It's unfortunate, I must not have expressed myself very well. As far as I can tell, none of my points got across, and your response was basically just a restating of your initial position.
Your points simply have not in any meaningful way affected my stance, because you are interpreting facts in a way that is overly idealized towards your preferences. I am glad @random explained all these points, because I really wouldn't have had the patience.
Although I replied to BV in the first place, not you, so it's not like I was responding to your points to begin with.
More importantly, and I don't say this as staff but rather as an ordinary person interested in discussion. All discussions worth having begin with respect between each person involved, and respect for the subject at hand. Your treatment of BV at the end here is uncouth, and displays a clear lack of respect for him. If you hold such contempt for a person or their worldview, it would likely be better for everyone involved if you avoided engaging with them to begin with. I similarly fail to see any value in triumphantly declaring yourself the victor after having either A) completely misunderstood the point out of ignorance, or B) willfully painted your opponent's claim in the worst possible light. I like to think the best of anyone in a given discussion, so I'll assume it's A and just take one moment to clear it up.
I have not belittled BV, I have belittled his stance and will continue to do so as long as he strings along half-hearted arguments without any interest in the greater picture. Neither A nor B apply. Please don't project this stuff unto me just because you disagree and don't like my tone. And I want you to point out where I said anything about triumph or victory, just so we are clear this is the same conversation.
Any engagement of meaning with the Syrian Civil War would reveal that BV was discussing the YPG-led Kurdish government in Syria, commonly referred to as "Rojava" or "the Kurds." They most certainly represent elements of the kind of anarchy that me and BV agreed on, and they have been on the opposite side of the dictatorship for nearly the entire civil war.
I was fully aware of what he was refering to. What I was obviously implying is that these movements have achieved almost nothing at the time when the country was even halfway stable, therefore Syria was just another regime. You can't make any judgement on what political ideologies have merit in times of a civil war, only beyond it.
last edited at Apr 13, 2020 3:50AM