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joined Oct 22, 2018

Adachi is so funny in a cute way. I nearly cried of laughing at the end of the episode. what the eff

I agree. That "what the eff" scene I feel could easily be memeable. Or converted into a Discord emote or two (or maybe three, if we're pushing our luck)

joined Oct 22, 2018

Is it just me, or is Yachiyo looking a bit smug in that image?

joined Oct 22, 2018

This episode was so great. I would say that I can't wait for the next one, but I can, in fact, by passing the time in between by uh... refer to this post

last edited at Oct 16, 2020 6:49AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Rodd sure is smug for someone who can only lend one helping hand

This cracked me up more than it should've, and my mom hasn't even woken up yet!

joined Oct 22, 2018

Sounds like something I'd watch

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ What a hilarious autocorrect result lol

joined Oct 22, 2018

The way I see it at least, it's hurtfully obvious that Kurokawa knows she's in love with Fujishiro, but is too cought up in her own inferiority complex, thinking herself as too low to be with Fujishiro in that way, but only as a friend.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Between Badis being banned and the fact that that would involve deleting 90% of the posts, I can see not wanting to go through that headache.


joined Oct 22, 2018

Hi guys! Leader of White Sun Scans here. As Sex Ed has been licensed, we will be dropping this series to respect the English license and encourage volume sales. Thank you for sticking with us for the first two chapters! Can't wait for the volume release.
(Please oh god Yen Press don't fuck this up I beg you)

RIP ever reading this series.


joined Oct 22, 2018

How the fuck did such a discussion even arise in this forum? When I saw the number of posts, I expected a lot of short comments about their opinions on this and/or wanting more. Instead, there was a brief comment flame war?! I'm honestly disappointed.


When's the sequel to this one-shot?

Looking back to this comment, it's actually no surprise a flame war began, given that Badis was in this forum.

Image Comments 13 Oct 06:55
joined Oct 22, 2018

That skeleton girl has got my attention though.

spooky scary skeletons starts playing in the background

joined Oct 22, 2018

The whole creation of humans story is so ludicrous if you have even the most basic knowledge of genetics.

Not to mention that humanity's MVP is around 5000 (assuming no interventions of any kind)

joined Oct 22, 2018

Welp, I'm very late. Only picking up the ln half a week after the anime adaptation began.
Still, given both the contents of chapter 1 and what I've heard about the ln version, I'm certainly gonna enjoy it, probably more than I did the first manga version.
Though, given a) that I'm a uni student now b) the length of this chapter and c) that I have other stuff I'm interested in taking up some part of my time, I think I'll limit my reading to 1 chapter per day.

Yuru Oyako discussion 12 Oct 14:51
joined Oct 22, 2018

I am of the opinion that objective morality isn't really a thing, but most human brains are wired in such a way that most people's or societies' subjective moralities have an overlap. Most anything beyond that overlap would be considered as differences in politics, ideology, religion, mental health, etc.

joined Oct 22, 2018

So, would gay oatmeal be shortened to goatmeal?

I'll see myself out.

At least live in the knowledge that there's someone with a sense of humor broken enough to like this pun of yours.

last edited at Oct 12, 2020 2:45PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Koguma was visibly having gay panic, while Hino put a poker face to hide the fact that she was having an even more intense case of gay panic internally.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Got licensied for whatever reason

Clearly, people realized that this manga is more than a work of entertainment or art, and an actual gift to misguided horny teenagers everywhere. I look forward to the day when parents sit their kids down and say, "Okay, kids, it's time to learn about the birds and the bees. Open to page 15 of Sexual Education 120%".

slams desk That's it! When my future kids get that age and ask me about that stuff, we'll just read this manga together!

joined Oct 22, 2018

What an amazing teacher.

joined Oct 22, 2018

This has been licensed?!! Take my money!!!

Edit: Oh wait, it got cancelled it seems :**(

If you feel like re-reading, I can send you the pages we used to have here on Discord
DM me @ BV The Balkan Anarchist Mapper #6002

joined Oct 22, 2018

The way I see it, Yuu is demiromantic demisexual and more than likely lesbian (I mean, she certainly sways that way, we just don't know if she does sway any other way too).

last edited at Oct 10, 2020 5:14PM

Image Comments 10 Oct 13:10
joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Dynasty has its own laws, not tied to any IRL polity, and according to Dynasty's laws, if it's not a relatipn by blood, it's then pseudo-incest

Image Comments 10 Oct 10:01
joined Oct 22, 2018

But really, these two images are literally the only ones we have of the ship, and I apready want a doujin of them xD

Image Comments 10 Oct 08:43
joined Oct 22, 2018


I think the word you're looking for was pseudo-incest

joined Oct 22, 2018

I just re-visited this forum only to find out that the most recent post is by a bot