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Image Comments 29 Sep 02:25
joined Dec 18, 2013


I think we all are aware of the fact that ultimately, they're actors. But having the cover of the virtual persona gave them a degree of plausible deniability that let you think "what if is actually real?" Especially with the way Kiara always came off as being legitimately into Calli and girls in general, and even Calli's dere moments worked into it. All of this created a very unique scenario where you could see and interact with fictional characters in a way you rarely see.

But once that Kiara comes out and says that everything is just an act, well, then they're just another streamer for the pile and at least for me, I can no longer see their interactions with each other as anything but just another part of their job.

Oh and your suggestion of "Healthy cynicism" just comes off as being a party pooper that can't see anything without looking for things to smugly say "Is fake". And I think that is such an awful way of living.

last edited at Sep 29, 2021 2:29AM

Image Comments 29 Sep 00:32
joined Dec 18, 2013

As someone that got into Hololive precisely because of Takamori, I must say this is n extremely disappointing turn of events. I think most people saw it coming but I still had hoped for them to be able to work things out but it wasn't the case.

I can't blame Kiara for wanting to be more than just Calli's crazy love interest but the way she did it, well it wasn't the best. She took off the veil that kept Vtubers separate from regular streamers and I simply won't be able to see her and Calli in the same way. I wish them both all the best but whatever comes next is not something I'm interested in seeing, is just not the same, and I do not like the idea of seeing Kiara having new "canon" ships because I can't give them the benefit of the doubt anymore.

The upside is that breaking the link between the character and the performer means that I can keep enjoying Takamori fan works (for as long as keep doing them, at least) by taking them as if they were just another couple from a manga or an anime and ignore completely the existence of their RL counterparts.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I fucking love this series.

Citrus + discussion 19 Sep 15:45
joined Dec 18, 2013

This was an adorable chapter.

Yuzu really cranked up the gay in this chapter and is pretty heartwarming to see how much she loves Mei. That said, I don't think she was really wanting to fuck but rather she was just doing all the corny shit she undoubtedly picked up from an extremely fluffy shoujo manga.

I disagree with the idea that Mei is cold or uninterested towards Yuzu, it has been clear for a while now that she also adores Yuzu but she just doesn't know how to properly express it and her laser focus on living up to the Aihara's family name has left her completely lost when it comes to romance. But she's really trying to learn for Yuzu's sake.

Also, I love how Sub draws them looking older now.

Oh, and thank you so much Megumiaki for joining Chaosteam as the series' translator.

Image Comments 18 Sep 02:45
joined Dec 18, 2013

Calli may be the closest thing we have to a real yet wholesome tsundere.

It would be great if she toned down the act a little though, she comes off needlessly hard at times.

joined Dec 18, 2013

And we got baited again.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh God, is happening at last?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Madoromi will totally fall in love with Ai, isn't she? She has a terminal case of the Tsundere.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Fans never stop surprising me

joined Dec 18, 2013

This fan animation is glorious

Citrus + discussion 20 Aug 03:26
joined Dec 18, 2013

Pretty fun chapter, Mei and Matsuri bounce off each other surprisingly well and Mei's earnestness about anything related to making Yuzu happy is incredibly cute.

I'm surprised to see that many people taking Matsuri's words about being in a relationship at face value, she has been consistently depicted as the kind of girl that will lie to get a reaction or to simply hide the fact she has no actual experience about what she's talking about. Like, this isn't even the first time she has lied about having a girlfriend.

That said, I agree with the idea that she's pulling a Keima Katsuragi and taking her experience with Galge as the real deal.

Image Comments 11 Aug 15:41
Image Comments 11 Aug 15:21
joined Dec 18, 2013

Don't forget that Noel and Flare decided to get rings after seeing Kanata and Coco get ones of their own.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Bringing this thread back from the dead to post about the recently released novel anthology

According to /u/ this page is about the girls going to a mixer and Asuka deciding to sabotage it to keep Tomoko from getting a boyfriend

DeepL translation
"If you really care about our relationship, you shouldn't have a boyfriend, right?"
"If you do that, you'll have less time to spend with us, more boring complaints and love advice, and you might even fail to get into Aoyama University because you won't have time to study, right?"
"Of course, you need a change of scenery once in a while. That's why I didn't stop you from going to the party, but the two guys sitting in front of you were trying to ask for your contact information. They and you had never met before, and they were rude to you. So I warned them with explosions and threatening letters and stuff, but they didn't show any remorse, did they? I think it was really rude of them to touch your shoulder over a game. So I had no choice but to use the trap to drop the piggy bank on them."
"You thought to injure any one of them, didn't you?"
"That's right. If one of the men sitting in the back gets hurt, it will be enough of a check. In fact, that party ended pretty quickly, didn't it? Yeah, I think it went well."

joined Dec 18, 2013

Ranbara is 24!?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Huh, I'm surprised it took this long for this to be uploaded here.

Citrus + discussion 19 Jul 03:34
joined Dec 18, 2013

Matsuri on the offensive for Harumin, Jealous Mei, and Sabu cameo. Yeah, this was a good chapter. Thanks, ChaosTeam.

Image Comments 16 Jul 22:35
joined Dec 18, 2013

Out of nowhere, Kiara dropped by to show her culture

Image Comments 16 Jul 22:34
joined Dec 18, 2013

The best birthday gift.

joined Dec 18, 2013

This series just keeps getting better and better.

Image Comments 10 Jul 20:05
joined Dec 18, 2013

Not a fan of this Coco NTR arc

joined Dec 18, 2013

Koko is best girl

joined Dec 18, 2013

Tomoe from Crossick is finally getting her 3D model in June 25th

Opapagoto discussion 18 Jun 11:55
joined Dec 18, 2013

Wasn't this chapter already TL'd? Or was it just not on Dynasty yet?

i tl'ed it months ago, but completely forgot to upload it in dynasty.

Thank you so much for the translation!

I'm so happy that this series is finally complete.