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joined Oct 4, 2016

Just read this whole thing start to finish, and enjoyed the hell out of it. Shame it ended here on a cliffhanger. Anybody know where I can find the remaining chapters in translated form?

joined Oct 4, 2016

Ta muchly!

joined Oct 4, 2016

There's one around here, but I can't remember which one it is, and it's driving me crazy. Anybody remember which doujin it was with this chapter title?

joined Oct 4, 2016

I don't have words to describe how fantastic it is...

joined Oct 4, 2016

Not so much in the first one, but definitely in the second one.

Image Comments 06 Jan 00:04
joined Oct 4, 2016

Yuriception, right here.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Clover - Chapter 2 and the follow-up Clover Extra - Happy Days fit the bill nicely.

Clover discussion 05 Jan 09:00
joined Oct 4, 2016

I just realize that all the ch in Clover are related by the sisters but in different time line. ( or is it just me )

No you are right, the chapters start from the youngest of the 4, going from Uzuki, Midori, Fuuka and, Ichige. But each story takes place when they are in High school, so the timeline was moving backward instead of forward.

Ah-hah! Thanks for clearing that up. I knew it was about 4 sisters, but I was confused as to who the sisters actually were.

Very good series, start-to-finish. Straight to the Favorites pile.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I am still enough of a fanboy to feel a little thrill from crossovers.

joined Oct 4, 2016

@Alice Cheshire

Lol if it's not straight up fluff everyone loses their shit here

There's a difference between "not fluff" and "unhappy ending".

Except that this "what an awful story" parade happens in everything but. Sugar coating every story with a happy ending doesn't change reality so it's nice to see an alternate once and a while. Obviously not everyone agrees.

That, and a lot of people don't understand that not liking something doesn't automatically mean that thing is bad.

Always annoys me, too. There's a lot of stuff I like that's complete crap, and there's some really good stuff that I can't stand. (House of Sand and Fog, I 'm looking at you.)

I thought this was a good story. Author clearly wrote it with an objective in mind, and it looks like they successfully achieved that objective.

I do kinda wonder how the "OMG THIS IS TEH SUX! IT IS TEH WROST EVAR!" crowd vs. the "Not all stories need a happy ending" crowd breaks down vis-a-vis age and romantic experience. I've got a fair few miles (romantic and otherwise) under my belt, and I...well, "enjoyed" is probably the wrong word, but I appreciated this story and thought it was effective. I couldn't handle a steady diet of it, but the occasional unhappy ending makes the happy endings in other stories feel that much sweeter.

last edited at Jan 3, 2017 10:43AM

joined Oct 4, 2016


Last two panels of:

And the top half of:

Laughed for a good five minutes.

LOVE/DEATH discussion 02 Jan 12:15
joined Oct 4, 2016

I just really liked the Delinquent/Delinquent pairing, with the senpai trying to become more responsible and less delinquent-y because she wanted to be a good senpai.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Just read this one today, and I think it definitely fits the bill. Gets VERRRY angsty in the middle bits, but ends on a high note. (Kind of a spoiler, really, but you asked.)

Instinct and a Chromosome

Image Comments 02 Jan 11:28
joined Oct 4, 2016

Widowmaker is French, n'est-ce pas? Presumably the fact that the off-screen person is speaking French is an indication that it's Widowmaker.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Wow, this is one of the most amazing stories I've read so far on Dynasty Scans. Really well done. Really liked how understanding and compassionate the dudebro was. Glad there seems to be the beginnings of a happy ending.

joined Oct 4, 2016


23 discussion 01 Jan 13:09
joined Oct 4, 2016

Dressed like chicken while eating chicken. That's deep.

Also: Still with the rings. Yay!

joined Oct 4, 2016

A refreshingly positive view of porn. I like it.

Alien Girl discussion 30 Dec 23:24
joined Oct 4, 2016


Moondrops discussion 30 Dec 06:43
joined Oct 4, 2016

I was all set to watch that and mount a spirited, tongue-in-cheek defence of the platonic friendship nature of whatever it was and rant about the kind of people who devalue close friendship by e.g. claiming Frodo and Sam are gay and so on . . .

Amusing trivia: Ian McKellen, who played Gandalf and who is gay if you weren't aware, is largely responsible for the scene in Fellowship of the Ring where Frodo has been taken ill or has been injured or something, and wakes up in bed in Rivendell. When he wakes up, Sam rushes over to him, says something about how happy he is to see Mr. Frodo, and clasps Frodo's hand in both of his own.

McKellen recommended to Elijah Wood and Sean Astin that they play the scene like that to show how deep their friendship was.

And then a year or so later he ponied up and admitted (with a twinkle in his eye) that he was actually trying to inject a little homoerotica into the scene.

23 discussion 29 Dec 11:23
joined Oct 4, 2016

No Christmas pic of the dark-skinned, blonde muscle babe and her wife this year?

joined Oct 4, 2016

For me, the combination of Age Gap and Lolicon is a no-go. Years ago I had a job which involved mucking out the latrines of the Internet, and that job occasionally put me in the path of child porn. Like real, actual child porn, which I would then have to save as evidence for the FBI.

Seeing real pubescent and real pre-pubescent kids being diddled and fucked by real adults takes the shine off of seeing it portrayed in manga. I avoid anything with lolicon and shotacon content as a consequence.

joined Oct 4, 2016

The first yuri doujin I read on here after signing up:

I Fell In Love For The First Time

Still one of my favorites, and I re-read it about once a month. Very sweet, very romantic, very nsfw.

Image Comments 27 Dec 20:17
joined Oct 4, 2016
