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joined Feb 1, 2013

I could have done without the photography creepiness. It's not funny and has been done about a billion times too often. But otherwise... ^^

You say that, but given everything we've learned of the characters, the guys aren't so much creepers, but rather just legit fans and admirers of Tamamo-chan. To be perfectly honest, I think the boys have been shockingly honest and pure when it comes to the kitsune in question, since they just want to capture the beauty/cuteness of Tamamo.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Top Becomes Bottom Amnesia

I think the far more interesting point, more so than Arisa loosing her Top position, is the fact Mari has grown confident enough that she's no longer a total Bottom!

joined Feb 1, 2013

why is there no yuri tag on this adorable thing

That IS a very good point.. It brings an interesting point forward: can you still have a pairing tag without any explicitly romantic content? I mean, love doesn't have to be romantic...

joined Feb 1, 2013

Hanayo is my spirit animal and Maki is my waifu...I enjoyed this a lot :D

This... This quote. It really speaks to me. Considering she's one of nine characters, it's both expected and frustrating that sweet and kindly Hanayo is the one who seems to get overlooked the most, even though she's sooo cute!

Image Comments 13 Sep 01:02
joined Feb 1, 2013

^She's holding a Shinto talisman (ofuda?) between her middle and pointer finger.

Image Comments 12 Sep 14:21
joined Feb 1, 2013

I love this author because they draw the characters with a more realistic body-type. And, of course, their Eli x Nozomi works are a prime example of this, as the two girls are both curvy and full-figured. Honestly, I'd be upset if Nozomi wan't a little on the "plump" side, considering how curvy she is. And the same goes for Eli (though to a slightly lesser degree).

Image Comments 10 Sep 17:54
joined Feb 1, 2013

Wow! Whoever birthed that litter, it impressive, as there appears to be 10 cubs!

Image Comments 10 Sep 17:49
joined Feb 1, 2013

^Depends... I believe the age of consent in Japan in 16, so it depends on how you define a loli.

Image Comments 10 Sep 17:46
joined Feb 1, 2013

lol. I think it's the combination of Eli holding her arm over Nozomi's eyes and the fact that she also (unconsciously?) grabbing her breast with the other hand.

joined Feb 1, 2013

It could be argued that Rie is bi, since she expresses interest in guys... Though it could also be argued that she doesn't have the life experience to know what she truly wants in life. That said, either way, the girl's clearly alright with the idea of being in a relationship with Aki- who's most definitely a lesbian/gay for her best friend.

joined Feb 1, 2013

When you are a bad bitch, but you are also gay as fuck.

Ikr! I mean, at first I was gonna say something like "Bully-san, you're doing it wrong"... But then I realized, that it was more like "Yuri-san, you're doing it very well!"

joined Feb 1, 2013

I couldnt focus on this at all because I kept thinking MC looks like Maki lol. I'll pick it up again if the next chapters come out but not for now xD

It doesn't help that Soramori resembles Hanayo, either...

I'm starting to think this was really just a drunk dare of 'draw a Love Live alt universe and see how many readers pick up on it'

lol Yeah, it wouldn't take too much to make this a Maki x Hanayo doujin.

Image Comments 27 Aug 07:39
joined Feb 1, 2013

@blopa: Yeah, I agree. I mean, if you look, ExKeine is also teary-eyed as well.

Image Comments 20 Aug 23:18
joined Feb 1, 2013

^I know right, I love how it's just accepted that Nezchan IS Meiling (which she is!) Still, I can totally see Meiling as a player that would go after lots of girls, if she wasn't with Sakuya.

joined Feb 1, 2013

My God, I love these two so much! Even when I've been at my worst (including my depression), the ongoing story of Mari and Arisa had never failed to lift my spirits. These two dorks are just so adorable! I love the fact that Mari has caused me to reconsider my views of what a "tomboy" is. She shows that it's not just physical, because Mari is super girly at points! She's such a great character overall, because she blurs the lines between (supposed) traditional feminine and masculine archetypes, as well as the lines between what makes a person a "top" and a "bottom".

joined Feb 1, 2013

That said, I don't understand why some yuri fans are so strongly anti het. Really, should the most important aspect of a relationship be that there's genuine chemistry to the romance- regardless of the genders?

Maybe because of the older Class S stuff where lesbian girl always get cucked by a male love interest / arranged marriage / suicide / sharknado in the end...? Thankfully we don't see that so often anymore.

Also because some read yuri "for the yuri". If I wanted to read het ( which in no way I want ), I would go read het. You read yuri for romance between girls, so a guy suddenly turning up makes it no longer be actual yuri. Also a reason why many dislike the bisexual tag.

IK'm not talking about mixing the het and yuri together (ie, involving a guy). It's more that I just find it kind of odd that a the existence of a het couple in a mainly yuri manga seems to upset certain people. The way I see it, I figure as long as the yuri isn't broken up by the het elements, then a het side couple (or the fact that one of the women used to be with a man) shouldn't be an issue to the current primari yuri relationship in the comic.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Is it weird that when I read the title "I had a Dream" (my browsing tab cuts off the rest), I instantly think of the line in the Lionel Richie song "Say You Say Me" from the the movie "White Knights"? Am I weird, or just old? XD

last edited at Aug 5, 2018 7:13PM

joined Feb 1, 2013

I didn't watch the 3rd movie, so would i cry?
If it don't have good end and make me cry, i rather stuck with the doujins

Yeah, stick with the doujins

Image Comments 22 Jul 23:35
joined Feb 1, 2013

@Casey 1988: I was going more for alliteration when wrote that.

Image Comments 20 Jul 13:06
joined Feb 1, 2013

^Especial her "Demon Release" (or whatever it was called)

Image Comments 20 Jul 12:48
joined Feb 1, 2013

@Pyoro: Was it discontinued by the creator or publication?
I stopped reading sometime after the point when Ren died...

joined Feb 1, 2013

At least all this is fictional, unlike in the case of the creator of Ruroni Kenshin

Image Comments 15 Jul 02:10
joined Feb 1, 2013

I'd prefer it if were Utsuho x Orin...

joined Feb 1, 2013

It'd been cool if one of the author's other doujins was translated (a cute NicoMaki futa doujin...) but that's just me.

Their Story discussion 04 Jul 20:19
joined Feb 1, 2013

I just realized something... Looking at Qui Tong, is she really supposed to have yellow/golden eyes? Because they appear to be the same color as her hair.