@Alice Cheshire
Lol if it's not straight up fluff everyone loses their shit here
There's a difference between "not fluff" and "unhappy ending".
Except that this "what an awful story" parade happens in everything but. Sugar coating every story with a happy ending doesn't change reality so it's nice to see an alternate once and a while. Obviously not everyone agrees.
That, and a lot of people don't understand that not liking something doesn't automatically mean that thing is bad.
Always annoys me, too. There's a lot of stuff I like that's complete crap, and there's some really good stuff that I can't stand. (House of Sand and Fog, I 'm looking at you.)
I thought this was a good story. Author clearly wrote it with an objective in mind, and it looks like they successfully achieved that objective.
I do kinda wonder how the "OMG THIS IS TEH SUX! IT IS TEH WROST EVAR!" crowd vs. the "Not all stories need a happy ending" crowd breaks down vis-a-vis age and romantic experience. I've got a fair few miles (romantic and otherwise) under my belt, and I...well, "enjoyed" is probably the wrong word, but I appreciated this story and thought it was effective. I couldn't handle a steady diet of it, but the occasional unhappy ending makes the happy endings in other stories feel that much sweeter.
last edited at Jan 3, 2017 10:43AM