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joined Apr 15, 2011

For me it's definitely a hobby.
A really private one since I am gay so it's not just a fetish ^^
But definitely not an obsession.

What about you?

@Anon - i'd say it ranged on a spectrum. I know, that's an odd thing to type, so bear with this answer.

i am lesbian and after i watched Revolutionary Girl Utena, I got kinda obsessive-compulsive and wanted to get a hold of all things yuri. mind you, seeing gay and lesbian characters on TV/film wasn't very common, so i ended up buying lots of lesbian films and yuri/shoujo ai anime over a few years. now that it's way more common to see those types of characters, it's more a hobby and a nice escape from watching the news or TV shows.

Also has school started back up for some of you kiddies?

@Alvis - (sigh) classes start back in a couple of weeks. gonna suck having classes and work sucking all my free time :-(

@Utoptia - I LOVE both the OP and ED for Ergo Proxy. actually the OST is pretty darn good. if i need something to work/study to, it usually floats to the top of my playlist.

last edited at Aug 15, 2016 11:39PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

Ah Britain, a land where you £2,000,000 goes into policing freedom of speech over someone telling an MP to "get in the sea" and the MP whinging it was a death threat despite being not even close to a death threat and her colleague saying the literal same thing on twitter a couple of months back, and then the same party that MP is from can commit fraud on it's members, get away with it in part thanks to a judge who's made something to the tune of £500,000 off the party, force the ones who bought up the fraud in court to pay for legal damages, and then have the gall to say "now don't bully us back we know what you're like" to the party leader and his supporters.

And these aren't even the guys who made Boris fucking Johson the Foreign Secretary and Jeremy fucking Hunt the Health Secretary. I never thought I could miss dodgy fucking Dave and "Gideon" Osborne.

Worse still, at least neither of these parties are lead by a man who claims to be liberal but refused three times in an interview to say that being gay isn't a sin, or are just... UKIP.

Sorry for politics rant, I'm pretty pissed right now >_>

@CCL - lol. no worries. it cannot be any worse than the political climate here in the states.

last edited at Aug 15, 2016 10:20PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

Question: What was the thing that got you guys into Yuri?

heh, i had to really think about this question and i can honestly say, i don't remember anymore. i know i saw/read something, but now i don't remember what it was or when it happened. i think the first yuri anime i ever bought and watched was Revolutionary Girl Utena; otherwise, i have no clue.

a question i'd love to hear other people's answer to is if yuri is a hobby, an obsession or somewhere in-between?

@Z. Long - Cream Lemon is probably the closest thing I can think of....

wow, that is seriously old school. i've been able to watch some of the episodes. some of them are pretty good and some are downright goofy.

last edited at Aug 15, 2016 12:47AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

i'm loving this!!!!

and i know it's wrong to feel this way, but as i'm reading each page, i keep thinking, 'that roommate is a useless, useless, useless human! come on, why would anyone live with someone so useless?'

last edited at Aug 15, 2016 1:39AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

Okay the latest update deserves the wtf? tag. This has gone beyond all sense of reason and I think this is an extra but what the actual fuck is happening and is this even an extra I mean what?

This is more or less just wrapping up Sumika's arc and wtf her deal is. After the next chapter, we're in the home stretch. Not that it makes any more sense than this arc...
We've more or less got the QC for the remaining chapters sorted out so it's just a matter of how quickly the typesetter can work.

@Goggled Anon - thanks for the update and the work you guys are doing.

rants aside, i'll be the first to admit that my gripes (and i would think some of the other commenters here as well) are solely targeted at all these detours in the story (oddball arcs). i guess this is the difference between print and animated. lot's of mini-stories work well when animated because they can be split across episodes, but the manga in this case... oy!

joined Apr 15, 2011

It's sad you cant use gif as avatar tho, I got one I really want to use :'(

@Utoptia - ummm, unless it's animated, i'm not understanding the problem. why not just save the gif in another format?

last edited at Aug 8, 2016 1:22AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

@Zuljin - good to know. i definitely wasn't going to watch it based on the reviews, but may try to see it if i can get a 5-finger discount (i.e. slip in and see it for free). Now i'm curious why having Harley x Ivy would make a sequal tolerable? wouldn't it reason that if the parts are crappy then the sum of the parts would be equally crappy or worse?

if you cannot tell, i'm not a fan of the DC movies?

joined Apr 15, 2011

Talking about piano, if there are some octopus among us, they can try this

@ Utoptia - no need for octopi. just need two handy pianists or piano for 4 hands

joined Apr 15, 2011

feel free to ignore the rant below.

I love Morishima's works and it pains me to say this, but i'll be glad when this story comes to an end. unless i've missed something, and it's possible i have, the story as a whole has gotten unruly. all these little side stoires need to come with an explanation guide. others may disagree with chapter but i think ch. 21 is a good place to start. maybe earlier, but definitely when the story transitions from one oddball plot to another.

joined Apr 15, 2011

cool. thanx Nez!

joined Apr 15, 2011

i'm apologizing in advance for my ramblings. i am feel very chatty right now.

@Miki - hope to catch you later.

To start the new page on another topic, what's the latest song or artist that everyone came across?

music. artists. wot's dat? of late that's been my feeling. if it weren't for the CD i bought and my occaisional bouts of channel surfing, i'd never listen to anything with the exception that (ugh!) i've turned into my parents and have been listening to talk radio and BBC broadcasts when i can catch them.

also, i'm not big into metal, punk, or seriously heavy rock. can anyone suggest an artist that is more lyrical/melodic?

@old fart - love the name. it's how i feel most of the time and goes along nicely with my new rant on how 'getting older is a ?itch' :-(

@Blackkitty - that coffee pic looks sooooo cute! please say the kitties are actually foam! if not, was that a cup lid?

