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joined Aug 19, 2015

lol Asako was actually trying to be a good communicator but ended up learning the wrong lesson because of bad relationships.

I was not prepared for that declaration. I can't believe I actually thought Miyako would go at this slowly. XD

I can't tell how worried I should be about the last page (chapter 15). I think Asako is joking about leaving, but I'm not 100% sure.

I also think she's joking but if my roommate suddenly heard about all my toxic exes before I was ready to talk about it myself, I'd wanna move out too... At least for a couple days, mostly out of embarrassment.

last edited at Nov 10, 2022 4:27PM

joined Aug 19, 2015

Senpai is BASED. Ahhhhh I want.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Ahh, so you're saying they're both kinda fruity.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Ok the premise must've changed right? No shot these two just carry on being a couple without either one realizing. What's next they'll kiss each other but thinks it's just normal between friends?

Pretty sure in a few years time, they'll start living together. One of them will propose they wear friendship rings and they'll hold a ceremony to commemorate it. They might even go on vacation right after, get a little cozy in bed, and friendship their brains out. You know... as friends do.

And one day, while sitting at their balcony after the years have piled up, they might just ask, "Hey, are you and I--?"

And they'll realize that they're more than friends...

They're best friends. Roommates even.

last edited at Nov 6, 2022 1:30AM

joined Aug 19, 2015

Electrifying even.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Love you, too! XD

joined Aug 19, 2015

The fact that they're revealing features that look like Elsa to us while not showing her fully to Evie makes me think she really isn't Elsa.

The wind magic thing hints at her learning it from Evie in the past but maybe she's just powerful.

joined Aug 19, 2015

You and I will never see eye-to-eye...

unless you sit on my lap.

joined Aug 19, 2015

I though Miyako's birthday is on January 1(based on the extra chapter).

Or is August 1 her idol birthday or something?

joined Aug 19, 2015


Anyone have an emotional support Discord coz I'mma need it after this.

joined Aug 19, 2015

A-are you bragging????


joined Aug 19, 2015

I'm a filthy casual who watched the anime in 2014 but I jumped straight into this extra chapter. Well, good to know they progressed after all this time. XD

joined Aug 19, 2015

That was glorious. I feel blessed. Thank you, Yuri gods. Please keep it comin'.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Frak. That chap was good. I was absorbed so I wasn't ready for it to end.

last edited at Oct 15, 2022 3:31PM

joined Aug 19, 2015

"It's MUTUAL" fist pump

joined Aug 19, 2015

plays "I wanna be your girlfriend" by girl in red

joined Aug 19, 2015

ughh this is giving me feelings I don't know how to deal with

joined Aug 19, 2015

The player who every girl wants, who can seduce and bed any woman in the world, falling for you and renouncing his/her ladykiller ways to dedicate him/herself to care for you and make you happy for the rest of your life?

That's like the oldest, most beloved trope in women's fiction since forever.

There's something I've been thinking from the beginning—why would Nakano pay Miyako to sleep with her? For someone like her, who gets any girl she fancies & is used to fuck for free with whomever she damn wants, paying for sex should be unthinkable. Forking out money to buy Miyako is a humiliation! She wouldn't do it unless she's desperate because all the other tricks have failed already!

This is why I suspect Miyako is special to Nakano and in fact has been for some time.

(I hope nobody replies that "hah, if she was special to her she wouldn't make Miyako screw other people" because god, that would be sad...)

There's sometimes a lack of consent so it's pretty scummy how it progressed so this doesn't justify how this happened. But, I think the payment is to get Miyako to transition into the kind of world Nakano is in - that is to say a more sexually liberated yuri world. Prior to that, Miyako wouldn't have entertained her at all or prolly would've dismissed it as something impossible for her since her main focus in life is... er budgeting. But money, money is something that occupies her thoughts so the prostitution proposal made her start opening to the idea of sex and therefore made it easier for Nakano to make a move.

joined Aug 19, 2015

It's time.

Kinda wish there was some kind of heart pupils in the eyes or something, but this is good as it is, we don't get this often.

Over the years, I've gotten fond of the heart in the eyes thing but in this context I think it's better without it. The heart eyes usually signal uncontrolled ecstasy(to the point of being delirious sometimes) or something like that . Since there's a love potion involved, if she had heart eyes, it would feel like the potion is causing her to be in love. The way it is now, feels more like the shop owner advertised and that she's just being true to her feelings... er with less inhibitions.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Yeah, agreed. I love yuri allies and Arita-kun being a wingman but let's also hold him accountable for being a jerkface initially. To be fair, he did say no one has ever turned him down before(or something like that) so that's why he held onto that belief for a while. So having these 2 cool girls shut him down brought him back to earth and he's discovered that that's the best place to look up to (yuri) heaven.

joined Aug 19, 2015

What if you
Wanted to read second chapter
But tags said

It's less molestation and more "We're both friends, so now I'm going to touch you until you cum, whether you like it or not."

Sounds like molestation to me. But if we dial down our brains and treat it with hentai logic, it would be considered mild. XD

joined Aug 19, 2015

Interesting, slightly weird for Pei Yu to just act like she doesn't recognise the other girl though. Also another instance where I realise how much I love girls with shorter haircuts

My guess is that they drifted apart. Maybe it was sour or maybe it just happened without any fanfare. From the looks of it though, Pei Yu put a lot of effort into crafting this new version of herself and she's probably trying not to act in a way that aligns with her old self.

She definitely recognizes her but I personally wouldn't immediately recognize some people after 10 years. I have to say even old close friends, at least not immediately. Though I'm sure other people are really good with faces.

joined Aug 19, 2015

It says dropped but a new chapter was just added, I don't get it.

I think it's officially dropped after the new chapter. The end of chap 7 says it's the last chap from Volume 1 and there are no plans to TL volume 2 at the moment.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Glorious. More shameless wincest flirting please.

joined Aug 19, 2015

I am kinda curious how this will proceed but I'm thankful for the work Knight Heron put in for now. Loving the info on the dishes!

I'm willing to suspend some judgment for how they're sticking to the hetero duty thing since it's still pretty relevant for Japan.

More than that though, I do feel like there's a deeper issue with Nagisa at least and that's why they're still stuck. Seiko doesn't realize the issue yet so she turns away. Though in the latest update, it looked like she finally wanted to take the plunge.

It seems like Nagisa wants to present as feminine but struggles with it because of her natural bishonen features. I guess it's still possible that she wants to be more feminine to align with society but I feel like she was uncomfortable with her classmates imposing the "Prince" archetype on her at the very least. Perhaps the best path is for her to present as gender fluid or non-binary.

She was also clearly neglected and so she ends up seeking approval from these toxic BFs who keep her hooked via gaslighting. She got baited by the smallest acknowledgement of the part of her that felt unseen by society.

Seiko is her safe haven but she hasn't considered it due to the impact of her dates with women being treated like a phase. If it were just that, it'd be easier to overcome but really it's all these toxic people that she grew up with that's making the trauma harder to climb out of.

Seiko's case is a bit lighter so I think she needs to make the first move. I do understand her a bit as well because everytime she considers making a move, Nagisa is preoccupied with these toxic exes. Because they're so different from her, she ends up thinking she's not even close to Nagisa's type.

last edited at Oct 7, 2022 12:00PM