Okay, here's my character sheet. Still working on the background though.
How did you save your sheet as an image thingie? I wanna show my char too
I saved the page as pdf and then I just used the "take a picture" option on Adobe Reader
I know nothing of life
I'm gonna here are the steps I did (in spoilers since is in spanish)
Abre la hoja de personaje en chrome
Dale imprimir (control+P)
Busca la opción "destino" y selecciona pdf
Abre el pdf que acabas de guardar con Adobe reader
Ve a Edicion y selecciona "tomar una instantanea"
Selecciona el area, y vas a recibir un mensaje de que copio el area seleccionada
Abre una pagina de imgur y solo dale pegar (control+v)
oh man I'm the only one behind with my sheet >.<
You could do what I did, from the clan books linked earlier I used one of the preset characters as basis for mine.
last edited at Aug 29, 2015 2:04AM