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joined Mar 15, 2015

You raise some good points, especially about the overtime in Japan. I suppose I'm slightly reminded of Claire Dearing from Jurassic World, who was a successful career woman(at least before the dinosaurs broke loose and killed a lot of people on her watch), but a lot of people in universe thought less of her for not getting married. This included her sister- never mind that she was getting divorced at the start of the movie. I can't help but notice that this archetype is much more likely to be female than male (although that doesn't necessarily mean that the desired person has to be a man or even a spouse).

joined Mar 15, 2015

Maybe it's just me, but I notice a recurring archetype in yuri series- successful career woman who's probably the best in her given field but feels as though she's missing something in her life (i.e. romance) and may not have basic skills like the ability to keep house. I know these kinds of stories are romances, but just once, I'd like to see a woman like that who doesn't need someone else to complete her.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I'm a bit surprised that Ai's sister is already talking about bringing Nagisa to America with her. I'd personally thought that this sort of possible permanent separation between Ai and Nagisa would happen in the final story arc of the manga, after Ai and Nagisa have developed a close bond. Then again, maybe the manga is already coming to an end.

There is AT LEAST up to chapter 14 left, since that's what's out by now, so no worries for now :)

I see. That's a relief.

This chapter didn't do much to improve my opinion of Nagisa's father and stepmother. The former came off as rather neglectful of his son and both his wives, while the latter apparently had no idea what she was getting into when she got married(a bit like Eri Minami, the Temperance Social Link of Persona 4, before she changed for the better).

This chapter's art was rather odd. The shading was strangely done, almost as if it was originally supposed to be color but was then converted into black and white, or if a different artist/assistant did it. I'm not very good at art, so I can't describe it all that well, but it looked different from the previous chapters.

joined Mar 15, 2015

It might be just me, but even as an introvert, I find Shimamura's attitude toward her "pseudo-friendships" with "Pancho," "Delos" and "Santos" to be a bit too cold and cynical. Not all connections with other people have to be deep or lasting, but she too easily writes off those three as not worth her time instead of recognizing that they're trying to be friendly and trying to genuinely respond in kind.

I think Shimamura might actually be on the spectrum. The way she handles social interaction, and the way she thinks about things are pretty atypical. Her difficulty relating to the new girls likely stems from a incomplete grasp on the simple nuances of interpersonal relation that comes naturally to the typically-minded. Also explains why she is confused by Taru's actions and behaviors.

That's certainly possible, but as someone on the spectrum, one of the most important things I've learned in life is that you have to be somewhat sociable from time to time, whether spending time with your family or talking with your classmates or coworkers when they make conversation with you, since doing so can help endear you to the people around you and make it easier to work with others. Maybe Shimamura, who's still in her adolescence, doesn't understand this yet.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I rarely say this myself, and even don't like much when others do so, but this sure looks like an axe job. Not as bad as Yuri Moyou, but still a very sudden ending. The extra bits at least look like Igarashi may have the best chances there, so at least that is nice to see, though.

I agree. Basically, nothing seemed to change at all. I was hoping the MC would go back to being a boy or there'd be some sort of romantic resolution, but it definitely seems as though it got canceled and the manga artist had to write something resembling an ending.

joined Mar 15, 2015

It might be just me, but even as an introvert, I find Shimamura's attitude toward her "pseudo-friendships" with "Pancho," "Delos" and "Santos" to be a bit too cold and cynical. Not all connections with other people have to be deep or lasting, but she too easily writes off those three as not worth her time instead of recognizing that they're trying to be friendly and trying to genuinely respond in kind.

Image Comments 30 Oct 21:04
joined Mar 15, 2015


Just before the last mission, you can choose to marry anyone in your army who is:
2)Has an A support with you and the required points for S Support.
3)Has a compatible sexual orientation.

The bit about "Edelgard and 2 dudes" is probably referring to the house leaders. At the start of the game, you have to choose to teach one of the three houses- Edelgard's Black Eagles house, Dimitri's Blue Lions house or Claude's Golden Deer house- and while the house leader is implied to have feelings for Byleth, you can choose whoever meets the above three criteria.

As for how you get together with Rhea, that's something I can't explain without spoiling the plot, but it requires taking a specific story route, making the right decision when the time comes and getting to an A support with Rhea before the end of Part 1.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I actually thought this was a Homura/Madoka doujin just by looking at the cover until I saw that there was no Madoka or Madoka/Homura tag.

joined Mar 15, 2015

"Because there's nothing more horrifying than realizing that you'll never see what happens next after the end of a oneshot."

Truer words have never been written.

joined Mar 15, 2015

oof,i feel bad for Maron-san...

oh? the MC won't make her work for free,i guess she's not that scummy

oh no,Mom,don't get mad at her....

I agree. Maron could likely end up getting fired over her side job, which would definitely be a problem for her if she needs the two jobs in order to make ends meet.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I'm a bit surprised that Ai's sister is already talking about bringing Nagisa to America with her. I'd personally thought that this sort of possible permanent separation between Ai and Nagisa would happen in the final story arc of the manga, after Ai and Nagisa have developed a close bond. Then again, maybe the manga is already coming to an end.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I was a bit disappointed that Chapter 6.5 didn't show Nagisa's family, since it also showed Ai from before the start of the series. I'd hoped that the chapter would have shed light on some of the events leading up to his father remarrying and his new stepmother leaving him in the care of her younger sister.