@All - OK, so i was watching tv and the show mentioned a Swiss cafe that was offering coffee and fellatio. i thought it was a joke so I goggle'd it. it was no joke. (hopefuly this next statement doesn't rub anyone the wrong way but...) i am always amazed by European's unrestrained attitudes towards sex and what not. a cafe like that definitely could not and would not open up here in the US. you kind of have to wonder if the service is a success, will they expand to cocoa and cunnilingus?

actually, doesn't offering sex acts border on prostitution? ok, i realize my comment may be a bit ignorant to make because it depends on the law, but i really am amazed it's a thing.

joined Apr 15, 2011

@Miki - as Galich mentioned above, you're in good company. i'm sure the lot of us are all misfits in one way or another.


as to your online friend, you can always take one of two approaches. you can leave things alone for a while and see if she starts contacting you again, or you can cut your losses and enjoy the conversations you've had. i know the way i'm framing this is a bit detached (probably not the best word to use), but if she is truly your friend, she'll get back in touch with you. if not, she really isn't your friend.

second, there is a huge benefit to chatting online. you get to communicate with lots of interesting people and hopefully make some meaning connections like getting to know the people you chat with or in sime cases dating them. also, and this is my most sincere opinion, if you can talk to complete strangers online and become friendly with them, you can do the same irl. it'll probably take a lot more practice, but i think you can do it.

So, don't let this situation get you down. this all is going to work itself out one way or the other.

and on that note, i'm outta here. take care and have a good night/good morning !

last edited at Aug 5, 2016 3:30AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

ummmm..... i haven't seen the anime, so are you all saying that everyone lives?!?!?!?

joined Apr 15, 2011

@ciega, I think it's already too late. It's been two months and I tried to give her as much space as I could, while periodically sending her messages to voice my feelings, but she hasn't bothered to respond. Earlier she deleted me off Facebook and all other social media so I took that as a sign that she's done with the friendship.

It kinda made me think like, I really am terrible at keeping friends.

@Miki - i thought the same thing. it took about 3 years in my case. as for keeping friends, friendships are very much like relationships. both sides have to work at them. now i have another question for you. were the two of you friends offline, or solely online/facebook friends?

joined Apr 15, 2011

@Galich, honestly, I'm not sure if there is much to say about what's going on. It's really just, a friend has been ignoring me (and admitted to it) since my birthday. I've been trying to send her messages to tell her how I feel, but she doesn't seem to care.

It's not the first time something like this has happened. I just feel worse than usual because this friend is someone who was really important to me.

@Miki - hi. gonna jump in on this conversation as i've had the exact same thing happen. so as to your friend, sometimes it's best to just step back and give them space. you can always let your friend know that they are important to you and that when they are ready to talk, you'll be there. i know what i wrote may sound cliche and counter-intuitive, but there may be some merit to it because sometimes, people just need time to work through their own issues. also, there is the possibility that the reason(s) your friend isn't speaking with you is because of something totally unrelated. until your friend let's you know, I can only imagine that not being able to talk it out will continue to bother you; but don't let this get you down, and don't give up being her friend.

last edited at Aug 5, 2016 12:34AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

The older you get, the less shy you become (^_^)b
Believe me ;)

wish that were 100% true, but not always the case. if anything, you may not become more fearless, but you do learn to not give a shit as much.

last edited at Jul 23, 2016 10:37AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

I always found E.T. to be pretty creepy.
I know he was kind and all and the movie was good too but the way he looked... pretty creepy indeed... ^^
For me back when I was a child at least.

E.T. is one of the most innocent and sweetest movies ever made, yet it gave me nightmares. go figure. i watched the Omen with little more than a few weird dreams, but was scared shitless after watching E.T. meh.

@Nezchan - okay, so if horror movies aren't your cup of tea, what kind of movies do you like?

joined Apr 15, 2011

It's fresh and original and deserves any and all due acclaim.

welp, i'd be satisfied if it were animated. it's a bit of a slap-stick comedy, but is it funny enough to break out of the niche yuri market?

joined Apr 15, 2011

so the secret to quitting smoking has been revealed....*sigh, im doomed o.O

doomed? why?

joined Apr 15, 2011

Also: Yurika is hot.

yes, her character does have a very fetching face.

joined Apr 15, 2011

@Rina - if you're on a slasher bend, why not go old school and watch Carrie (ok, it's not really a slasher and it's from the 70's, but it's good)? and you've watched all the Nightmare on Elm Streets and all the Amityville Horrors (welp imo, one only needs to watch the original cuz the others sucked)? yeah, i didn't add Fri. the 13th's because how many ways can Jason realy be killed before it gets boring???

joined Apr 15, 2011

wow, ch. 22 was really sweet, but it almost felt like a final chapter.

joined Apr 15, 2011

I'll wait for the film to be out on other sources :p

i've completely given up on going to the movies. i'm convinced major film companies do not want to make good original movies anymore and any original films that are made are only aired on small screens, so it takes forever for them to reach theaters.

That aside, whats everyone's song obsession atm? As in, repeated listenings. I am currently playing the full OP for LL Sunshine over and over lol.

heh! went and grabbed Samurai Champloo OST. it's been making my commute to work very enjoyable. aside from listening to that ST, i haven't really been focused on songs per se. been more or less bouncing around listening to light/easy listening jazz and zydeco music.

joined Apr 15, 2011

@Blackkitty - what types of fruits or flavors do you use for your wines?

joined Apr 15, 2011

wtf? ok, is ch. 21 something that will only make sense if i watch the anime, or is the anime just as left-field?