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joined Mar 29, 2017

Link just brings up an error message. In Japanese.

Ah it worked earlier, strange. I deleted it from my comment, thank you. This is the direct link from the the author’s twitter:
52-53 are the most recent chapters


If the dissussion around this not being subtext was any hint yes they are so very gay.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I can reach a middle ground by saying that people can project whatever they want on Bowsette. To me, it's a female version of Bowser, as if it had always been a woman. If magic can change the outside, it can also change the inside.

Others project transgender issues on what is basically a spur-of-the-moment fanart that spun out of control on the Internet.

I can respect that and say that both ways of thinking are valid, since there's no real "author intention" here. Or rather, the intentions are multiple and proteiform.

Well I wouldn't call it a transgender issue so much as a genderswap issue. One's a real issue, the other is complete made up nonesense which doesn't follow consistent rules. As a realist/pessimist, assuming the worst is always easier. So unless stated otherwise by the artist, this is hetero to me.

But I do understand and commend the wishful thinking many people have and that might ultimately be the core intention of this whole trend. A bunch of people wanting to bang fem!Bowser and be able to say "no homo" anyway.
The yuri community just repurposed that cheat lol

The meme is repurpoused concept art that was rediscovered. We are talking way back when toadett was becomeing a thing. I dont remember exactly the game or situation but the idea was if you put on peach's crown you became a mix of her and [insert character here] and bowser × peach was one of the the ideas that got scrapped. So what seems like a sudden burst of creativity was probly someone commeing across the concept art and just running with the idea. If people want it enough ill ask around to see if i can get my hands on the orignal concept art (if it hasnt already been made public by a big site).

joined Mar 29, 2017

Why does no one ever ship Ucchi anymote, even though she has the only canon lesbian crush on Tomoko? And is cute.

For me, it comes down to the fact that Ucchi just has a creepy, one-sided stalker crush on Tomoko, and their actual interactions beyond Ucchi being weird have been limited. Yuri has a more natural relationship with Tomoko, and their dynamic is more compelling, IMO.

Agreed. Ucchi just came off as a creepy gag character to me so I could never ship her seriously with Tomoko. I still think their interactions are funny but her lack of an actual face creeps me out.

Tomoko herslef was and kinda still is a creepy gag character when you have two of them together you have a very diffrent story.

joined Mar 29, 2017

iPhone and pc, and now this? Japannes people really are something

Canada created Totaly Spys (holy mother of fetish fuel)

America has some of the strangest laws that make zero sense.

And Aulstralia has spiders so big when they move into the same room as you boss music starts to play.

Seems par for the course for the world.

Image Comments 30 Sep 07:13
joined Mar 29, 2017

^you dont remember the haunted house levels from the mario games.

Image Comments 30 Sep 07:07
joined Mar 29, 2017

Cant wait for nintendo to have been secrectly behind the whole thing.

Pink Rush discussion 29 Sep 21:38
joined Mar 29, 2017

See you guys in 2020

joined Mar 29, 2017


That's all I have to say after this chapter

I'm only in it now for popular girl to realise she's hella gay for nerd girl. Most likely after all the boys hit on her because She's Cute Now


The rules of buisness are the same as the real world if someone/something does something as good or beter then you, just do a

joined Mar 29, 2017

Ahhh windows updates useless and destructive.

Image Comments 27 Sep 03:57
joined Mar 29, 2017

This is rather rapey and im ok with that.

joined Mar 29, 2017

So she went from sad drunk to confused after sleeping with girl then learned about how violent her parrents are(been there done that) took her in learned her age then told her to go away and what felt like 4 days later jumped to hopelessly in love. Is it just me or did this move a bit fast.

Image Comments 24 Sep 13:26
joined Mar 29, 2017

^Yet nintendo does on the regular.

Image Comments 24 Sep 04:50
joined Mar 29, 2017

This explanes why peach hasnt birthed 40 half human half turtle crimes agenced nature.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Who knew you could stuff these many fetishes in such a small package?

Totaly spies.

Lily Marble discussion 23 Sep 06:48
joined Mar 29, 2017

johnb posted:

johnb posted:

Why do women let themselves get tangled up with married men!? It's not like there is a damn shortage of single men.

Because some women like the thrill of it, or "taking a man from another woman" reinforces their self-confidence about being better than others.

Or because not all women seek commitment (or are already committed) and having a married man is a way to lessen the possibility of him sticking to her.

Or because he seduced her and she hopes he will leave his wife for her.

There's plenty of valid reasons. But someone is probably bound to be hurt.

I'm not sure I'd call any of those reasons valid.

You're not them.

Maby its just he has a penis and close by. Lazyness effects everyone some times.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Just don't call Nico a third wheel!

Your right she is the handle bars ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Lily Marble discussion 23 Sep 02:23
joined Mar 29, 2017

You love her! realize it already you brainless..slut? Wait! did she just make out with a married guy? That cheating bastard! and don't worry hikari, just surrender yourself to yuri, and indeed, you shall be forgiven.

btw I can't get enough of this manga's art. the characters look like actual adults unlike many adult life mangas where they'd look just like highschoolers.

I mean its only cheating if the wife isnt ok with it (yes there are people that are ok with their partner sleeping around).

joined Mar 29, 2017

Day9? The guy who plays hearthstone and laughed at his own laugh?

joined Mar 29, 2017

Maybe it's like Loveless and your ears fall off after you do a fuck. /joking

Ears no need for forplay yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

joined Mar 29, 2017

I guess the author has a jumbled ideas that couldn't create a better plot line. Every chapter is always away from supposed to be the plot. Of course, I saw other story made it like that and it's fine but w/ this story it's kinda annoying tbh. tMnr probably not sure where this story going to, so just keep prolonging, putting another drama, until she gets what she's going to do to Uta and Kaoru.

Or the person/people/company said we want more of this so more chapters then planed. Thus extending the plot to keep the pay check. Stuff happens all the time sometimes you get something that never gets old ala yuru yuri and othertimes you get the prolonged wet fart of Nisekoi.

joined Mar 29, 2017

They went thru a cycle of emotions that norrmaly take a few weeks in like 5 days.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I missed this jam last year and was hecka glad to have actually caught it this year. Last year it was almost all visual novels and it might be this year too, so my little team is working on an action game instead! sometimes girls just wanna beat stuff up in mechs with jet boosters, and be gay while doing it, y'know?

Good luck man hope you and your team understand what you got yourslefs into with all the animations. Just some advice with hitboxes before you ship the game remember to turn them back to transparent or youll have big grey shapes stuck to legs and arms randomly.

oh yes, I've done action games before! this isn't my first game, haha. I'm the coding half of the team, but both me and the artist can do animation stuff so that's all pretty much sorted already.

Whats the name of the game ill be sure to check it out and ill write up some feed back if i get the time to when your done with it.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I like how it goes from cute fluff to wanna **** in 2 panels.

Sounds like real life to me (sadly not a joke)

joined Mar 29, 2017

People need to grow and sometimes that means hurting thoes you care about. That being said did she not promise to come back or find her? Why the hit and quit?

joined Mar 29, 2017

I missed this jam last year and was hecka glad to have actually caught it this year. Last year it was almost all visual novels and it might be this year too, so my little team is working on an action game instead! sometimes girls just wanna beat stuff up in mechs with jet boosters, and be gay while doing it, y'know?

Good luck man hope you and your team understand what you got yourslefs into with all the animations. Just some advice with hitboxes before you ship the game remember to turn them back to transparent or youll have big grey shapes stuck to legs and arms randomly.