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joined Dec 18, 2013

If anyone's interested, Valkyrie Drive preorders are live

And it seems there will be Senran Kagura related news on the VD stream for some reason

joined Dec 18, 2013

It'ss about hyping the project, so with any luck we'll see some new trailers at the least.

joined Dec 18, 2013

But even for a comedic manga is starting to feel somewhat stagnant. The punchlines are always "Shinozaki has meltdowns over Kaede" and "Shinozaki can't accept her otakuness"

joined Dec 18, 2013


The anime site got an update and the profiles for the new characters have been added. There's also a schedule for the stream available and it seems Takaki will have a section focused on him at the 22:00 hrs

joined Dec 18, 2013

Am I the only one feeling somewhat tired of the formula?

I mean, the chapter had some really great gags but it felt more of the same.

Gamma discussion 30 Jul 12:05
joined Dec 18, 2013

After the last depressing chapters is amazing to have one genuinaly funny for a change (althought the fake out with Mika had me at the edge of my seat)

Is obvious this guy has read a lot of comics since the story follows a lot of common beats found on american comicbooks, the pacing is perfect and art is top notch. Really great series.

joined Dec 18, 2013

But again, Daidouji has always been depicted as the strongest character on the series. On the anime she took the five girls at once without flinch while in the games' plot she's only fought once and she goes easy on the girls.

joined Dec 18, 2013

More characters have been revealed for the anime

Evil Miku Hitomi Harada as Momoka Sagara

Action game heroines Saoori Onishi as Rein Hasumi (biker), Azumi Azakura as Lady J(sorceress)

~~ And Hot mom. XD~~ Kikuko Inuoe as Torino Kazami

But seriously, now I'm more curious to see how things will unfold.

Oh right, the stream will be this Satruday at 21:00 Japan hour if anyone wants to watch

Updated with character names and VAs

More scans for the Vita game. Looks it will be as gay as the anime (some rumors said it would tone it down) and release date is December 10th.

LE includes Visual book, OST, Drama CD

last edited at Jul 29, 2015 2:00PM

Citrus discussion 29 Jul 13:21
joined Dec 18, 2013

Well there was the teacher on the first chapters but mainly is Mei general desinterest on every kiss she gives.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Senran Kagura is not about superpowers and Daidouji is sidelined on the games because she's TOO strong and her presence would undermine the accomplishements of the cast.

joined Dec 18, 2013

For what is worth, Daidouji has a pretty big role on the anime and the prequel manga

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, there's Daidouji on Senran Kagura

joined Dec 18, 2013

Character sheets for Mermaid

Mirei Shikishima

She looks somewhat toned at least

Citrus discussion 29 Jul 03:00
joined Dec 18, 2013

It would have been interested if Yuzu had found out about that pic of Mei kissing Matsuri. I just wanted to see Mei explaining to Yuzu she was getting her honor lips or whatever back lol.

I don't think it would've been a big shock for Yuzu. She knows that Mei treats kisses ad if they were candies.

Citrus discussion 29 Jul 02:15
joined Dec 18, 2013

The hair colour change is the closest I've come to quitting this manga. I am not happy.

Why exactly?

Is an interesting twist and shows that Saburota still has room to keep developing her characters.

joined Dec 18, 2013

None yet. We know preorder will be available starting August so with any luck everything will be announced on saturday's stream

joined Dec 18, 2013

Limited Edition.

You know the special version with extra goodies of the game.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I believe is the LE's package

joined Dec 18, 2013

I also found this

I'm hyped

Citrus discussion 28 Jul 17:06
joined Dec 18, 2013


last edited at Jul 28, 2015 5:06PM

Lily Love discussion 28 Jul 15:07
joined Dec 18, 2013

Just saw the raws for chapter 14.


joined Dec 18, 2013

Lesbian buff women. This is my fetish

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh goodie

joined Dec 18, 2013

More characters have been revealed for the anime

Evil Miku

Action game heroines

And Hot mom. XD

But seriously, now I'm more curious to see how things will unfold.

Oh right, the stream will be this Satruday at 21:00 Japan hour if anyone wants to watch

joined Dec 18, 2013

For what is worth, the project has plenty of different body types spread through the three products

Also, there will be a Nico Nico stream this weekend, hopefullly it will made clear what is the project aiming for