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Age 15 discussion 22 Aug 23:23
joined Dec 18, 2013

I am still trying to figure out what is up with the older cousin . Is she in a relationship with this woman named Yoshino , or is she in love with her own cousin . Is the younger cousin falling in love with her older cousin ? Way too many opening's with this story , hopefully the holes will get filled in as the story progresses .

I think is pretty clear that Ema had a relationship with Yoshino and is using her cousin as sort of replacement. Her cousin on the other hand doesn't know what the hell is happening with her other that she's starting to see girls on a very different light.

Age 15 discussion 22 Aug 23:15
joined Dec 18, 2013

Man, is any artist able to draw kisses so erotic looking like Asagi Ryu?

Anime season 22 Aug 22:58
joined Dec 18, 2013

I just started watching Himouto Umaru-chan. Chibi Umaru is cute as hell and Kirie's so gay that it hurts :D

Introduce Yourself..? 22 Aug 18:39
joined Dec 18, 2013

yahoo chat for rp-ing was a thing back in the late 90s.

Yeah, back then it was the standard. Is just that Messenger got several extensions like MSNPlus that made RP easier

Well the only one i used before was a polish one, so I doubt you could use it to talk with someone from abroad. The skype was the only thing I knew would work everywhere.

Nah, Messenger allowed communication with anywhere in the world. I did a lot of friends abroad this way.

Lily Love discussion 22 Aug 18:33
joined Dec 18, 2013

actually its better than I tought. I read the raws and yea she is really a bitch but three of them hangout as friends and laugh together. She even lay hands on Donut. But get Bitchslapped.

I agree, this is the start of a great arc.

As a sidenote, where's your avatar from? Looks a lot like PidgeonBlood's artstyle but I don't remember seeing it before.

Introduce Yourself..? 22 Aug 17:56
joined Dec 18, 2013

Is in moments like these that I miss Messenger. Skype simply doesn't live at the versatility of the good ol' MSN

Lily Love discussion 22 Aug 16:38
joined Dec 18, 2013

And we have A KISS!!!

Mew and Donut are best couple

joined Dec 18, 2013

Heres some from Pigeon Blood
and another, first half futanari second yuri not translated

Oh man, I miss their Doujins. One of the best MeiSaku authors out there.

Guess they leave the doujin business though, is been years without news :(

Introduce Yourself..? 22 Aug 01:30
joined Dec 18, 2013

We only need a DM and we're set!

joined Dec 18, 2013

We're on page 2! Hurry! Post dick girls.

Um...character bios for a futanari anime idea. Too bad this will never become a thing.

Uno Makoto is one of the best futa artist on the business.

Introduce Yourself..? 21 Aug 23:58
joined Dec 18, 2013

I didn't know that... Then again, I know almost nothing of aztec mythology =| (any author you recommend?)

Most of the authors are in spanish but these books are a great read:

Boone, Elizabeth H. (Ed.) (1982). The Art and Iconography of Late Post-Classic Central Mexico. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks.
Brinton, Daniel G. (Ed.) (1890). "Rig Veda Americanus". Library of Aboriginal American Literature. No. VIII. Project Gutenberg reproduction.(English) (Nahuatl)
Leon-Portilla, Miguel (1990) [1963]. Aztec Thought and Culture. Davis, J.E. (trans). Norman, Oklahoma: Oklahoma University Press.
Miller, Mary; Karl Taube (1993). The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya. London: Thames and Hudson.
James Lewis Thomas Chalmbers Spence, The Myths of Mexico and Peru: Aztec, Maya and Inca, 1913
Miguel León Portilla, Native Mesoamerican Spirituality, Paulist Press,

A fellow mexican??? by chance do you play or have played Vampiro la mascarada? hohohoho


And Yes, I played Vampiro back in high college. Good times.

I would be up for a new campaign with all of you guys.

Introduce Yourself..? 21 Aug 21:45
joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm an amateur artist trying to improve to get money out of it and share my comic too...

Share your comic with us! =D

My name is Dark_Tzitzimine(if you see another D_T or tzitzimine on the web, chances are, is me)

Amusingly, I always seem to misread your name as tzimisce. You don't seem to be that creepy, tho...

I'm not surprised, the tzimisce are vaguely inspired by the Tzitzimine of aztec myth.

And c'mon, I'm a pretty stand up guy all the time!

I think :P

Introduce Yourself..? 21 Aug 21:19
joined Dec 18, 2013

My name is Dark_Tzitzimine(if you see another D_T or tzitzimine on the web, chances are, is me)

I am male, straight.

I am from MEXICO and I'm somewhat reserved.

I really enjoy Yuri but I also enjoy het romance

I love comic books (as if my avatar wouldn't be enough proof) and sci-fi

Red Hood is my favorite fictional character ever and currently Senran Kagura is my favorite series of videogames

It should be obvious now, but I also love a good debate.

last edited at Aug 21, 2015 9:19PM

Gamma discussion 21 Aug 12:18
joined Dec 18, 2013

Dr. Woe's coffin was pure life energy and both Steel and Cell lost most of their Lamda energey on the fights; leaving them with more Life energy on their bodies.

Gamma discussion 21 Aug 11:55
joined Dec 18, 2013

The author is male, don't belief the stuff written in pixiv profiles ;)

I expected that, it was too good to be true after all, thanks Fipse, and just curious but where did you find he's male? Mangaupdates don't say and I don't remember the manga saying anything either.


Gamma discussion 21 Aug 00:28
joined Dec 18, 2013

This was an excellent ending, hitting all the right tropes and beats typical of the superhero genre. I must admit though, that Yuri ending crippled was kind of a bullshit development that it didn't really added nothing worthy to the narrative.

I believe the relationships and pairings were handled very well but it gives the impression it was rushed due the hiatus we had between chapters. Just compare the Hikari on chapter 3 with the one here in chapter 20 to see what I mean.

Also I feel kind of bad for the author and all the uncalled criticism flung at him by nearsighted people. I mean, c'mon.

One of my favorite series fo sure, shame DC analogues were completely absent though.

Gamma discussion 20 Aug 21:12
joined Dec 18, 2013

Those are the rock rangers indeed. Which pianist?


last edited at Aug 20, 2015 9:32PM

Gamma discussion 20 Aug 17:40
joined Dec 18, 2013

Something it was pointed elsewhere and which I agree completely is in how great is to have a sci-fi/action story with lesbian characters instead of another yuri with scifi/action elements.

Gokicha discussion 20 Aug 17:14
joined Dec 18, 2013

Yep, we have a romance on our hands now

Gamma discussion 20 Aug 16:32
joined Dec 18, 2013

Amusingly, it seems that other than the dead ones and the commander and discharge wives'. Every single women on the manga is a raging lesbian.

last edited at Aug 20, 2015 4:32PM

Gamma discussion 20 Aug 14:09
joined Dec 18, 2013

By the way, the couples having sexy times are available on the author's pixiv

Lily Love discussion 20 Aug 11:17
joined Dec 18, 2013

Page 10 is best page.

Indeed <3

Gamma discussion 20 Aug 10:43
joined Dec 18, 2013

Now THAT was an excellent chapter. The author does follow his comics pretty damn well.

Go Flame Bane! Destroy Sakaki's smug ass!

Gamma discussion 20 Aug 01:07
joined Dec 18, 2013

This has gone full comic book and I love it.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Just dropping by to share my favorite futa doujin

Gorgeous art and despite lacking dialogue you can tell how much the girls are enjoying their time together.