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joined Sep 1, 2021

Oh wow ... this really strokes my clothed-top / naked bottom fetish. I can't be the only one.

Also, this is one of those ships I'm surprised I don't see more of. Their basic personalities would mesh well, but when it comes to sex, Nozomi's boldness with physical intimacy is the polar opposite of Umi's stereotypical Japanese prudishness. Combining that with Umi's regard for tradition - in particular, the ingrained tradition of respect for one's senpai - makes for a devilishly delicious seme/uke dynamic, as this art nicely illustrates.

last edited at May 3, 2023 2:05AM

joined Sep 1, 2021

YES ... now more.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Are those tears or heavy breath droplets?

Also, another day of images with no SumiKeke. :-(

joined Sep 1, 2021

(No)homo FOMO.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Gotta say, I've always hated "NTR-face". Not sure how I like it here.

last edited at Apr 25, 2023 5:40PM

joined Sep 1, 2021

I'm guessing "daddy" is the one with the well-defined inguinal region.

joined Sep 1, 2021

^ Agreed; it's because the tentacles are an extension of a humanoid, skin-covered, thinking and speaking hot chick rather than just some oddly erotically curious octopus monster. Nothing to feel weird about.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Kishi is so talented. Just reading this was entrancing; made it almost feel like you were in Mari's place.

joined Sep 1, 2021


Long live NicoMaki.

last edited at Apr 22, 2023 3:40AM

joined Sep 1, 2021

It's about time! Where have they been?

joined Sep 1, 2021

Pffft ... love how Setsuna has to stand on a step!

joined Sep 1, 2021

What video games would look like now if the Virtual Boy had been successful.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Twin twintails. A rare treat.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Maki's hungry for some tiny tsundere. Also, is Nico going commando under that sweater?

joined Sep 1, 2021

Time for Airi to engage in a jealousy ploy. Start hanging around Kaoru. Or maybe Nao -- and convince her to wear a collar and a "USEFUL LESBIAN" T-shirt under her uniform.

Sorry Michiru, but you've brought this on yourself, girl.

Why did they suddenly start misspelling "yeah"? It's weird and distracting. Makes the characters sound like a bunch of Norwegians or Germans or something. "You vant to meet after der schoolen?" "Oh, yah."

There's supposed to be an E in there. You can't hide from the truth forever!

I've noticed it's become a new leetspeak thing. Like saying "for rlz", or "smol", or "because" without following with "of". Something about paring down speech appeals to the kids these days. I guess it's so you can text faster.

I sometimes wonder what Alexander Graham Bell would think if informed that progress had replaced phone calls with a faster and more convenient telegraph.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Lovley job on the eyes here.

Also, this is one of those few arts where I don't necessarily feel it would be improved without clothing. Probably.

joined Sep 1, 2021

^^^^ Eh, sorry. Autism is a spectrum, but Enid is nowhere on it.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Despite the fact that I feel hopelessly out of the loop on this Hololive/VTuber stuff, I can't help but like this ship, entirely on the basis of what I've seen in Dynasty images.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Is there really no cunnilingus tag?

joined Sep 1, 2021

^^^^ Thank you.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Jokes aside: This chapter broke my expectations of the teacher being the culprit. This manga seems a bit creepy to me. Age Gap where the younger partner is the initiator isn’t natural. I like the author, so I’ll read on, but I won’t post anything else in this thread.ea

This is a rather ... odd perspective. I would think most people would find it "creepy" if the older person were the aggressor. In fact I'd think the only way most readers would find it tolerable would be if the younger one were the aggressor. The fact that the reverse is more "natural" (i.e. commonplace) helps to pull this more deeply into the realm of fantasy and further evade questions of moral responsibility.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Blax posted:

Now I'm really hoping the author didn't just pull the same BS he did with Kanae and Haruka (i.e. having everything happen offscreen) was bad enough with those two, but for basically the biggest Ross-Rachel couple in this series, that'd be pretty inexcusable.

What happened offscreen with Kanae/Haruka? They're my favorite couple and I'm pretty sure everything has been upfront. We haven't seen them kiss, but there's no indication they've done so offscreen, either. They seem to be at a relatively innocent stage with each other at the moment (i.e. simple hand holding and physical closeness).

last edited at Feb 5, 2023 6:18PM

joined Sep 1, 2021

Chie is so cute, getting thrilled about the recognition like that.

As for the credits page, if you ask me they've got it backward - Miyoshi's the one in denial, and the ball's entirely in her court. Ayano's ready and waiting for the green light, so if anything she's the one who'd be tickled to be seen as Miyoshi's GF.

17hunter00 posted:

The NSFW tag finally making sense after all these years

I was thinking about taking it away and putting it only where it's deserved but I'm too lazy to do that...

I've considered suggesting it as well. In the early chapters it was understandable, but now it's overwhelmingly the exception rather than the rule. It gets my hopes up when I see it before I remember it's a group tag.

The colors the author uses are just stunning. Especially on the hairs.

Sensei is a marvelous artist, although, most of the characters look like they got kind of short legs and even smaller feet, but maybe, it's just my perception, but he damn well knows, how to draw beautiful characters

I wish other manga artists would take notes. He uses aspects of the face - notably the forehead, eyebrows, noses (!), and overall shape, to provide the distinguishing features that other artists ignore, resulting in "generic manga face".

There is quite literally zero heterosexual explanation for this, in case Ayano hasnt noticed :⁠-⁠P

Weeeell ... I wouldn't go that far. For heterosexual girls who are close this can be a sign of trust and intimacy. Believe it or not, this sort of thing can even apply to straight males - see athletes slapping each other's butts and guys giving each other "titty twisters".

Pale yellow bra and grey panties? What a horrible combination.

Airi should kick her ass for her awful taste in lingerie. I know I would.

Airi has plenty of other reasons to kick her ass.

For real. Go back and look at chapters 168, 187, and 193. In 168, Michiru is one vanilla-lick away from pulling Airi into a broom closet. By 193, she's pulled herself into the closet because she, of all people, is in denial. It actually makes sense. The camera is her shield; it's what both satiates and justifies her desire for females - and Airi in particular - while giving her plausible cover as her "art".

I have a fantasy about one day Airi showing up in Michiru's futon wearing nothing but a necklace with a USB token on the end. "I erased your camera footage after downloading it to here. Come and get it if you want it so bad. Then we'll see which is more important to you ..."

joined Sep 1, 2021

Nice to get an opportunity to appreciate Michuru from a sexual standpoint, since in her scenes Airi is normally the ecchi focal point. But Michiru's cute too and has a very nice body.

Are we being punished now we finally got a sex scene out of this?

I'd remind everyone that the sex scene came from the one couple who had, on several occasions, furiously made out with each other. Nobody else has been even close to their level of unambiguous sexual interaction (unless you want to count the sadist/masochist pair, which is ... a bit different). So perhaps "spoiled" is a better term than "punished", but I haven't really been expecting anything more.

My prediction for the next "breakthrough" is that Ayano/Miyoshi will get accidentally drunk on something they didn't know was spiked and have a drunken makeout session. And then pretend they don't remember.

joined Sep 1, 2021

I am oblivious to this fandom, but I love the idea of angels fucking.