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joined Dec 5, 2019

That scene with the hand touching ans she finally realizing what desire is and what other people felt for her but that it only made her feel bad in the past was damn nice

joined Dec 5, 2019

Seriously, she's full out going for it and you're stopping her? After you asked her? That's when you're supposed to let it be!!!

I guess the lonely girl can defy the thirsty girl... Give her some love, Honda-san, she wants it bad. All over her body. Like time to take her to your room or a hotel or whatever.

Or just have sex in the classroom like a few stories I can think of...

I think Honda is terrified to fall in love with Sakurai because Honda knows she is gay but fears that Sakurai isn't and will just move on eventually.
that's where the "you don't play fair" line comes from, she is just trying to enjoy kissing a cute girl but she can't help but fall for her too.

as for the new girl, I liked when she showed up because I knew she was thew push both girls needed to make progress, I even kinda hope she brings some drama to the table to make Sakurai more honest about her feelings, who knows.

joined Dec 5, 2019

Now I'm afraid Saku will sell the song with some changes to some Idol and not even realize what was wrong about it. Those pessimists are rubbing off on me

joined Dec 5, 2019

That was a nice chapter, Shion putting the smooth mode on at the end.

joined Dec 5, 2019

Useless lesbians, now featuring useless dad.

And all I could think after opening the chapter was that of course Iroha would like Izumi, that first BL panel looked essentially like two of her. :D

I thought the same thing, Izumi genderbender selfcest

joined Dec 5, 2019

My only issue with the side couples has simply been that they're not totally moving forward fast enough for me. Minami and Iori are great imo and their relationship was established quickly even as the main couple. But Saori's and the Editor's relationships are still mostly jokes. I want to see Saori and Shizuku (?) angrily tsundere kiss already.

They'll probably angrily tsundere kiss soon since the author already added a new couple to cover the "will they, won't they" demographic

joined Dec 5, 2019

what an amazing chapter, izumi as pretty as ever dealt another critical hit on poor Iro

things are looking promissing going forward for both couples

joined Dec 5, 2019

Why can I see a "I am not good enough for you" flag already? Oof.

This is definitely gong to happen - probably a minor thing wth Koguma (the issues she has with her body) and assuredly a larger thing with Hino (we have plenty of evidence to point to her general low self esteem, negative thoughts, etc). Gonna be heartbreaking.

yup, Koguma said Hino looked like a model and Hino went "if you are ok with a face like that" when she saw the wallpaper pic

joined Dec 5, 2019

I'm still wondering if lil sis will ever realize Minami is a girl, or if she has and it's been subtlety worked in or I missed it.

I don't think she has

And whats worse, imagine when they realize both their crushes are together

joined Dec 5, 2019

How does this happen, how do you date a person for 3 years when you don't even like him.

Some people spend their whole lives in merriages denying who they really are... At least lately people are feeling more confident to admit who they are and conquer their own self depreciating feelings

joined Dec 5, 2019

I'm glad this is back, I love their constant frowns, people say the same thing about me, that I'm allways scowling.

Good thing they realized they don't need to do what others do for dates, it seems so many manga characters don't have the slightest clue on what to do on these situations and just follow a script or something

joined Dec 5, 2019

what a nice chapter, I was ready for Mizuki to just come out to her friends since this series has a tendency to building up drama prone situations and then completely smashing them the very next instant. Still very glad as how the meeting is going
The fact that this relationship she is in is apparently the first time she is actually attracted and actually participating in the relationship instead of just going along with it because it's "normal"(not that other manga's kind of normal, just "normal" normal) adds a new bit of info into the whole thing, and maybe Kaoru is figuring out just how deep are her feelings

joined Dec 5, 2019

Ah, crying drunks....had to listen to a lot of them...

joined Dec 5, 2019

wow, what a chapter, Midori finally realizing that good things can happen outside of dreams, the proposal and everything

I, too, am glad that Tezune showed up now, Midori was walking into a trap if she went alone to the apartment since they don't know that Tezune knows about the kiss, so now they are at a public place and they are both together, this meeting was bound to happen sooner or later so I guess it's better that it happens now

again, the grip and the calm expression on Tezune just creeps me the fuck out, that is one hell of a good representation of the "nice guy" abuser

joined Dec 5, 2019

"she's not usually that agressive"

It seems Nao is out to her friend, and that this is not her first rodeo, that's a nice change from the usual, when they are not suddenly realizing they are lesbians at the same time.

joined Dec 5, 2019

I need more! ghost needs her wife.

joined Dec 5, 2019

NIce chapter, I like when these two have their tender moments, Iori is really thirsty.

thanks for translating

joined Dec 5, 2019

Yah, the vibe I get is that X gives no F's, while the rest of her generals are kinda just bumbling around and barely following orders, becoming less threatening the more time they spend in the "filthy human world."

yup, I get the feeling X is the real manace here, the generals were cold and uncaring towards humans too but I feel they are warming up and changing their ways the more they interact with said humans

joined Dec 5, 2019

Nanaki not realizing what she truly feels is actually important for how things are right now, seeing as how honest and straightforward she is she would confess right away the moment she realized her feeling are of romantic love.

as for Izumi, chin up girl, she is my favorite (both on looks and in character) and I really hope she can get a happy continuation of her story. it seems she suffered from heartbreak before judging for that little flashback we had, so she knows what she likes for some time now.

joined Dec 5, 2019

Lots of blushing tag on this chapter please

I got a major "crescent moon" vibe from those two.
This manga is awesome, thanks for the translation

joined Dec 5, 2019

Now I want Uta and Risako to meet each other and realize they've been crushing on the same streight girl(apparently).
Maybe they can heal each other, god knows Risako is a mess and doesn't know how to handle her feelings and Uta is just learning how to deal with hers

last edited at May 2, 2020 1:53PM

joined Dec 5, 2019

I just know this will be a bait ans switch by the author but I can't help being excited

joined Dec 5, 2019

Need more elf yuri, that is all.

joined Dec 5, 2019

Yukawa is a secret top, her true potential will be unlobked once they are more confortable with each other and she can overcome her shyness, girl's thirsty

joined Dec 5, 2019

Yes, the cheating thing is ridiculous ... just randomly in the middle of town merely talking to someone constitutes the possibility of cheating?! What sort of paranoia do you have to have ...
But then's pretty normal for romance stories for some reason.

Maybe because they are sisters Shiho was acting differently with her and was overly familiar compared to her normal behavior?
I don't know but that was the best I could come up eith lol