?

More like forced admiration, to me it's much that Honoka is always chained and locked up in the appartement and is very dependent on Tsubasa coming. Don't misinterpret the tears for being joy that her beloved come back but more than the one who can feed her is coming. Plus Honoka is not a dog, she is a human person. Not to mention, with what we see in the end with the police and such (special mention to Tsubasa's friend who is a huge idiot to not call the police on her). Tsubasa said Honoka is here from her own will but that's seem more a case of Stockolm Syndrom to me. If she was really here from her own free will then why be afraid of the police ?

last edited at Mar 10, 2020 1:49PM

Image Comments 10 Mar 13:42
joined Jun 25, 2019

^ I don't know, the artist seem to show Tsubasa on both side in the pictures, either being nice or a total creep. Well not to mention it's the author of the infamous Sweet Room where Tsubasa keep Honoka chained in a appartement illegaly

joined Jun 25, 2019

Well, i'm pretty sure the backstories would not be really fun

joined Jun 25, 2019

I mean, not only it will require that both of them confess to Shimamura and both of them get rejected, it also need that both of them know each other, which is not really the case for the moment, Adachi know about Tarumi but i'm pretty sure Tarumi don't even know who Adachi is. Not to mention it will require that both of them bond over something else than Shimamura. Not gonna happen Not to mention that we know that Adachi and Shima eventually start going out so

joined Jun 25, 2019

Let me explain. On pixiv the chapter are regroup by 14 to 22 pages and actually the last one of the 1st grouping is chapter 5 not chapter 3, that explain why it end strangely here. We are indeed up to Chapter 11 on Mangadex which is the first half of the 3rd grouping of chapters on Pixiv. Just for you know, there is 17 grouping of chapters on Pixiv for the moment, which give more than 70 chapters i believe if you go by 4 pages.

last edited at Mar 10, 2020 11:50AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

It's more like, how can you think that Adachi and Tarumi would want anything to one another when they don't even know each other.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Was trying to make a joke of "Homura did nothing wrong" but guess some peoples just don't understand it. My bad I guess

I mean, it's okay to like her, but it sounds really damn weird and ridiculous to be that oblivious to her assholery

And I never pretend she wasn't did i ? I justify why she was an asshole and never deny she was an asshole. DOn't get me wrong on that one, I'm full aware of what Minami's behavior and really wished Nico tone her down and make her less obnoxious but I don't think it's the plan. I maintain that Minami is a person who is afraid to be alone and act mean to others in order to be popular. I just wish Mako can help her.

I don't really understand what it blow up out of proportions and you understand something I wasn't even trying to said

Image Comments 09 Mar 22:09
joined Jun 25, 2019

It certainly lack the Age Gap tag as Yuri is much older than Nio.

last edited at Mar 9, 2020 10:09PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Tbh I don't think she will be a loner, Mako is too much of a saint to let Minami alone.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Well, at least it's Yori who give her a deadline so Hima don't have to feel bad to not give her an answer. I'm supossing Momoka know Yori from the ex-singer of the group. I hope it's that and so "dark past" shenanigans.

Image Comments 09 Mar 14:40
joined Jun 25, 2019

But don't forget that Aru is a loser so Bocchi getting Nako is possible.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm too gullible for this shit. I don't have any real source to back it up. My bad on that one

joined Jun 25, 2019

Chapter update Yori get jealous of Cooking-senpai then she said to HIma that she could respond to her feelings after the concert and that she is sure that she will make Hima fall for her with her song.

Edit: Yep, editing just after i finish play. My bad

last edited at Mar 9, 2020 11:59AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

good lord, calm down there kiddo

Maybe understand the situation before telling people what to do. Minami is a character with zero redeeming qualities. Being physically cute is not a redeeming quality. You're not supposed to like her; you're supposed to despise and possibly feel sorry for her. Saying, "oh, but she's so cute, how can you not like her?" is one of the most asinine, childish things I've ever seen on this site, so excuse me if it really rubs me the fucking wrong way.

Again, people are free to like her even if it's just for her looks. She is no a serial killer for god sake. You take things too much at heart, just because you don't like a character doesn't mean everyone should hate her. Beside, nobody here have said "oh, but she's so cute, how can you not like her?" NOBODY

joined Jun 25, 2019 here she actually flinches when Iori goes to caress her face

Why this one is here ? Of course she flinch, she just got beat down by her friend and you said it yourself caress not slapping slapped in the face with groceries

Come on, this one would barely hurt.It's a plastic packaging she was thrown not an ashtray.

I don't know, I personally don't feel that Iori treat her like a punching ball lately. I meanthe sister/delinquent is way more violent than them tbh, i mean hell, they fight in the hallway and the sister even kick her in the leg. If anything the other side is worse.

last edited at Mar 8, 2020 10:20PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Just rereading it and it's overexagerrated to say that Iori hit Minami that much when she actually smack only 2 times. I don't know where the "too much slapstick" come from but it's exagerated. She smack her one time here and it's actually the first she does so and another here. Like I said, it's not like she hit or abuse Minami on a regular basis, yeah the first time she hit her was overreaction but the second time was because she thought she cheat on her.

Also it's worth mentionning that Iori was actually turned on when Minami bite her whenshe wanted her ears pierced.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I mean, it's not like she hit on a regular basis either nor she hit without reason. What Iori do is far from what Minami was been through.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Minami is acting like that because unlike who was a loner and awkward socially, she was a loner but not socially awkward. Minami is acting like a bitch because the first friends she made was acting like that and she had to also act like that to not being a loner.

This is not an excuse for being a literal shitpile of a human being. People's circumstances do not excuse their shitty actions EVER. I just lost what respect I had left for you.

What are you even talking about ? I'm in my total right to like a character no ? Why did you must overreact everytime we talk about something ?I personnaly hated how Nico have made both Ucchi and Minami so despictable and made them never progress at all. Both characters just need a little push in the good directions, as I don't think they're really bad persons per se. Minami was just adapting to her friends because she don't want to be alone. I never really like the fact she is always depicted as mean over and over as I think she is just someone who is afraid to be alone Like here,all I see is that Minami is genuisly happy that someone call to her. To me, her attitude is just a facade.

Ya need to chill out...minami is fine...she's very cute...i can't wait until someone locks her in their basement...teach the girl some manners...with a lot of ropes...

Can you not. I just think Minami need to hang out more with only Mako and the Kuroki's band on side.

1 x ½ discussion 08 Mar 13:13
joined Jun 25, 2019

also the discussion is going to be a mess because akira is about to defend the morality of incest. lol she called ayako a lolicon

oh god no i can already see 40 pages on here talking about this

Ah yeah, because it's absolutely not the point of the thread to talk about the chapter. You can't come on a manga treating ofIncest and expect people totalk about it, that's kinda the whole point of the manga.

1 x ½ discussion 08 Mar 10:20
joined Jun 25, 2019

You mean nowhere ? Cause i want to make remember that Senapi was nothing but a player and was already involved in a incest of her own.

I remember the part where senpai was a player, but not the one in which she was involved in an incest of her own, so which chapter was that in? End of chapter 14 and I think it was implied more than once throught all Ch.13 course.

1 x ½ discussion 08 Mar 09:48
joined Jun 25, 2019

You mean nowhere ? Cause i want to make remember that Senapi was nothing but a player and was already involved in a incest of her own.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Minami is acting like that because unlike who was a loner and awkward socially, she was a loner but not socially awkward. Minami is acting like a bitch because the first friends she made was acting like that and she had to also act like that to not being a loner. #Minamididnothingwrong .