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joined Nov 12, 2020

I was wondering where the 1% Crack Cocaine series went.

Now we get a new crackhead!

Nice,it's back again.

Also,gotta have that big house so you can have all those science babies!

joined Nov 12, 2020

What's better then to get those literal child bearing hips into shape then to jog whilst chasing a picture of your cute editor tied to fishing line?

Smashing your hubby in tennis like the super mom you are!

joined Nov 12, 2020

The short sticky tongue of a poison dart frog and the raspy tongue of a sea slug coming together once more.

Ignore the fact they've been at it for six hours.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Straight to the point straight wingman.

If you ever get them as buddies,hold onto them for dear life,because they'll save you for sure.

joined Nov 12, 2020

There will be dire consequences for her actions soon enough.

I wonder if that will includes plenty of knuckle sandwiches?....

joined Nov 12, 2020

The darkness that was consuming her has now been embraced,absorbed,lifting the weight off of her mind.

Take that which you most desire,fault no more,and seize your future!


joined Nov 12, 2020

Player gettin' played for their own lines.

This will probably be followed by a revenge attempt that also backfires whilst bringing them peeing themselves...

Forget peeing themselves,she's about to pounce her like a beast who found her beauty and then beat herself up for how uncontrolled she became.

Do it!

joined Nov 12, 2020

hahahaha, the extra page is amazing, "wow I thought only half of our team would make it here at best, this is going great" says the team unwittingly made up out of two warring factions.

I love the comedic elements in this manga. The reveal of Benika's father panting like a dog was funny too.

This is why people shouldn't smoke. You never know when you'll find yourself running for your life from knights and assassins dressed in riot gear.

This is also why you should have code name tags so you who's who.

I wonder of the two factions will ever realise they ended up together.

joined Nov 12, 2020

joined Nov 12, 2020

What if Colin's daddy is Mary's daddy?

Now THAT would be a twist.

Colins' father marrying Marys' mother would both give her a sister but also the dread of all of them being in the same house.

And then they get the news that they're getting a lil' brother/sister will further aggravate things.

joined Nov 12, 2020

And,after the wonkiest upload style for the early chapters due to how they were released,it ends on a beutiful scene.

But the real question is when the afterword and the side characters get their own snuggly moments.

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long.

joined Nov 12, 2020

And we haven't even mentioned just how bloody expensive the cost of living is in Japan,and then the Japanese government wonders why the birth rates are low.

Even the horniest couple getting their Dues Vult on in the bedroom knows that it's too costly to get a child with only one parent working,and both working won't be enough to cover the cost of getting someone to help,let alone the child being alone.

If the two working unmarried women who wish to live together in the same rental can't even get spot,how would anyone struggling with a family cope?...

Well,one answer was something me friend told me,the whole family living in a space no larger then a somewhat average living room.

joined Nov 12, 2020

And now they're eyes of acceptance.

Albeit,there are cracks in the system that the mermaid clearly has to go around and plug herself,possibly with the power to detect an imminent crack.

Being blind probably alleviates that,but then you have the issues that come with it.

Makes me wonder if the world the mermaid has created will crumble down around her one day...

Somehow I missed the parallel between the blind cat and how the villagers are "blind" to the mermaid. Great catch.

Indeed,a great catch.

And now she has caught another one into becoming something far more then just a clouded over puppet.

The crumbling is about to accelerate to straight up mom eating.

What this also means is that ignoring the mermaid isn't the same as not seeing the mermaid,for she can still see you.

Also,the only thing scarier then that would be the amount of times I had to bash the refresh button just to get Dynasty to load.

joined Nov 12, 2020

What better way for a wolf to relax after delivering cargo and stabbing another mafioso then to suck the very life out of her angelic buddy with her tongue?

joined Nov 12, 2020

Replacing the lil' boy with the..."little" tomboy.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Witches vote for Trump.

Hard to choose between magical lesbian witches in love who believe in pointless walls that stop nothing and randos with money that like to disappear innocent people who believe that a 9 mm will blow your lung clean out of your body.

But at least the failed magic is now a fun emotion emitter.

joined Nov 12, 2020

I wouldn't be surprised if Kos' kiddos misplaced the storyboard,depending on how delayed we're getting these chapters.

joined Nov 12, 2020

It's not because it's fictional that you can say and draw everything you want. It's not because they were not real persons harmed that you can show the more hateful and immoral things in your story. Words and pictures have meanings and can be more harmful and impactful than any physical actions. This stupid argument and the other "people choose what to read" are the things that lead us to have story (manga, anime, BD, comics ....) that show and spread harmful ideas that actually hurt real people.
And in this case, there is nothing to justify the choice of actor to show little children being abuses and one of them impregnate by her dad ? WTF !

You believe video games cause violent crime,the lesbian comics are making all Catholic girls into lesbians,rock music creates delinquent degenerates,movie ratings aren't biased,cartoons are for children only,and that fictional depictions of lolis need to be protected under child laws instead of using the resources wasted on presecuting lolicons to catch actual creeps whilst protecting real children.

Gatekeeping people from interacting a piece of media,sure,but gatekeeping the media creators themselves?

The whole premise of fictional works is to showcase literally anything,and to make a nice sum of wing wings from it.

And making that sweet dough from showing the aftermath of a fictional girl getting railed by her dads' choo choo train means that there is a market of people who want to see more of this,more dramatic stories about this,and plenty wish to see how it ends.

There's no need for anyone to justify anything beyond the simple action of storytelling and making money from fiction.

joined Nov 12, 2020

It's not necessary, there is nothing scary about this.

I think "scary" is pretty subjective and dead baby buried in the woods might be scary to some.

That aside, woah, I'm excited for chapter 3. Maybe we'll get a dad appearance?

Considering how they treated Marys' mother as faceless,they might do the same,and all we get is his dad bod.

I wonder how Mary will now respond to this development?...

Also,now I can read all the spineless people quake like there's never been stories about fetus deletus.

Albeit,now one wonders,was it a stillborn,abortion,or even murder?...

joined Nov 12, 2020

It's been a long while since the last chapter,and we get some well timed sage advice.

Also,neat how they're treating camisoles as underwear,since that was their original intent,since these days they count as outerwear of sorts.

joined Nov 12, 2020

I would spout the same cringe factor stuff but the fact she's going all Fume Shroom is hilarious.

farts mint oh yeah you like that don't you

joined Nov 12, 2020

Just get married al-...oh wait,problem solved.

Now make a science baby!

joined Nov 12, 2020

I wonder what they forced her to wear...

And yes,use that height to your advantage,don't let anyone tell you it ain't a good thing!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Yo,that was one of the standalone images.

Sending the link at the same time.

Now to pirate it,upload it to YouTube,and have the whole world enjoy the music,regardless of their income.

joined Nov 12, 2020

She was a complete train wreck,with everyone seeing right through her.

Her heart hasn't failed quite yet,but its' getting there.