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joined Apr 15, 2011

**lmao** this convo has been all over the map. so 2 questions:

  1. did the furballs ever find a way down from the trees to win the war?, and
  2. if this thread has turned into a drama contest, does that make its contestants wanna-be drama kings and drama queens?
joined Apr 15, 2011

cute first chp. plus, kissing is a good way to keep a mouth busy. no talking, no smoking. nice.

joined Apr 15, 2011

There's a missing page, just sayin'…

that page helped a little, but story still needs to be a bit longer.

…But yeah, that's the chapter I liked the least in the anthology, I think. It probably would have needed to be longer, because the developments were too abrupt. :\

agreed. you just cannot cram that much drama into 30p. and have it make a whole lotta sense.

"Oh hey, Satake likes you and you're gonna cross the bridge? Then I guess we can't be together anymore." Like, wow there, isn't that a bit fast?

Still, Canno likes her slightly creepy lines/shots, doesn't she…

lol. creepy? to me that line in particular read more like she was giving up and running away from her feelings, but i suppose it's how you read it. i kinda hope the stories involving Satake add more color the this Umi/Sayo story or at least lets the reader know if those two go beyond being a bickering old couple.

15Y+ discussion 17 May 22:39
joined Apr 15, 2011

Kyonne posted:

"I've watched over you since birth" leads to "I fell in love at first sight"

"Here, Officer, this is the person you're looking for. A cradle robber."



+4, from me and my conscience



= 9008.

"FUCKING MATH", you say? blasphemy! how dare you speak ill of math!


joined Apr 15, 2011

The art looks like someone who learned how sex and bodies work from hentai, which in turn cribbed off other hentai, and so on, and at no point did anyone involved look at real bodies or even live-action porn.

Forever perpetuating the standard of bad.

It's hentai all the way down.

well, not too surprised given this oneshot is also on e-hentai. what sucks is that a good majority of yuri hentai falls into the trappings of bad or really bad hentai (ok, most hentai falls into those categories). sometimes it's forgivable if the story is half-good or if the art is amazing. for this oneshot, a case could be made that it falls into the so-so category, where it is not really bad, but not terribly good.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Rather than getting a massage here, I prefer to work a part time here and be the one who perform the massage. Hahaha

yep. i completely agree with you.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Kaoru is gorgeous and awful.
I love her.

my exact sentiments.

you have to admit, Kaoru really knows how to push Shizuka's buttons.

btw, the yaoi is like whoa. it's so risqué! now what i've been wondering is if these are the pages Honoka and Alicia have ben working on and were they added at the end as a teaser?

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 1:07AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

Faust posted:

This is one of the stories mentioned in that thread by EvilDevil no? "there is a yuri anthology where girls can impregnate other girls"

Yes it is first story. I'm surprised it got translated and so fast after Evil posted it.

you and me both. there are three stories IIRC. what will be doubly amazing is if all the stories get translated super quick, like before month's end.

EDIT: had to go back and check. there's only three stories in the anthology.

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 12:50AM

joined Apr 15, 2011


machigai - why does it make you uncomfortable?

joined Apr 15, 2011

Mahiro and Mahiru ain't actuall twins, are they?

Nope they are not actually twins - their names are Ogi Mahiru & Ooshita Mahiro - so can't be.

not so sure that's the case. iirc, this discussion came up in one of the earlier chapters. a commenter suggested that the parents may have divorced with each twin going to a parent. also in this chapter, it's a bit ambiguous, but one twin noted that their mother always bought their underware up until the trip to the lingerie store. if the twins didn't have the same mother, i suppose i'd be odd to say your mother bought underware for both you and your friend. however, the world of the mahimahi twins is insanely weird, so you never know what's what.

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 1:25AM

Steps discussion 19 Mar 09:57
joined Apr 15, 2011

I tagged the series as ongoing since no one else has.

thanks YG! that helps

joined Apr 15, 2011

So where do I find out more about these "Ancient Lesbian Chinese Lovemaking Arts"

You travel to a hidden temple in China, where only women are admitted.

