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Image Comments 21 May 01:44
joined Aug 26, 2018

You were so close and yet so far...

Image Comments 21 May 01:43
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Which Ryuko went on with Satsuki...

Image Comments 21 May 01:42
joined Aug 26, 2018

We will sooner see yaoi in Persona than yuri, be assured of that. The majority harping on gay couples are fujoshis. The best solution would be to make a female MC so you can at least date everyone depending on gender, but even that is too much work.
P3P was actually the closest to yuri, because Aigis doesn't care about your gender.

@Swag Wagon That would kinda interfere with all the people who picked Ann as their lover though...

last edited at May 21, 2019 1:43AM

Image Comments 21 May 01:39
joined Aug 26, 2018

Mercy's charity outfit was always a fav.

joined Aug 26, 2018

It was time for Thomas to leave. He had seen everything.

That picture is creep incarnate.

Does that make it any clearer?

Um no.

You worry me Jonathan.

Obviously they're "not bad". Cause she got 92 in one subject. This is an Asian girl we are talking about. She was probably expecting 95+ in every subject.


Stereotypes are charming, didn't you know?

joined Aug 26, 2018

What's with this "yandere, yandere" litany I keep hearing?

Stalkers are by default close to yanderes.
Especially when they out themselves as stalkers unprompted.
Especially when they smile creepily.
Especially when they already invaded your home while you were unable to make informed decisions.

Not all yanderes are violent towards their object of obsession either. She could also just off the editor if he pushes too much. And anyone else who starts talking to her crush.

Image Comments 20 May 16:48
joined Aug 26, 2018

It is a nice drawing. I'd be all for a manga/anime that uses the Nisekoi designs for an actual yuri story. Everything from the ground up would have to be different tho, including personalities.

last edited at May 20, 2019 4:49PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Hopefully they actually meant stimulation, because a clitoral penetration sound really painful

Would you believe me if I told you that some morons actually get clit piercings?
Would I believe that I just actually wrote that?

Image Comments 20 May 15:27
joined Aug 26, 2018

^It's fine, we all wanted to date Ranpha. There is certainly nothing wrong with loving this series.

joined Aug 26, 2018

...while others require (additional or exclusively) clitoral penetration to reach climax.

I don't care for that entire sensitivity debate, but some places should not be penetrated. Stimulated, aggravated, excited, prodded, all of that gladly. But mutilation is not a solution kids. Don't do this at home. Or at your gf's home. Or to your gf's mom.
Don't do it.

Image Comments 20 May 14:12
joined Aug 26, 2018

As someone who has played way too many VNs, I honestly wouldn't rank the GA games very high. They are certainly fun though.If you want to play every single route across the three VNs you'll be playing for quite a while haha

joined Aug 26, 2018

Better twist if she was a yandere

Wouldn't that be about the most expected "twist" ever?

This face sure didn't make it hard to believe.
A stalker that just comes out as a stalker is generally halfway to the yandere side anyway.

joined Aug 26, 2018

But, wait - so, is it that 'a lot of' men are into having their nipples sucked on or are we talking about gay men enjoying some nibbles on their partner?

...and why am I even asking that ._.

My statement was in general, irrespective of sexuality. Men feel pleasure from their nipples as well, albeit not as much as women. Whether it's a super popular thing I don't really know. Just heard some enjoy it.

Asking questions we regret is a staple of this site I feel.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I hear a lot of men are into that.

As a lesbian that thought is extremely repulsive to me.

Let's not shame other sexualities.

joined Aug 26, 2018

You can even suck on a man's chest.

Why in the world would you subject yourself to that?

I hear a lot of men are into that.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm as flat as Koguma and my partners usually have no trouble sucking. Unless you want to put a whole apple in your mouth I dont see the problem.

Hence my living room wall comparison. You can suck on flat surfaces too. You can even suck on a man's chest. Actually sucking on skin is how hickeys are made, so it's even encouraged.

Before this somehow escalates again, there is no problem. I simply don't think Koguma has actual breasts and thus sucking on them is not very rewarding. There is nothing wrong with Koguma and Hino is free to go crazy over those nips as much as she wants.

Case closed.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Sounds like a win-win to me.


joined Aug 26, 2018

^Love makes blind.

last edited at May 20, 2019 10:25AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Her writing must be really good to get a cute stalker who can completely ignore all her faults for it. That must be some Stephen King territory.

Whether this focuses more on the pet or the stalker aspect, we can only lose.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Pls no bully the kuma

My apologies. I was always more of a Hino than a Koguma.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I too enjoy sucking on my living room wall. Might as well kiss a cutting board Hino...

Hino has spelled it out for you—people have different preferences. Just because the author has so scrupulously avoided visual ecchi doesn’t mean there’s no erogenous pleasure at all to be had.

As the saying goes, “Anything more than a teaspoonful is wasted,” (or something like that). :)

It will undoubtedly bring Koguma pleasure and perhaps her embarrassment is what makes Hino feel good (what am i even saying), but my point is that there is nothing to suck. I believe suction cups would not be able to hold on to the perfect frictionless surface that is Koguma's "chest".

Even people who say "flat is justice" are refering to something resembling mammary glands I believe. I'm by no means a "big tiddy" fanatic, but anything below A-cup doesn't count as breasts for me.
Koguma has many great aspects about her that one can love, appreciate and cuddle... but breasts are not one of them.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Welllllll.... at least it's not actual pet play (yet). The stalker twist was not unexpected, but still unnerving.

As important as this extremely dangeorus situation is... I can't help but worry about the deadline! Did she finish that manuscript before fainting?? How long did she sleep anyway? If it was several days she might be in real trouble with her editor. And editors are far scarier than cute stalkers.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I too enjoy sucking on my living room wall. Might as well kiss a cutting board Hino...

Well this non-existent reward aside, you really are in trouble when you have issues just passing a subject. Guess all those sacrifices Koguma made to get Hino to class were in vain. Being in class doesn't mean paying attention after all.

last edited at May 20, 2019 6:31AM

VAMPEERZ discussion 19 May 16:33
joined Aug 26, 2018

There are many flavors of vampires.

Vampires feeding off vampires isn't unheard of.

Yes, vampires are probably the most diverse type of monster in fiction. And that is entirely because of how human they are. I'd still say cannibalistic vamps are rather rare. After all one bloodsucker cant get more out of another than that one "ate" before. If only vampires existed, blood would run out.

Unless we speak of the even rarer kind that produces their own blood and only feeds on life energy etc.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Gestaltzerfall?????? is that really a legit "english" word? I'm German so I understand where it's coming from. But do people really use it? O.o Funny. :)

It's a scientific/medical term, so yes.

last edited at May 19, 2019 10:04AM