Oh good, for a second there I was worried that the rest of this manga will be filled with nothing but Yuzu/Mei. You know, all that emotional stuff, repressed feelings, character development and the like. But Saburouta has cleverly decided to insert a new character, thus breaking up all that boredom and spicing things up. And wow, it is Harumin's older sister. You know, the one which was so often mentioned off-screen. I will finally see what she is like... Oh, I can not wait. I am simply ecstatic in anticipation of chapter 18.
But seriously now, so she was apparently a student council president, and a violent delinquent at the same time? "Policy of fear"? What does that even mean? How can anyone take that seriously? It is going to be one of those "terrifying" characters that can get the MC to literally sweat blood with just a side-glance, I just know it. And of course, MC, being the MC, will not, under any circumstance, stop and say "hey, wait a minute, she CAN NOT ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING TO ME". And, as I understood it, she is a former student, so she has no official standing at the school. Sure, she could report Yuzu for breaking the rules, but then again, the chairman of the school board himself already knows all about Yuzu, and if he had any serious intentions of actually kicking her out, he would have done so already. You know, that chairman that is also Yuzu's adoptive grandfather? And yet, everyone at that school constantly forgets that Yuzu is part of the "ruling family", so to speak. Sure, she does not act the part, but still... She carries the same surname as Mei, it is honestly not that difficult to connect the dots. I mean, what possible angle could Harumin's sister have over her?
But yes, I know... This delinquent-president will come, threaten that first-year, Yuzu will interfere, at which point she will be threatened herself, and instead of simply saying "fuck off", she will be overcome with fear, prompting someone else (probably Mei) to come and "rescue" her, from... what, exactly? Sharp glances?