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Manga General Thread 25 May 02:41
joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm of the opinion that there's no new nor old mari. Just a girl with incredibly deep psychological issues

joined Dec 18, 2013

Very cute, although I'd like somewhat more substance in the plot (if it can be called like that)

Collectors discussion 25 May 00:27
joined Dec 18, 2013

So there's a reason for the sudden stop on flashback land? Not that I don't like it, mind you.

last edited at May 25, 2015 12:28AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Is more than the series is following a pretty defined structure:

Plot related arc->filler/breath chapters->repeat

Certainly not the most optimal way to handle a story but somewhat expected. The author is fond of having polls on his website to allow the fanbase to pick what monster girl is gonna be introduced next. This usually leads to good moments where more world building is don but in others the attempt falls a little flat.

The recent farm chapter is the by far the lowest point with the fanservice being even more prominent than the usual and having some developments that contradict the rule sof the setting. Luckily, the next arc is focused on Mero and shows a lot of promise.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh right, there are three more chapter released already.

Good stuff

Philosophia discussion 24 May 22:37
joined Dec 18, 2013

The problem with the "sneaky shit" is that it doesn't makes a lick of sense in the context of the plot. I mean, can you honestly believe that the girl spends all her time alone is able to run a "escort" service for rich people?

For that to work she should've been depicted surrounded or talking with random girls every now and then.

And the worst thing is that you could fix that easily, instead of making Tomo a pimp make it so she is prosituting herself. That would also fit neatly in the idea of Tomo being depressed and utherly apathetic about her own being.

Philosophia discussion 24 May 16:04
joined Dec 18, 2013

I feel bad for laughing at the revelation of her death, but i couldn't help it

I didn't but I almost felt I should.
It reminded me of some dramatic anime I didn't like where an adult chased a ball into the street, got ran over and died.
I was like . . . yeah. Alright. Sure.

I found it like "Tomo died on her way to her home planet"

Philosophia discussion 24 May 15:37
joined Dec 18, 2013

If I had to say something about this, I'd probably call it a story about being in love with a chronically depressed person? I feel like it all fits together, in that light. Her empty room, her unsociable nature, the way she was always tired and late to class even though she was never really busy, her cold refusal to connect with the people who care about her in spite of her private sentimentality and longing for contact, the aimlessness of drifting around in college with no meaningful intention of graduating, her vague decision to "travel", with no particular destination, even though she'd necessarily been saving up money for years to do so, her mysterious end in some far away place, where nobody knew who she was... Oh, come to think of it, in that last scene with Ai, she freely gives away the books she'd chosen to take with her, returning the lighter, uncharacteristically letting Ai see more of her feelings than probably anyone else has in years. It's actually quite normal behaviour, among people who have decided to commit suicide. As is everything we ever saw of her.

If it's like that, it's understandable why the entire story seemed so lacklustre and nonsensical for many people. The behaviour of depression is basically incomprehensible if you try to rationalise it in terms of how healthy people think, no wonder it makes no sense. It's alienating, but to a very specific kind of person, it feels deeply, chokingly familiar.

Man. Now I want a cigarette.

See, if the story would've ended with Tomo leaving and Ai moving on it would've been a good if dissapointing ending. Adding Tomo's extraofficial activities, the suicide, Ai hung up on her love for a people she really never truly knew and the magical identical looking kid at the end throws any theme and seriousness of the story's message out of the window and renders the whole thing pointless.

Philosophia discussion 24 May 14:53
joined Dec 18, 2013

Wait... there's a brother? When did... what? People here are saying that wasn't Tomo, but it clearly was. I'm confused.

Almost as confused as I am about there being a pimp specifically for middle-aged, bisexual housewives.

Guess Tomo was a huge fan of the Marquis of Sade.

Philosophia discussion 24 May 13:55
joined Dec 18, 2013

I am not a fan of the ending...I would be okay with the ending if it ended when Tomo left. That after story, to me, was kind of shitty...especially the appearance of a new character who resembles Tomo Why can't it just be Tomo. I really enjoyed the story, but not very much the ending.

The reveal of Tomo being a pimp comes from nowhere and clashes so bad with the story themes that comes off like being added just for drama's sake

joined Dec 18, 2013

That is exactly what happened.

When the strip started Nique was a classic example of "femme fatale", using her femenine charm to play and dominate men. Out of 11 years she only showed interest on women in TWO ocassions and both times were she just trolling.

In fact, the sexual tension (and posterior relationship) between her and Slick was one of the main plots of the strip.

