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Image Comments 17 Aug 08:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

^that's a pretty far-fetched assumption to make.

And yes, I do declare that double sets are both visually and conceptually fucking retarded. >:c

joined Jul 26, 2016

Cool be like eating_popcorn.gif

School Zone discussion 17 Aug 07:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

Unlike Tsubaki, who's mostly friendless due to severe social anxiety issues and visibly suffers from it, Hiiragi gives the impression of being solitary out of preference and mostly plain uninterested in socialising with people

I know from lived experience that some people mask their social anxiety with the appearance of disinterest

Sure, but so far we've seen Hiiragi has no problems interacting with people when she wants to - that's just really rare.

The reasons for her aloofness rapidly turned out to be pretty grim tho... :/

joined Jul 26, 2016

Tei, Butt Monkey of the seriesuniverse ;_;

School Zone discussion 16 Aug 17:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

This is an extremely hard situation to get out of unless the person who felt victimized first wants the cycle to stop enough to actually do something about it.

Might as well be telling a depressed person to "just cheer up, man!" :|

I'm hoping Utsugi can help just by being herself and providing support.

[Manic Pixie Dream Girl intensifies]

...seems to be working though, already by leaving Hiiragi perplexed why she's so intent on befriending her. Not that Utsugi seems to have answers mind you. diagnosis says it's the Big Gay

joined Jul 26, 2016

People sure need trigger warnings for the darnedest things these days.

Nobody here said anything about trigger warnings until you.

*blank stare*
*looks at the thread*

...literal-minded, are we?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, that's the one. The Japanese sure have those labels down pat, only BD is not actually any comic coming from Europe but rather, as Random wrote a few posts above, Franco-Belgian comics... but I guess it's an understandable generalization since of all comics made in Europe the Franco-Belgian ones are the most popular around the world and prolly make the vast majority of what reaches Japan from Europe.

And in all fairness the other "regional" European terms tend to be orders of magnitude more obscure - until perusing Wikipedia a few hours ago I had no idea whatsoever there was one for Italian comics for ex, despite one being a perennially popular and still reprinted classic in my country.

Meanwhile BDs get dedicated and labeled shelves in bookstores so, yeah. Dunno how well the French are aware of this but I can only assume they twirl their 'staches in satisfaction if they know. :v

School Zone discussion 16 Aug 15:23
joined Jul 26, 2016

Negative feedback loop in action. Nasty.

joined Jul 26, 2016

generically modified

This typo is pretty accurate tbh o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

There's no word for "American comics" so the Japanese use amecomi, like bede for French comics and tebeo for Spanish comics. We might as well.

Yes there is. It's, wait for it: Comics.

That would be "American comics" actually, check that provincialism thanks.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hmm so Kurokawa liked Fujishiro since the beginning, surprising since she was a total bitch-chan back then;

Kuro-chan confirmed big maso :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

BD (bandes dessinées, lit. "drawn strips") is certainly a long-established (first used in the Thirties) and pretty universally recognised term for Franco-Belgian comics.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Is that a dryid(druid)?!

OH------MY GOD!

Druids are exceptionally rare in yuri!


Dryad. Druids are something completely different.

Arknights! 16 Aug 11:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

Looking at her scorpion (?) tail it looks like it would be painful to drag around with her. Especially where it appears to be attached to.

Scorpion indeed, because Early Modern English writers clearly had no fucking idea what one looks like (the OG Persian myth was likely inspired by the bony tips lions sometimes have on their tails, whose purpose and significance is a mystery). But eh, stronk leg and back muscles oughta handle it just fine and going around with the thing is full-time conditioning for those.

1 x ½ discussion 16 Aug 10:41
joined Jul 26, 2016

^How so? there is a difference between demanding you get something like you are owed it, and just expecting your feelings to me taken into consideration.

A terribly academic one when the end result is the same.

1 x ½ discussion 16 Aug 10:34
joined Jul 26, 2016

^No, you dont have a 'right' to anything- but they DO have a duty to have some consideration for the feelings of their audience, because it was the author that got them invested by their action of publishing their content.

This sounds Hell of a lot like merely giving the exact same sentiment a new wrapping, just sayin'...

School Zone discussion 16 Aug 10:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

imouto needs to chill tf out lol

I can say from firsthand experience that when someone really doesn't want to talk to you, never mind now as ferociously as Hiiragi, trying to force the issue like Tsubaki keeps doing is literally worse than useless. All it achieves is really pissing off the other party and aggravating the situation (potentially to the point of complete breaking of relations); it's generally better to leave them be so the worst venom dissipates with time and wait until they start extending olive branches, however tentative.

joined Jul 26, 2016

People sure need trigger warnings for the darnedest things these days.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Suddenly I see dead people

Image Comments 16 Aug 07:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

^this. I blame inconsistent or nonexistent art direction. (Provence is another case of doubled ears for no reason.)

Arknights! 15 Aug 20:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

Yay managed to pull Platinum as the guarantee from the current banner, I've been trying to get her like forever totally not because her E2 art is amazing (ಥ‿ಥ)v

Now I just need Manticore from somewhere and my OG wishlist is clear, but at least she has a guarantee tag combo on Recruit...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I love them. They’re so adorable. Also I knew that’d be her reason lol. I guess gyaru will have to put other parts to good use.

Good thing humans don't have fingernail tongues like hummingbirds

Or freaking harpoons like woodpeckers...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Somewhere, a Namori is giggling.

School Zone discussion 15 Aug 18:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

There's definitely been some serious falling out between the twins that we haven't yet been told of (possibly what resulted in Yatsude encountering the crying Tsubaki in which case it'd be quite recent and the wound still raw and bleeding) because Hiiragi's undiluted rancor is way above and beyond normal sibling squabbling, even allowing for their majorly conflicting personalities.

Tsubaki's huge siscon streak may well be a contributing factor if Hiiragi knows of it (which seems likely)...

Sounds like the moody one just doesn't like to be with anyone.

Unlike Tsubaki, who's mostly friendless due to severe social anxiety issues and visibly suffers from it, Hiiragi gives the impression of being solitary out of preference and mostly plain uninterested in socialising with people - aside from Sensei who she ironically pesters not unlike Utsugi does her. Though she does seem to have started lowkey warming up to Utsugi's persistence rather despite herself, which she seems to find perplexing.

joined Jul 26, 2016

And where is Kon damn it ?

Bit busy having a case of gay panic I'd imagine, given the circumstances.