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joined Dec 18, 2013

Character Profiles for the anime, includes a new girl

And Takaki shared a very rough sketch of a new pair for the game

joined Dec 18, 2013

Cast has been added to the website

last edited at May 30, 2015 3:36PM

A-V-P discussion 30 May 08:44
joined Dec 18, 2013

Aw, I was expecting some aliens and predators to show or something.

joined Dec 18, 2013

hmmm.... Is the pigman the only monster guy in the manga?
Is... Is it even a guy?...

We've seen male centaurs although due how centaur society works, all of them are like Nessus

joined Dec 18, 2013

Mero's servants are the best.

joined Dec 18, 2013

@Dark_Tzitzimine: did you import that? why not wait? Edit: stupid question lol.

Nope, just got the CG from SK threads. Not a big fan of the Versus series.

I did import SK2 though

Lily Love discussion 29 May 15:41
joined Dec 18, 2013

Just saw the raws of chapter 10 via three musqueteers' tumblr. Things are going extremely well for those two.

The chapter is very reminicent of Girlfriends, here's hoping we can see it on english soon.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Estival Versus is, by all accounts a mediocre game, but I'm inmensaly happy that it finally gave us some real subtext for one of my favorite couples: Daidouji and Rin. The powerhouses and mentors of the franchise

Game: Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Pairing: Daidouji x Rin Link: Game CG

joined Dec 18, 2013


joined Dec 18, 2013

So I read lots of comments and people don't seem to conclude if Mira is a he or a she, so I'm calling Mira a he/she cause the hell with it my life is the same too xD

I thought we were on agreement Mira was a woman

joined Dec 18, 2013

Here's a question I've often pondered and would like to hear opinions on -- Do you believe it's possible for a male author to write heartfelt yuri? Or will that almost always degenerate into fan service and/or feel insincere by nature? It's obvious that most of the critical favorites are penned by females.

Is possible and we've seen happen already with Higashiyama Shou and his work on both Prism and Stretch.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Monique "gayness" was pretty sudden and happening on the strip previously posted in the thread, Before that while she was pretty chummy with that devil girl there wasn't any tnagible sexual tension between them.

joined Dec 18, 2013

For a good story, I have to go with Prism

For something so sweet that it will give you diabetes, Kase-san

Citrus discussion 28 May 16:53
joined Dec 18, 2013

I don't think the melodrama on Citrus is badly done. Within the context of the setting everything fits perfectly, we're talking about teenagers riding high on hormones and being over melodramatic for anything and everything. Characters suddenly showing up is also true within the conext, god knows I've met tons of great, bad and memorable people through random gatherings or simply hanging out at my favorite shop.

Art is pretty and easy to the eye although very stilized so I don't have it in such a high regard as many other people has.

If there's a critic to be done to Citrus' plot is how the issue of the girls' parents has been handled. Mei's father is a total douche with actions that doesn't make any sense at all and are filled to the brim with plot holes while Yuzu's mother is such an airhead that well, is kind of hard to believe she's a proper adult.

Citrus discussion 28 May 11:36
joined Dec 18, 2013

If it gets even past 5 volumes, wow, that would be a miracle. Most yuri runs don't even last more than 2-3 volumes, and sometimes, they do not reach completion.

Chapter 16 marks the end of Volume 4 and each volume is 4 chapters long. So I think is very unlikely for the story to wrap up on just four chapters.

Anime season 28 May 01:42
joined Dec 18, 2013

Like a season later but I finally watched Koufuku Grafitti. Pretty cool little anime although I always ended hungry after watching it.

It never goes beyond subtext but is hard to not see a one true threesome between Shiina, Kirin and Ryou

joined Dec 18, 2013

Got Neptunia U, fun game and I like it more than Shinovi Versus.

The best thing is seeing how gay for Nepgear Uni and Vert are

World Canvas Manga 27 May 17:49
joined Dec 18, 2013

This is just getting better and better. Thank you so much for this!

Citrus discussion 27 May 12:51
joined Dec 18, 2013

I still never got anyone else's opinion on Citrus' speculated length... Thoughts?

The most likely scenario is for the story to span all of their high school life and given the pace time has passed so far I'd say about eigth or twelve chapters more.

hello 27 May 02:25
joined Dec 18, 2013


Joan Watson is simply amazing and complements Sherlock perfectly

joined Dec 18, 2013

The author turned feminist along the road (maybe something happened?) and his comic which was mainly about poking fun at various religions and some flirty innuendo, turned into "war on patriarchy".

Monique becoming lesbian was part of that change of focus. It makes sense, because she realizes that all this time, she's been an object and even Slick only sees her as potential sexual partner, not as a person.

Monica turning into a lesbian didn't make sense in Wapsisquare probably because the focus of the story didn't change. The character changed for no good reason.

Obviously, Tatsuya Ishida hates the way women are treated in today's society. From a fun oriented comic, it turned into a very political statement.

The only honest male character is Criminy, a kind bookworm. All of the orthers are slave to their desires.

I can understand where he comes from though, because his criticism of the male-oriented society, catering to their desires in order to make money, often hits home, even though it's not as grim as he makes it to be.

If the guy wants to make a political statement, well, that's his choice. The problem is Sinfest's format and foundations don't offer a solid platform for those statements.

Writing is all over the place and in what I want to think is Tats' eagerness to represent feminism, it only ends with shallow plots suffering a lot of "telling not showing", horrible pacing, narrative bending and being retconned by the statements instead of the statement being organically included within the narrative.

He tries to make the sisterhood relatable and the new heroes of the strip but they never face any obstacle and in fact, plenty of plots have been caused by them.

Citrus discussion 26 May 10:32
joined Dec 18, 2013

Considering the reaction to ch 16 raws and rough translation, is the former.

joined Dec 18, 2013

That's how the myth traditionally goes, yeah.

But I guess the author thought it was too much already. Then again, there's a slime and what it could be an eldritch horror among the cast...

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, Luz is young and somewhat of a goofball. Plus this depiction of Kitsunes seem to lean more in the trickster aspect of the myth.

Philosophia discussion 25 May 14:27
joined Dec 18, 2013

I don't know why some people felt like the (implied) suicide came out of nowhere. I won't say I wasn't surprised, but Tomo committing suicide seems to me a very plausible, reasonable development. I mean, did she seem happy to anyone else? Looking for a purpose, unable to get close to anyone, tinges of (somewhat justified) self-hatred, overthinker, unhealthy habits . . . seems like a classic candidate for suicide, actually.
And at the same time, I can see why someone might get obsessed by her. The cool self-reliance, the almost unconscious style, the clearly impressive intellect . . . in many ways, objectively she's a horrible person, but there's this strong "What if?" that says there's an amazing person there if only she'd stop stifling it, if only she could be saved from the shit (much of it self-inflicted) that's crippling her . . . people do get obsessed with that kind of person. So it's kind of realistic.

Overall, although this was both a sad and depressing story, I thought it was very well done and I didn't find it repugnant. This is a good one. Unlike (spits on ground ritually) "The feelings we all must endure" which I did find repugnant, and which I actually thought had some serious flaws in execution as well.

I must say Amano Shuninta is, if nothing else, an exciting writer. You never know if you're going to get happy or sad, cynical or relatively pure, and it's hard to even be sure if quality-wise you're going to get excellent or crap. But that does mean that when you start reading one of her works you can't readily predict what's going to happen.

The problem with the suicide is that had the same emotional impact than this