i'm apologizing in advance for my ramblings. i am feel very chatty right now.
@Miki - hope to catch you later.
To start the new page on another topic, what's the latest song or artist that everyone came across?
music. artists. wot's dat? of late that's been my feeling. if it weren't for the CD i bought and my occaisional bouts of channel surfing, i'd never listen to anything with the exception that (ugh!) i've turned into my parents and have been listening to talk radio and BBC broadcasts when i can catch them.
also, i'm not big into metal, punk, or seriously heavy rock. can anyone suggest an artist that is more lyrical/melodic?
@old fart - love the name. it's how i feel most of the time and goes along nicely with my new rant on how 'getting older is a ?itch' :-(
@Blackkitty - that coffee pic looks sooooo cute! please say the kitties are actually foam! if not, was that a cup lid?
@All - OK, so i was watching tv and the show mentioned a Swiss cafe that was offering coffee and fellatio. i thought it was a joke so I goggle'd it. it was no joke. (hopefuly this next statement doesn't rub anyone the wrong way but...) i am always amazed by European's unrestrained attitudes towards sex and what not. a cafe like that definitely could not and would not open up here in the US. you kind of have to wonder if the service is a success, will they expand to cocoa and cunnilingus?
actually, doesn't offering sex acts border on prostitution? ok, i realize my comment may be a bit ignorant to make because it depends on the law, but i really am amazed it's a thing.