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joined Oct 15, 2014

They were uploaded to Dynasty today. The release dates refer to when they were published in Japan (or wherever).

No, the dates refer to the scanlation's release. They were most likely asking why it took so long to be added to Dynasty (which I assume may be due to the different scanlators involved).

Goggled Anon
New Game discussion 07 Aug 12:39
joined Oct 15, 2014

I just had an epiphany:

Kou Yagami=KY

Does that mean Rin Toyama is thirsty for retweets?

Goggled Anon
New Game discussion 07 Aug 07:58
joined Oct 15, 2014

Wait are you kidding me? The cat was never in the manga before this?!

Not the first time something like this has happened. In Hidamari Sketch, Sae's sister Chika made frequent appearances in the anime but didn't appear in the manga until much later.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Wow! So Kanata is the younger sister of the twins?!

Not only that, but upon re-reading Twin Sisters again she apparently has a twin sister of her own

joined Oct 15, 2014


Losers can be cool amongst other losers.

Goggled Anon
New Game discussion 03 Aug 05:32
joined Oct 15, 2014

Lest we forget that this is a team hand-picked by Hazuki on the grounds of being cute. If anything, romantic relationships would be encouraged in her department (especially with her).

Goggled Anon
I&K+f discussion 01 Aug 11:02
joined Oct 15, 2014

I like this very much~ will more come? :)

I've done a fair amount of Yuyushiki TLs over in /u/'s translation thread, it's just a matter of waiting for them to get typesetted. Hopefully the fact we got this and Happy Style 4 in the space of a week means we won't have to wait too long.

Goggled Anon
New Game discussion 29 Jul 05:07
joined Oct 15, 2014

As Aoba I wouldn't have even "competed" against Kou. This is a pointless competition. As said before: Even IF she had drawn the better artwork - which she in my opinion has, since Kou's work looks like absolute crap imo - she would have lost to the company. Why would it make me feel better competing against her?

Doing something with the expectation that you'll probably lose is still better than doing nothing because you'll know you'll lose. That was pretty much Yun's arc during the character design contest, that she would just naturally assume defeat and make no progress at all. Trying your hardest and realising the skill of those still ahead of you is still a lot better for personal growth than "this girl is just better than you so why even try"? And clearly Ko wouldn't have put in as much effort on her piece if she had to do it out of protest.

joined Oct 15, 2014

And just when I thought Mochi's titles couldn't get any better

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

where are the other chapters

For reasons that are explained elsewhere, Lazy Lily have removed their releases from the reader, which basically includes all the ST chapters not done by Yuri Project and /u/. They can still be found on the scanlator's website.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Everyone x Nico tag anyone?

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

I'll always turn out for the OT3rds!

So is that pronounced "O-T-Three-rds", "O-T-thirds" or "O-Terds"?

joined Oct 15, 2014

I really like how this day is bringing out the rare pairings instead of just being 100% NicoMaki. The characterizations of LL are always so diverse that they never seem too "cracky".

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

it's trap or futanari, isn't it?

Not this one, no. The androgynous sweater look Honoka has across the author's doujins can admittedly confuse a little (despite the fact that Honoka has three different girlfriends assumes there's no continuity between them), but typically if it's futa Honoka, they'll show the dick.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Ah, the good ol' discovery of Yoshimitsu's seppuku move. Brings back memories of Tekken 2.
Also Kase-san would kick Shijou's ass for the track runner remark

Only if she then proceeded to mess with Yamada.

"Man, you play worse than a plant appointee".

joined Oct 15, 2014

I legitimately don't get why an author would be against it. The series isn't making them any money as far as I know and the only thing it getting translated will do is make them more popular with people who don't speak Japanese. (Meaning an audience they would otherwise not have.) Did they give any reasoning for their decision?

I assume it comes down to the fact that it's taking views away from the original uploads (in this case, Pixiv and Twitter). Even when the artwork is more or less free, a lot of artists don't appreciate it when art, including translated versions of it, are uploaded on other accounts or websites instead of sharing the links/retweeting/etc, especially if it ends up getting more views on haha funny Facebook page than it does on the original post. It's probably why a handful of Pixiv artists have (hilariously) taken to translating their own stuff.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Ah, the good ol' discovery of Yoshimitsu's seppuku move. Brings back memories of Tekken 2.
Also Kase-san would kick Shijou's ass for the track runner remark

joined Oct 15, 2014

Don't tell anyone.

Imma tell EVERYONE
But yeah, this is more or less the better solution, since it's driving traffic towards the original uploads.

Goggled Anon
New Game discussion 17 Jul 06:53
joined Oct 15, 2014

I hope next spin-off about character past is Hifumi or Kou-Rin. Really wanted it to be Kou one though she have pretty dark past.

I think it was because of the whole dark past that the author decided to focus on Aoba for the prequel spin-off volume in the first place.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

It's ya boy, Homura, don't forget to SMASH that report button.

Goggled Anon
Greatest! discussion 13 Jul 13:25
joined Oct 15, 2014

"I love Miyafuji's smell"
"I want to grope Miyafuji's boobs"
No yuri tag


Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Oh that last page is so exploitable.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Huh, never knew that about onions.