Except Sakurako doesn't need to study, because she is just naturally gifted and reads for a hobby.
She can master any dish on first try, so she doesn't put any more effort into it than a dish someone made a 100 times in their sleep.
Sakurako doesn't have any trouble multi-tasking housework and in fact works because she is bored, not because she likes to work.
No matter how you spin it, compared to a normal human she invests far less effort into everything with 10 times better results. That's because her talents are portrayed as super-human, just like Kasumi's monstrous appetite. It's not supposed to be realistic or relatable. You're supposed to think "Whoa that's amazing and crazy", just like Kasumi does.
What makes Sakurako relatable is her dorkiness, how she is scared of anything horror related, how she worries about her body image and the way she acts around her family. Maybe you are the one looking at things the wrong way?
EDIT: Let me put it this way: To be a hard worker, the work has to be actually hard. If it is not, then it's just work.
last edited at May 18, 2019 4:54PM