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joined May 4, 2013

This would be pretty sweet to read on an e-book device I bet <3 seems like a soothing goodnight story.

joined May 4, 2013

Gaben bless.

Girl Talk discussion 13 Mar 21:49
joined May 4, 2013

I knew I read more from that mangaka, that innocent but perilous vibe is very her.

last edited at Mar 13, 2017 9:50PM

joined May 4, 2013

i still dont get what you mean. trans lesbian couples have the exact same means of fertilization as cis lesbian couples. for CARRYING the child they would need a surrogate mother but that is completely different from the topic of fertilization. and surrogate mothers for hire exist, there is no need to pressure a female family member into carrying a child.

What I meant is the only feasible option for them to witness parenthood is adoption
since fertility goes out the window when medically/surgically transitioning. You said it.
Although looking at your avatar makes me feel like I'm being lectured..

joined May 4, 2013

near as bad as.....who? trans lesbian couples? they would have the exact same problems as not having the sperm + egg combination. trans-cis lesbian or gay couples would, optimally, have the sperm + egg combo so there's no inherent child-bearing problem there. trans-cis straight couples, like cis lesbian couples, would probably not have the sperm + egg combo but if you're saying that straight couples in any way shape or form have it harder than gay couples then you're just flat out wrong.

A het trans woman wouldn't have a uterus, so that's out. And a post-op trans lesbian wouldn't have sperm at all. A pre-op lesbian may not have viable sperm depending on how long she's been on HRT and what particular drug.

As to gay trans men, I gather large doses of testosterone and uteruses (uterii?) don't get along all that well, which is what killed Robert Eads, subject of the documentary Southern Comfort. So you've may have questionable egg viability, again depending a lot on circumstances.

Now of course depending on the country you might have stuff like adoption, surrogacy, freezing sperm or eggs prior to transition, or donated sperm or eggs to complicate the equation in the other direction. Plus probably stuff I forgot to mention.

i said "optimally" for a reason. im aware of all these potential reproductive modifications. i was just speaking hypothetically in order to get at what op could possibly mean by "having it bad"

Bad in the sense that cis-couples have other means of fertilization other than fusing their very own genes together.
Like getting a sperm-donation from a different family member of the couple, or just getting to know a different sperm-donator altogether,
same thing goes for trans-cis-couples really. Trans-couples wouldn't have the uteri neccessary to carry a child.

Though I suppose with one being pre medical transitioning, what could be done is taking the intact sperm and
preserving it for one of the other partners female siblings to carry their child. Though this would take much more
consent of the sister than a simple sperm-donation with them being pregnant for a long time before going into labour.
It'd be possible though technically..

last edited at Mar 13, 2017 6:48PM

joined May 4, 2013

That's terrifying.

last edited at Mar 7, 2017 8:23PM

joined May 4, 2013

My trans ass won't have future children so reading this makes me self-concious at best.
Cis lez-couples don't have it near as bad, it's at times like these I feel like the T should be removed from the abbreviation.

joined May 4, 2013

It was too short. The playful, carefree atmosphere felt charming and they should have further built on that.
There should be a function of the reader for adjusting the size to fit the page horizontally.

last edited at Feb 13, 2017 2:44PM

joined May 4, 2013

Crippling depression is what this gave me. May just be me.

joined May 4, 2013

God bless America.

joined May 4, 2013

It's kinda weird having people debate over another person's preference in lovers, even if this is made for the masses.. Me being too introverted probably

joined May 4, 2013

I'll one day muster the courage to read this, I swear.

joined May 4, 2013

Not funny the first time, not funny now (how come i have this in one of my folders..)

joined May 4, 2013

They looked so soft that I couldn't resist


last edited at Jun 12, 2016 6:07PM

Desk War discussion 13 May 12:29
joined May 4, 2013

reading into it being cum

How lewd are you guys??

last edited at May 13, 2016 12:29PM

Desk War discussion 12 May 16:45
joined May 4, 2013

It's an allegory for what Sayman's work threatened to do to his personal life (relationship)

last edited at May 12, 2016 4:45PM

joined May 4, 2013

While being supa cute, this makes me kinda depressed being a pre-everything trans-gal myself,
albeit not having read beyond the first chapter yet..props to chii for having made it..

..both. Rly, congratulations.

last edited at Mar 4, 2016 11:44AM

joined May 4, 2013

Usually I can' t read lolicon without feeling disturbed and it ruining the manga... But this was... Idk ... o////o
Now I feel disturbed that I didn't feel disturbed while reading

Chill, they look pretty much the same age learning from eachothers bodies.
This actually made me pretty nostalgic. haaah

joined May 4, 2013

Maximum cutes.
Kiniro Mosaic anyone? hoooooo

joined May 4, 2013

I don't get this guy =^= what's not to like about puss?
Like, that is an /option/?

Yuru Yuri discussion 08 Oct 01:26
joined May 4, 2013

I assume you are joking... I don't condone any sexist notions to be asociated with yuri.

last edited at Oct 8, 2014 1:47AM

Yuru Yuri discussion 29 Sep 10:34
joined May 4, 2013


MALE???? I'M DONE WITH THIS COMIC /unsubscribes

You may consider counselling regarding your androphobia.
At any rate please stop that, it's offensive! It takes the innocence out of the series when you put it into such light.

last edited at Sep 29, 2014 11:05AM

joined May 4, 2013


joined May 4, 2013

Now that I think about it Defloration tag is actually pretty damn accurate...

joined May 4, 2013

"Friendzone"-tag anyone? Too spoiling?