Then all of the sudden Monique "sees the light", becomes embarrassed of her past behavior, becomes a sisterhood mouth piece and suddenly develops interest on women.

Philosophia discussion 24 May 13:22
joined Dec 18, 2013

Now that was an unbelievable shitty ending.

It was bad enough (if thematically appropiate for the story themes) up Tomo leaving, everything that came later was just stupid.

E-G-Town discussion 24 May 11:18
joined Dec 18, 2013

It's trash.

Indeed, but even trash can be interesting from time on time.

The watersports gimmick got old after the third story though.

E-G-Town discussion 24 May 11:15
joined Dec 18, 2013

I never knew SOFTCHARM actually published a full manga. Interesting read.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh right, there's Sinfest that I suppose everyone knows.

One of the two main characters (Monique) turned lesbian and dates a demon-girl.

All in all, Sinfest, after 15 years, turned into an ultra-feminist webcomic.

Shame that now is utter trash.

I used ot like it.

To each their own. You can say you don't like it anymore, but not that it's trash.

I still kinda like it. The art has improved a lot over the years. Most of the characters are interesting.

Monique and her girlfriend are cute.

Fuchsia and Criminy are cute.

Though I don't like much what the author is doing to Slick. He used to be a nice guy, though a pervert, with a thing for Monique.

Now, he's sinking into hell and seem unable to redeem himself, just because he's male.

The art is good but the plots doesn't make any sense now, characterizations are murdered just because (Monique being a lesbian comes absolutely from nowhere), every attempt of Tats to make a feminist statement is so clumsy and poorly thought that loses any meaning, men's suffering is played for laughs and the sisterhood is such mary sues that there's no tension whatsoever on the strips.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh right, there's Sinfest that I suppose everyone knows.

One of the two main characters (Monique) turned lesbian and dates a demon-girl.

All in all, Sinfest, after 15 years, turned into an ultra-feminist webcomic.

Shame that now is utter trash.

I used ot like it.

last edited at May 23, 2015 11:59PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Chapter 3, yeah... I think that Moe's character changed too quickly, even though it's a hentai series.

See it like this, is the lesbian porn equivalent of training montages.

Citrus discussion 23 May 23:00
joined Dec 18, 2013

You guy don't be wet blankets. Keep that hopes up!

Anyways, great chapter. Sara is a pretty cool gal, interesting to see that Yuzu still had some reservations about being in lesbians with Mei and Nina was less of a scumbag I'd thought. In fact, Nina comes off like being misguided rather than malicious.

I lost it at Harumin letting out her inner nerd and dragging poor Himeko with her.

LOVE/DEATH discussion 23 May 14:26
joined Dec 18, 2013

Those two are adorable and cute as ever but the hairpin to the eye made me cringe.

You never go for the eyes girls, those don't simply heal :(

YuruZero discussion 22 May 17:40
joined Dec 18, 2013

That was fantastic. Never expected a crossover so weird to work so well

joined Dec 18, 2013

Personally, I love the normalness of Kimihito, specially for how he deals with all the implications and risks that come on a world were monsters exist and are considered part of the society.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, doesn't really matter if he's useless or just average, I read the first 10 pages and well... yeah. Harems need to do or be something special for me to like them and EMG just seems like fanservice harem #2932421.

That's an extremely odd statement. In the first ten pages:

-there's absolutely NO reason to think the series will develop into an Harem

-is purely introducing the characters

-We are presented straight away to a Lamia and the "Rules" of their biology, setting the story apart of other in the genre

-The world building starts in full by the page 19 or so.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, i guess I worded that poorly.

See, aside of the few chararcters meant to be full-blown villians, the rest of the humans depicted (aside of the main characters) are more than, well, racists; are insensitive. They see the monster part first and foremost and don't give a lot of attention to the girl part.

In Kimihito's case, they are girls first and monster later. And even then, that is mostly due their unique necessities.

Citrus discussion 22 May 12:17
joined Dec 18, 2013

Uhm, volume 2 has been out in english for a while now.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I don't remember the protagonist being useless like in other harems, from what I remember he's one of the rare good protagonist in harem, but it's been some time since I read it, what others think about the protagonist?

You're absolutely correct. Kimihito is pretty distinctive because he's pretty damn active and with tons of initiative. Not fearing nor minding about his own safety if the girls are in trouble.

The girls fall in love with him by that reason and because unlike nearly other human on the manga, he doesn't treat them any different to a normal human girl and is pretty attentive towards their needs.