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Image Comments 08 May 21:20
joined Jun 25, 2019

But that's my bed

Image Comments 08 May 20:45
joined Jun 25, 2019

Washi Washi

joined Jun 25, 2019

A yuri anime getting a second season would be something to see

Even Bloom into You didn't get one right away. The two "Yuris" who got multiples seasons/OVA are Maria-sama, Maria Holic and Yuru Yuri so yeah. 1 is a CGDCT, 1 is just a parody of Highschool yuri with a crossdressing boy and the other is Maria-sama. But tbh, the sole fact that Yagate didn't get the green light for a 2nd season should tell you that getting 2 seasons of a Yuri is hard, because in the end, it's a niche genre and don't make enough money. It's more safe for studios to do Isekais or romcoms.

1 x ½ discussion 08 May 13:17
joined Jun 25, 2019

You mean here ? That's Asuka and Miyuki.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I wasn‘t quite liking Nagafuji before, but I don‘t know, her voice actress and her appearance in the pv made me kinda like her. (Also the way she said "Ohayo" to Adachi and her smile then, pretty adorable).

Reina Ueda is a good VA for Nagafuji, she have voice Miyako from Wataten and more recently Suzu from Koisuru Asteroid

joined Jun 25, 2019

1/2 of the comments “incest is bad waaaaaa”
1/2 of the comments “who the hell wants hot lemonade”

The two greatest taboos of contemporary society.

What about hot incest and Lemonade ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Yashiro is a midget now ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

mhm wasnt that already translated by lillicious?

It was, that would explain why it feel so oldschool.

joined Jun 25, 2019

More like New Old School, you can't believe this was published last year

joined Jun 25, 2019

That was strangely wholesome considering it was about see the other peeing.

joined Jun 25, 2019


joined Jun 25, 2019

Could be that when the Dad remarried, the woman he married already had a child from a previous one. If that's the case, then they could finally breathe.

I can't honestly see how much of a difference that would make.

That goes from Incest to Pseudo-Incest

joined Jun 25, 2019

Did they notice when she said them or soemthing? Usually people say him/her xD looking foreard forbthe next ch

something something japan and gender neutral pronoun

joined Jun 25, 2019

Uh..... I don’t like incest...

Then don't read it???

It's harder when there is not the tag

joined Jun 25, 2019

How much like Heke Mikanuji is ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Cheating tag needed ?

Anime season 06 May 08:41
joined Jun 25, 2019

Yuri? Nah. Then again Arc-v did randomly hit us with yuri scenes lol

Is it a pun on the character named Yuri or there is really Yuri scenes ?

last edited at May 6, 2020 8:41AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Just want to say that Fuwa is manipulative bitch and Yukiko girl, so much for asking why did she feel love for Konomi if Fuwa teasing her is enough to making her horny. Also "I'll try and think on how to continue it" if it isn't just a way to say "I don't have any fuking idea on how deal with this love triangle so i will probably handle it poorly", it isn't far away. Hopefully i'm wrong and it end up nicely. Unless the author do go 3P ending by saying "lol they're succubus".

joined Jun 25, 2019

It won't be serious, Mikanuji has made a mistake and will probably not bring up the subject anymore. Gosh, can we get over the subject . Like, we have 2 others couples to speak of and other dynamics. Just skip the chapter of Iri/Minami or drop the manga if you don't like it anymore. I don't mean you can talk about it but after 5/6 pages of the same thing said over and over, it's becoming a bit tiring.

last edited at May 5, 2020 8:26PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Saw the scans on sadpanda, dissapointed to say the least. SPOILERS BELOW
it just jumped into full smut with yukkiko fucking fuwa and basically just forgetting she has a girlfriend I guess, lame.

Protip if you want to put spoiler on the forum, just put == before and after your message but that's said i didn't expected any logic coming from the manga.

she's a friggin' succubus AND it's her BFF for years who just confessed

She was getting life energy from hugs and skinships, getting full smut because someone confess to her it's a bit much.Especially given how forceful said person was in the lasr chapter. I would not forgive the author if the other succubus let it slide.

last edited at May 5, 2020 7:35PM

Dear NOMAN discussion 05 May 18:08
joined Jun 25, 2019

Press x to doubt Like i said, will be lucky to have more than 3 chapters after the reveal. Maybe 4 or even 5 with a strech but i don't see Neji streching it after the reveal to Mashiro.

Pls, Lilliwyt, I get enough negativity from the series that are have confirmed endings.

I mean, besides Beauty and the Beast, all others Neji's work are short. Vacation Maou was 10 chapters when it could last more. Prison Town was 12 or 13 i believe. I can see a strech at 15 or 16 here but i will be surprised to see more.

Dear NOMAN discussion 05 May 17:14
joined Jun 25, 2019

It has elements to it that I think would make for a great story that follows Mashiro through many of the earlier years of her life and career in the Society, but who knows if Neji actually has any plans for all that.

Press x to doubt Like i said, will be lucky to have more than 3 chapters after the reveal. Maybe 4 or even 5 with a strech but i don't see Neji streching it after the reveal to Mashiro.

Dear NOMAN discussion 05 May 16:00
joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm surprised I didn't guess the twist. Not really happy about it tbh, it feels very forced and very rushed. Like there should be 10 chapters in between this revelation. We literally just found out about her sister. It also feels quite darker than the stuff before it. There's just a bit of a pacing and tone issue for me right now.

Tbh, Neji never have been one to drag the story too much. Beside Beauty and the Beast, Neji's works are genrally short. I wouldn't be surprised that it end in 2 or 3 chapters.

Image Comments 04 May 22:07
joined Jun 25, 2019

^ That's the Ring controller from Ring Fir Adventure on Switch. The Wii steering wheel isn't that thin

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ahhhh, I’m so excited for this one! I’ve always wanted to read a yuri manga that has theatre in its plot, and with the way things are going, it actually looks like we might get to see a relationship form between the two. Unless... the mangaka throws a curveball...

That aside, I was wondering if this website has like a sister website because while I was looking for some yuri webtoon on my phone, I came upon this site called, and the page looks exactly like the home of dynasty reader. It even has the same dynasty reader logo at the top. I actually thought I was in because it had the same layout And everything, then I only noticed that I wasn’t when I noticed that the comments button was removed.

Not that i think, i think the website just purely stole all Dynasty layout