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Citrus discussion 23 May 23:00
joined Dec 18, 2013

You guy don't be wet blankets. Keep that hopes up!

Anyways, great chapter. Sara is a pretty cool gal, interesting to see that Yuzu still had some reservations about being in lesbians with Mei and Nina was less of a scumbag I'd thought. In fact, Nina comes off like being misguided rather than malicious.

I lost it at Harumin letting out her inner nerd and dragging poor Himeko with her.

LOVE/DEATH discussion 23 May 14:26
joined Dec 18, 2013

Those two are adorable and cute as ever but the hairpin to the eye made me cringe.

You never go for the eyes girls, those don't simply heal :(

YuruZero discussion 22 May 17:40
joined Dec 18, 2013

That was fantastic. Never expected a crossover so weird to work so well

joined Dec 18, 2013

Personally, I love the normalness of Kimihito, specially for how he deals with all the implications and risks that come on a world were monsters exist and are considered part of the society.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, doesn't really matter if he's useless or just average, I read the first 10 pages and well... yeah. Harems need to do or be something special for me to like them and EMG just seems like fanservice harem #2932421.

That's an extremely odd statement. In the first ten pages:

-there's absolutely NO reason to think the series will develop into an Harem

-is purely introducing the characters

-We are presented straight away to a Lamia and the "Rules" of their biology, setting the story apart of other in the genre

-The world building starts in full by the page 19 or so.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, i guess I worded that poorly.

See, aside of the few chararcters meant to be full-blown villians, the rest of the humans depicted (aside of the main characters) are more than, well, racists; are insensitive. They see the monster part first and foremost and don't give a lot of attention to the girl part.

In Kimihito's case, they are girls first and monster later. And even then, that is mostly due their unique necessities.

Citrus discussion 22 May 12:17
joined Dec 18, 2013

Uhm, volume 2 has been out in english for a while now.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I don't remember the protagonist being useless like in other harems, from what I remember he's one of the rare good protagonist in harem, but it's been some time since I read it, what others think about the protagonist?

You're absolutely correct. Kimihito is pretty distinctive because he's pretty damn active and with tons of initiative. Not fearing nor minding about his own safety if the girls are in trouble.

The girls fall in love with him by that reason and because unlike nearly other human on the manga, he doesn't treat them any different to a normal human girl and is pretty attentive towards their needs.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Can anybody explain the appeal to me? Just cause there's monster girls?
I watched the PV and it looks like just another harem to me. Which obviously isn't a good thing.

Let's be honest, for a considerable amount of people is just the fanservice. But undeneath there's a pretty good comedy (helped in no small amount for how endearing the characters are) Plus, the author has a knack for explaining in very plausible manner the biology and implications of monster girls in real life

joined Dec 18, 2013

With each passing chapter I know less and less....

Fantastic art tho.

Stretch discussion 21 May 03:05
joined Dec 18, 2013

tldr; when you read something you enjoy immensely, like Stretch or Prism, you want to admire the author and think that he's a great person because he can write something like this, but then you are confronted to the reality of the person and it's a let down.

Honestly, that is a pretty narrow and somewhat unfair point of view.

Creators are humans too, and are free to like and do whatever the hell they want. By putting them on a pedestal, you are only setting yourself for a massive dissapointment.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Poor Meiling

joined Dec 18, 2013

That was so fun.

And is fantastic to see Kaagerou's art improve.

Keine Box discussion 21 May 00:48
joined Dec 18, 2013

Man, talk about mood whiplash.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh, I remember now why I was soured on Jin.


joined Dec 18, 2013

Aw, we won't get more stories of the writer and her wife.

awesome news tho

Citrus discussion 20 May 12:28
joined Dec 18, 2013

People on Tumblr are already with the idea that Harumin's sis is Mei's mom...somehow.

Stretch discussion 19 May 17:55
joined Dec 18, 2013

Calling it now, het ending on Yuri Kuma.

Sure Morishima's done all sorts of gay stuff, and she's never done a bait-and-switch het ending or really any sort of twist ending. But she's never done a story like this one before, so how can we trust that she won't? After all, the more that she teases us with yuri bears, the more likely it is that it'll just turn into one big harem story with Life Sexy.


joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, I don't know what the hell is going on.

Aside of Lulu being ADORABLE, that is.

Citrus discussion 19 May 11:04
joined Dec 18, 2013

"After dating Mei I realized... she's a very hardworking and realistic person however in reality she's a gril who hide her fragile heart bla bla bla bla..." How long have they been dating already ? One ? Two day ? ._.

And how long have they all known each others ? 1 weeks maximum (more like 4 days x)) ? ._.

Teenagers tend to exaggerate and go all google eyed when in love. News at Eleven.

But seriously, Sara has been chaarcterized as an incredibly idealistic and perceptive girl, is not that much of a stretch (Heh) that she put two and two together from the talking she had with both Mei and Yuzu.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Uh, I've read this one a long time ago. I never expected for it to made its way here.

Great story.

Citrus discussion 19 May 01:46
joined Dec 18, 2013

Considering the dialogue, is more likely that she will try to expel Yuzu for breaking the rules and Mei will be the one to stand up for Yuzu. Thus not only confirming their bond but also marking the first time Mei goes against the system while following her own wishes

In any case, if you guys are so burned out with the series and are just exoecting the worse, wouldn't be easier to simply drop it?

joined Dec 18, 2013

PV is out.

It looks good, although I've imagined the voices of the girls different.

Citrus discussion 19 May 01:36
joined Dec 18, 2013

Well now, that was pretty cool. And you see? That kiss was earned and doesn't betray their characters at all. Oh and Sarah was there to help them to move forward with their feelings and to finally face them. All in all, the "twins" are a pretty cool addition to the cast.

And I wasn't too off the mark with Harumin's sis, although I so didn't see coming that she would be a "bigger Mei". Then again, she could be a stealth gyaru just like Harumin

And I don't know what are you guys talking about the art, it was as good as ever. Yes, that hand was poorly drawn but everyone has slips every now and then (plus, you know how hard is to draw hands anyways?)

last edited at May 19, 2015 1:36AM