is this hetshit or not, can anyone confirm or deny it? did nobody read the wn?
I've seen at least 2 people ask this now. What about this series makes you worry about that? I'm genuinely curious. Just focusing on these 2 chapters, it seems they're both into each other, one struggling through some denial (like normal).
The whole boyfriend thing? If Komaki shared all her firsts with Wakaba, too, while "stealing" hers. Why even hetbaiting like this? What is even the fucking point. It only makes me drop this.
I genuinely don't see how this is "hetbaiting". It's lesbian series focused on two girls, that had some random unnamed dude show up for basically 1 second (2 pages). Plus the author intentionally hid his face because he's unimportant.
The point is that she either had her first kiss with him or worse, sex or shit, just to make Wakaba jealous or something like that? 100% the trope. I just dislike this stuff in yuri, and it honestly has no place in it. If you like this kind of stuff you should delete your account on this site and fuck off right back to BL, you fujotrash.
You're making a lot of assumptions about the extent of the relationship she had with the guy. You're also making a lot of assumptions about my views, while going for personal attacks and name calling. So you're only proving my point that you're making currently making a big deal out of nothing.
Chapter one says she had a boyfriend. That alone is drop-worthy. If you continue reading this shit, you are no better than people liking it, like that [removed] above the other [removed]*
We don't know all of the information and full extent of relationships, feelings, and so fourth. Also resulting to homophobic slurs with your name calling only presents you as being a very hateful person.
last edited at Mar 8, 2024 1:20AM by MrEngenious