There, you learn to master the 108 techniques for making a woman orgasm.

But shhh... I said too much.


maybe they'll release a picture book illustrating the positions. maybe they can call it "108 Lotus: SecretTechniques to Female Orgasm".

Steps discussion 12 Mar 15:18
joined Apr 15, 2011

So the series 'Steps' is different from the anthology 'Steps'? Dammit Takemiya!

Reading the description for this one again, the other one is part of it, except... not? So confusing. All I know is there are two pages here called Steps.

i too am having a time ordering this out.

so Steps according to the descript is 7 parts; the 3 chp in the series, chp 4&5 from my beloved, and ??? what are the other two chapters? and will the series link have all 7 parts grouped together? (btw: i'm assuming all 7 parts are on dynasty. because Steps isn't listed as ongoing).

joined Apr 15, 2011

what i find both silly and humerous is that you felt the absolute need to comment nearly 2 years later. what purpose does/did it serve? to say you're right and i'm wrong? ok, you're right. feel better now? have you proved that you're a true manga affectionado? ok, yay? you go? that's all i'm pointing out. anyhoo, i'll leave it at that.

I'm sorry, but you posted something on a forum. Forum posts last as long as the forum does (bar moderators). I can't think of a single forum where discussions formally end after one week of no replies. It really sounds like you're attacking Faust in order to protect your intellectual dignify, but no one else is judging you on it. No one cares you were wrong but you.

shy, - maybe so. just found it silly. oh well, it's said and done. moderators...

The best kind!

ummm, might omit the run-of-the-mill kind but definitely reserve that for the ones being extra generous with the shots?

joined Apr 15, 2011

Always a great one-shot to come back to! Light and sweet :3

yeah, Kurogane-sensei is in my top 10 list. his works always tend to be fun and cheerful. actually, I don't think I've ever read a sad or depressing Kurogane Ken story. does one exist?


Inter Face???
Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 with all of its angst for the future and drama?
My Path was pretty dark and depressing?
Granted, Persona Karen came out after you posted that comment, but there you go, darkness.
Heck, even Shoujo Sect had its fair share of drama/sadness.

Alright, not all of these are necessarly "sad and depressing" or end that way, but they are definitely not "fun and cheerful".

So yeah, they exist. Have fun.

Faust, you felt compelled to reply 18 months later? ummmm..... ok. you're right. i give. i missed 2 at the time of the original posts, but damn them added extras. i shoulda known better. damn my inabillity to foresee the future or to find a Kenn story that was dark and twisty back in 2014 so i'd know better than to post a comment that you'd find in 2016 to point out my faults from 2 years ago. gosh... i shoulda known better and i'ma have to pull my imaginary crystal ball out so i'll know better next time.

LMAO. make out of date comments much?

What are you talking about? I checked the dates. Besides Persona Karen, they were all released at the time.
Actually by the time you had written that comment, everything except Persona Karen was already there.
Just saying, cus I really have no idea where you got the the idea that his works were often 'light and sweet'
I could have made the same comment 15 minutes after yours and my point still would have been the same.

what i find both silly and humerous is that you felt the absolute need to comment nearly 2 years later. what purpose does/did it serve? to say you're right and i'm wrong? ok, you're right. feel better now? have you proved that you're a true manga affectionado? ok, yay? you go? that's all i'm pointing out. anyhoo, i'll leave it at that.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Always a great one-shot to come back to! Light and sweet :3

yeah, Kurogane-sensei is in my top 10 list. his works always tend to be fun and cheerful. actually, I don't think I've ever read a sad or depressing Kurogane Ken story. does one exist?


Inter Face???
Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 with all of its angst for the future and drama?
My Path was pretty dark and depressing?
Granted, Persona Karen came out after you posted that comment, but there you go, darkness.
Heck, even Shoujo Sect had its fair share of drama/sadness.

