Still, I guess there is some gender discrimination there. While both male and female smoking is viewed negatively, female is more negative.
Still, isn't that true for many "sins" in most countries? While it's gender discrimination, I wouldn't say that it's "anti-female" - it goes against males just as much. Women are generally more shunned for any wrongdoings - but at the same time, men are almost expected to behave badly. "Ah, well he's a guy, of course he'd do this"...
I wouldn't call it sexist: I have to agree with you there. I won't sugar coat it: when a guy sleeps around, we just say "boys will be boys" and that he's just being the stereotypical dumb guy, while if we see a girl sleeping around, she's a slut. It's bad on both parties -- one is being over generalized as always being dumb, while the other is classified as unpure and tainted. We just expect the guy to make a bad decision, smoking, simply because of unjust stereotypes, while we don't expect girls to because "Girls should treasure themselves".