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Lily Marble discussion 09 Jul 08:47
joined Jul 26, 2016

Okay but can we talk about how our little Tsubasa is all grown up now?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Now let's pull up a chair and have a conversation about "rape culture".

There is no point so you can put your chair back where you take it.

The notion that "if you do x I won't be able to control myself and will sexually assault you" is a lie made up by people who either want to excuse rape or put the blame for it on the victim. Empowering rapists is what I would call a problem of rape culture.

something something fun at parties

Also tortuous mental gymnastics to find something, anything to be offended over. Check that Twitter mentality at the door plox.

Image Comments 09 Jul 04:23
joined Jul 26, 2016

^the artist experimented with hard drugs

Image Comments 08 Jul 18:20
Image Comments 08 Jul 18:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
- Sun Tzu (544-496 BCE)

joined Jul 26, 2016

They becaume wolfs (ˉ▽ ̄~)

In light of lupine mating behavior I can only see this as ABSOLUTE WIN

Image Comments 08 Jul 16:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

what the actual fuck.

Image Comments 08 Jul 16:25
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Yo dawg heard you like ships so we put ship on your ship so you can...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Heh heh. Look at us now! We have come a long way since those benighted times. sure it isn't just the worst sticks-in-the-mud having gotten their asses banned for good?

That counts as “coming a long way” in my book.

Fair point.

joined Jul 26, 2016

So she’s just listening to her conversations on the phone?? Wtf

Entirely doable with some 1337 h4xx0rz which is why it isn't unusual for mobiles to be outright banned from sensitive meetings, but here there's pretty clearly a mike in that cute phone accessory - no doubt given by the good Sensei. Why she's outright spying on them is a good question but presumably somehow relates to Nekozaki's ambivalent claims about her past...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Heh heh. Look at us now! We have come a long way since those benighted times. sure it isn't just the worst sticks-in-the-mud having gotten their asses banned for good?

Arknights! 08 Jul 14:06
joined Jul 26, 2016

Also, might have to e2 Blue poison next due to inconsistent auto anni 3 runs.

No real reason to rerun Anni3 though, you only save very marginal amounts of Sanity compared to reaching the weekly cap with judicious combo of the (much easier and duly autoable) other two.

joined Jul 26, 2016

poor pyoko, the crows when I visited japan were all a foot long and scary as fuck

Only a foot? Ours ballpark over half again that... Actually teh Wiki gives the same for the Japanese ones (it's pretty much the universal standard for at least all northern-hemisphere crow species really) so RIP your eyeball measurements :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

As much as I don't want the man martyred, I await with bated breath the announcement that Trumplestilskin has The Rona. Why fear martyrdom? Cuz it would make his brainless constituents even more rabid; but if he contracts it and DOESN'T die, then he will turn into an even greater powerhouse of ignorance. "See? It was never a big deal." And he WILL get it eventually, despite all the laughable overtesting done daily, because he treats it like a joke. 130,000 dead Americans, like a joke....

Eh, wouldn't make a difference anyway. He could claim the Moon is made of cheese and his believers would swallow it whole. Remember kids, don't speedball blind-faith Führerprinzip and cognitive dissonance.

The US correspondent of our biggest newspaper is in the opinion that "the Republican party has devolved from a rich men's club into a Fascist personality cult" and I see preciously little to indicate he's wrong.

joined Jul 26, 2016

So she's a masochist lesbian. xD

Bisexual, strictly speaking.

Now I dunno 'bout you guys but I for one am mildly weirded out by their strange Harry Potter uniforms...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Either Pyoko is lying through her teeth or the crows in that neighbourhood are metal as fuck

Birds can be fucken savage. Back on the farm I'd always bring a pitchfork with me when collecting eggs. We kept a rooster for breeding and that fucker went for me every time I entered the pen. I'd use the pitchfork to pin his neck to a straw bale before entering the coop. Occupying an enclosed space with pissed off 25lb bird is all sorts of not fun.

That's the territorial harem-keeping males for ya. Crows OTOH don't go after things significantly larger than themselves unless their nest's being threatened or they're trying to drive off one of their relatively few potential predators, and I rather doubt our sparrow-harpy here has the kind of flight profile that'd trigger a torches-and-pitchforks mobbing response like birds of prey do.

I mean its fine for dumb monsters who just eat people but not an intelligent race.. she couldnt feed herself- she couldnt have dressed herself.. couldnt build or make anything.. etc etc.

I remember watching an interview with an armless woman, one part of which touched on her being able to dress herself with only a stick attached to a suction cup for assistance. She'd also managed to ride horses, which is how she died(her foot got stuck in the stirrup when she fell out of the saddle).

But you're right that harpy civilization wouldn't be building anything too precise on its own(coarse building is just fine, given that birds tend to, y'know, build nests).

Once saw an armless dude cheerfully surf the Internets by typing with his toes (looked kinda precarious balancing on the chair with only his buttocks tho), and human feet are Hell of a less prehensile by default than those of perching birds so yeah. Still gonna put some hard caps on the amount of material culture they can produce and operate on their own though but, eh, they can farm the fine work out to the groundbound hairless apes.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Either Pyoko is lying through her teeth or the crows in that neighbourhood are metal as fuck

joined Jul 26, 2016

So apparently Brazil's knockoff Mussolini and all-purpose dickwad Bolsonaro tested positive for teh coronas.

Not gonna pretend my Schadenfreude isn't stronk on the news. >:D

joined Jul 26, 2016

Guys, I finally found out why Hagino was pushing that boy into the story by putting him in every chapter, it turns out he was the former main character of her one shot that she submitted to the magazine, allowing her to serialize her own manga!

His name is Aoshima Haruto.

Literally who. ' -')

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ookuma, being slightly thirstier than a salt desert.

joined Jul 26, 2016

2020 feels like a simulation of all the possible things that can go wrong

No major bolide impact events or supervolcano eruptions yet... :v

Oddman 11 discussion 06 Jul 05:47
joined Jul 26, 2016

my only disappointment is that Kirara didn't get another scene with Setsu and that apparently she got last place there, she was my favorite... ah well, haven't really being paying too much attention for a while tbh

TBF her and Nuida have pretty much been a sidecouple for some time now...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Wtf my government (I live in the UK) is debating whether torture should be made illegal or not

My first thought to that is "...again?" because I'm fairly sure that song and dance was already done once back around 2001. .-. also lol, UK

On a completely unrelated note, this is one of the best productions I've seen of one of the best operas I know (Da Ponte x Mozart is my opera OTP); also freely viewable because the EU does cool shit like that.

Oh and by way of gratuitous personal updates I'll be crashing at my mother's place for the next 2½ months on account of my whole apartement building undergoing mid-life renovations I guess. Good thing we get along. (Also hadn't been paying attention to the schedules and abruptly had to go over 40 hours without sleep to clean up and prepare my home for the whole thing in time...)

joined Jul 26, 2016

X's design is so cool, like damn, I have no words!

I don't know, she's clearly overdone it with all the X-s... :D

Overdoing motifs, in my toku?! :O

As for why Honey didn't say to go for X immediately, perhaps it's because the Antinoids require X to exist? So if X dies then the Antinoids die too? Or, given that final page, or they supposed to be married or something like that? Engaged? Cause I got a real walking down the aisle vibe from that

Occam's Razor would be Honey simply had at least a rough idea how stronk X actually is, for all her screwing around and getting trolled by the Quirky Miniboss Squad, ergo could about guess how trying to fight her would end up. (To wit, this chapter.)

last edited at Jul 3, 2020 7:23PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Food chain: happens