Alright, not all of these are necessarly "sad and depressing" or end that way, but they are definitely not "fun and cheerful".

So yeah, they exist. Have fun.

Faust, you felt compelled to reply 18 months later? ummmm..... ok. you're right. i give. i missed 2 at the time of the original posts, but damn them added extras. i shoulda known better. damn my inabillity to foresee the future or to find a Kenn story that was dark and twisty back in 2014 so i'd know better than to post a comment that you'd find in 2016 to point out my faults from 2 years ago. gosh... i shoulda known better and i'ma have to pull my imaginary crystal ball out so i'll know better next time.

LMAO. make out of date comments much?

Swap discussion 08 Mar 08:26
joined Apr 15, 2011

I'd be happy if some people recognize the references.

Well done.*bows and swinging my bootiful booty btw*

say Rakusa, are the references from tv (shows or IRL events), anime, or manga?

Swap discussion 08 Mar 01:24
joined Apr 15, 2011

this may sound totally inappropriate, but it's a good thing neither have the crabs or lice. i mean, come on. you're putting on someone else's underware?!?!?! eeeeeewwwwwwwww!

joined Apr 15, 2011

Except for page 2, the vaginas are good enough anatomically, since female genitalia are kinda weirdly shaped and varied anyway.

ummmm...... genitalia in general is weirdly shaped regardless of gender.

thats true! but penises aren't really relevant for this doujin right now lol

lol. i know, just felt like putting that out in the universe

joined Apr 15, 2011

Except for page 2, the vaginas are good enough anatomically, since female genitalia are kinda weirdly shaped and varied anyway.

ummmm...... genitalia in general is weirdly shaped regardless of gender.

joined Apr 15, 2011

I didn't like this chapter. It creeped my out a little. That was not hot.

creepy? maybe a tab bit. out of place and makes you wonder if Charie just needed a filler chapter? hmmm... i wonder. boring and annoying sex? ugh! i kinda wish i could unread parts of this chapter :-\

i'm hoping the last chapter redeems this chapter.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Car Voltron would be cool. I liked the larger ensemble cast idea way more than the "five idiots with lions" thing.

lol. well, the whole 5-character shtick has been overplayed (i.e. power rangers), but Voltron might find a good following especially since Gatchaman was remade. i'd guess that fans of one would easily follow the other.

hell, i just wish the majority of cartoons and anime i watched as a kid would be remade. well, i have a few exceptions. please, please, please never remake Gem, Strawberry Shortcake, Carebears, or My Little Pony. *blegh*

joined Apr 15, 2011

Why did the little sister have such materials in the first place? Did Saki make it and then store it? Spy cam? Clearly her sister has watched (maybe just a glance at) the content...unless it had a label which it didn't seem to.

much like Faust's comments above, i too am under tne impression that the little sister recorded Saki masturbating and that Saki has not clue Aki saw her doing "that".

joined Apr 15, 2011

Prince Namor
Captain Planet
Magical Guruguru
Magical taruruuto-kun
Dragon Quest Dai's adventure
Zatch Bell (Not that old,but whatever)
3 eyes boy
Phoenix (tezuka osamu)
Fantastic Planet

man i forgot about Prince Namor. might be fun to see dueling episodes of Namor going back-to-back against Aquaman.

Fantastic Planet - seen this a dozen times but never knew that name. also, i'm not making any comparisons, but i wonder if bits and pieces of Avatar might have been inspired from FP?

i'd prolly add Aeon Flux as well. it isn't that old, but i'd just like the characters to get a make-over.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Totally off-topic, but i was thinking about old-school animes and American/Canadian cartoons I would love to see remade. The first one that popped into mind was Danger Mouse. I was also going to mention Speed Racer, but I see it's been remade. Anyone else know of some oldies, but goodies that deserves a second look?