Speaking of Nagisa's family, I hope that they actually factor into the plot at some point. If his relationship with his father and stepmother doesn't get developed, then not only will they be derelict in their duty to take care of him, but they'll also come off as more plot devices than characters.

joined Mar 15, 2015

One thing I find interesting is the idea that many of Ichika's classmates idolize her without knowing of her true "otaku" character, which her friends snark about. Perhaps the fact that both Ichika and Akane's public personae don't match their real selves can be explored as a parallel between the two, thus helping Ichika come to terms wtih Akane's true self.

Image Comments 14 Oct 11:10
joined Mar 15, 2015

Thanks for the answers.

@LLENN That reminds me of a nice "show, don't tell" moment from the start of the third season of 24. Early on, Tony hands Michelle something, and a closeup of their hands shows that they're wearing wedding rings, confirming that they got married between Season 2 and 3.

joined Mar 15, 2015

As much as I like how the manga isn't afraid to confront workplace sexism in Japan, especially toward unmarried women like Ai, I personally hope Ai's solution isn't to get married. Instead, I'd like to see her platonic/familial relationship with Nagisa help her gain the confidence to believe in herself and the path she's chosen in life and loosen up a little without losing her independence.

New Game discussion 13 Oct 22:45
joined Mar 15, 2015

I personally like that the start of Volume 11 acknowledges that Hifumi feels a bit left out as Aoba spends more time with her more outgoing and assertive friends. It feels like a realistic development rather than the author simply forgetting about Hifumi.

Image Comments 13 Oct 22:12
joined Mar 15, 2015

Has New Game really come to an end, and if so, what volume number is the last volume?

joined Mar 15, 2015

When I saw the opening narration about how Ai "picked up a cat," I thought it would be another one of those stories about a woman falling in love with a cat, but it turns out that she was speaking metaphorically.

As for the chapter, it has a somewhat inconsistent tone, going from comedy to angst and back, which can be a bit jarring and makes me wonder what the overall tone is supposed to be.

Out of curiosity, does it count as pseudo-incest if Ai falls in love with her nephew, and said nephew is her older sister's stepson? The boy might not be related by blood to Ai, but he's still family to her, even if they've just met.

joined Mar 15, 2015

If only people are like Shirakawa-san before covid spreads like a bushfire, we might be holding tongs together

Do you know how unsanitary wearing skin tight glove for a longer period of time is?! And not to speak of brownian motion completely invalitadting the 90 deg method!!!

Besides, she doesnt even CHANGE the gloves during classes, meaning the germs just rest on top of them instead! This is highly dangerous and might kill - I SAY KILL - those poor (maybe elementary) schoolers.

Technically, they're high schoolers. At the start of Chapter 1, the main character narrates that it's been two weeks since she entered high school.

joined Mar 15, 2015

The second chapter was "the second of two guest chapters," but now, Chapter 3 is "the third of three guest chapters." Does anyone know what's going on?

joined Mar 15, 2015

It's been a weird story. The crying thing is hard for me to relate to, but I've pushed through on heavy Yuri vibes and the side couple.

And then this type of ending. Two of the manga I follow ended this week (Sora & Haena is the other one). One had two timeskips and summed up the entire plot ambiguously with lots of dangling threads in one chapter. The other was this. Yuri ending before the Yuri part is queerbaiting (intentional or not).

Some day, I envision a world where 90% of Yuri endings aren't open, rushed, timeskip-heavy messes.

If we can get there within my lifetime, I think I'll be happy.

I personally find that a lot of romance stories end just as the couple gets together, but a lot of yuri series end with subtext. There are times when subtext can suit the story, but more often than not, I find it's rather disappointing, and shows that many yuri authors are unwilling to fully commit to a lesbian romance.

joined Mar 15, 2015

It's fairly surprising that a harem series would introduce all- or at least several- of the contenders in the first chapter, instead of giving each one an arc/episode. It's an interesting change of pace, but the introductions feel a bit rushed.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I'm on board with the group that thinks this is a false alarm. Either she's just changing houses but staying local, or somebody is moving out and she's staying, or somebody is moving -in- (Dad getting remarried, maybe?)

I think we can rule out the "somebody is moving in" theory. The mover is walking toward the truck with a box.

I doubt it'll be a false alarm, but there's no guarantee that she'll completely leave the story so easily.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I'm a bit disappointed that the "important" conversation that Nana wanted to have with Aya was merely about the latter's favorite color, and it happened offscreen. That's a somewhat anticlimactic resolution to the previous chapter's cliffhanger.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I'm personally curious as to the specific reason why Kia knows all this survival knowledge despite not doing well in school. Assuming she didn't cause the apocalypse for whatever reason, it's possible that she has an interest in this sort of thing, but I'd like to know what the origin of that interest is.