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schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

An error in Her Kiss Chapter 9
Page 108 (tagaki->takagi)
here's the fixed version:

Edit: sorry, fixed page number.

last edited at Jan 20, 2020 2:53PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I recently released three chapters for Her Kiss that were included as volume extras, but they're each listed very differently on the series page (Forbidden Fruit, The Whole Story of Her Nails Drying, and Twinkle Hearts).

Two things. Could the names for these be standardized to something (maybe "Extra: Chapter Name" or something)? Also, Forbidden Fruit was released as an extra for the 1st compilation volume, so I think that should come after Chapter 5 in the order of chapters.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Noticed it as well. I think she was originally misread as Kida and nobody ever fixed it?

EDIT/ Nvm, it's mentioned in tag.

What do you mean, "mentioned in tag"? I see that there's an "also known as" that includes Yorita Miyuki. I just think maybe she should be listed as Yorita Miyuki, since that seems to be the name she primarily publishes under and uses online. Did she actually use "Kida Miyuki" in the past?

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I'm kind of curious why she's listed as "Kida Miyuki" here when she calls herself "Yorita Miyuki" in all of her works, and on her twitter and pixiv as well.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

It's possible that's just the sound of Jun dropping his bike, which would be pretty hilariously anticlimactic resolution.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Yay! Time for the coma and amnesia arcs!

Oh god please no. I had to drop My Unrequited Love like the fucking garbage that it is when it pulled that shit.

last edited at Jan 13, 2020 3:32AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention the possibility that the ghost might not be Natsu. She doesn't look like the picture and she doesn't stand over Natsu's grave, but rather a different one. Not to mention she brings up not really remembering Natsu, so unless she is speaking in the third person or somehow forget who she was it wouldn't really make sense. My interpretation is that ghost girl is actually a third character who has fallen for Chihiro and wants to comfort her after Natsu's death.

This post made me reconsider the meaning of the manga. However, after thinking about it for a long time, I'm certain your interpretation is wrong.

As for your evidence that she's not Natsu, it's not very compelling. She says she's forgetting Natsu's face, not that she's forgotten Natsu, which makes sense since she probably hasn't been able to look in a mirror since she died. The narrator speaks about Natsu in the third person in my translation because it's very difficult to convey the indirect way she's speaking. You can't just leave out nouns and pronouns in English the way you can in Japanese. Even in the original she does refer to Natsu in the third person a few times, but I think that's primarily to trick the audience. Same thing with the obscured pictures and the change in her haircut. And I don't think it really matters what grave she's standing on. She was just walking around the whole town, so she can probably stand on whatever grave she likes.

And the evidence that she is Natsu is more convincing. The last page makes very clear. The lines "Those words—no matter what's happened, they do make me happy. I'm still here," only make sense if she is Natsu thinking back to hearing Chihiro say that she loves her too. If she weren't Natsu, then what would that even be referring to?

The story would be pointless if she were just a random ghost. From beginning to end, the story is about how Chihiro can't let go of Natsu. At first we're lead to believe that the narrator is Chihiro's friend or girlfriend who's come back home with her. She wants Chihiro to forget Natsu. Then the ending reveal that she is Natsu makes us re-evaluate the rest of the story. Chihiro is not just metaphorically haunted by Natsu, but literally as well. Natsu's ghost wants Chihiro to move on not out of jealousy but because she wants the person she loves to live her life and be happy. But at the same time she's still glad to hear that Chihiro loved her back, since she died before Chihiro responded. The twist casts the whole story in a new light.

On other hand, if the narrator were just some random ghost then what would even be the point of that reveal? It would be a meaningless surprise, contributing nothing and changing nothing. And it would rely on a series of major coincidences. There just happens to be a girl who also knew Chihiro and who died around the same age as Natsu, and who also loves Chihiro, and whose grave just happens to be right next to Natsu's?

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 12:51AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I don't know, if Kyouko really love and care about Kurumi like she said, she wouldn't have wish for her to break up.

She's wishing for them to break up because she loves and cares about Kurumi. She thinks Nika is a negative influence on Kurumi's life and mental well being. Is she correct? I wouldn't say so, but she's well intentioned.

One could argue that it's the reverse: she thinks so little of Nika partly (or mainly) because she wants them to break up. She basically had a single negative encounter with Nika and has refused to change her opinion of her since then despite all the evidence that she's very serious about her relationship with Kurumi. Kurumi has only positive things to say about her, and she even showed Kyouko the scarf Nika knitted for her. If that isn't proof that she's not some slut/cad just playing with Kurumi's feelings, I don't know what is.

So I think there's some evidence that at this point, Kyouko hates Nika simply out of jealousy. She says she wants them to break up out of concern for Kurumi, but there has to be an element of selfishness to that as well, whether she admits it or not.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Also, I know this isn't determinant, but they did have sex. I guess you can have sex with a woman even if you're not into women, but I think that's at least indicative that Nika can go both ways.

Wait, when did they have sex? They slept together in c6, but pretty sure they didn't have sex.

I mean, it's not explicitly stated, but reread Chapter 8. What do you think happens immediately after this?

Maybe they just make out and then take a bath together. I'm assuming that's supposed to be a cue that sex follows.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

People seem to have an odd blind-spot with regards to Shouko's shitty behavior.

That tends to happen with murder victims.

Also, the Satou is the main character of the story. The entire build-up to her murder of Shouko is a key turning point in the story. Her previous killings were at least somewhat justifiable—the painter was throttling Shio when she clocked him, and those guys in the park (if she actually killed them rather than simply mutilating them) were violent rapists. But then she killed her only friend in cold blood simply to make sure her secret stayed safe.

This is the only thing that Satou ever regrets, and it seems to torment her and catalyze some major changes in behavior. It's the point of the story where we know that Satou is doomed. Arguably, it's her unease with what she's done that ends up killing her (look at the scene where she leaves her ring behind). She has done the unforgivable and, even if she survives, she'll never escape. So Shouko's behavior is really beside the point of the story.

last edited at Jan 8, 2020 10:05AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I'm pretty sure Nikaidou's sexuality isn't the main issue in the story. Even if she does pick Jun in the end (unlikely), that still wouldn't prove that she's actually straight or anything. So yeah, it's probably about "a girl who can't get over someone".

Agreed. I don't think the question of Nika's sexuality is really an issue in this story at all. Neither she nor Kurumi has brought it up or worried about it since basically the first chapter. Other people have brought that up, but the only question that's relevant to them is whether Nika's feelings for Kurumi are romantic.

Also, I know this isn't determinant, but they did have sex. I guess you can have sex with a woman even if you're not into women, but I think that's at least indicative that Nika can go both ways.

last edited at Jan 8, 2020 12:22AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Joker: good and memorable. Not much to say tbh. I'm a bit worried about the Harley movie, I hope they don't make it edgier because this one made the $$$$$

Did anyone else think this movie was hilarious? It was pretty funny throughout, but when a "super rat" scurries by in the background at the end, I couldn't stop laughing. Would definitely recommend.

Best movie I saw last year was Under the Shadow. Really thoughtful and tense thriller/drama. It's the kind of movie where the plot is largely metaphorical, but it works on both levels. On the surface, it's a story about a mother trying to protect her daughter from a supernatural terror, and even if that's all it was, it'd still be a good movie. But it's pretty clear what the djinn represent, and you can see what the movie is really about from the very first scene.

Oh, and it's really short, which I think it is always a good thing in a film.

last edited at Jan 5, 2020 8:00AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

The idea of kissing on the lips being a normal thing in Japan between friends is heavily exaggerated. Unless you're playing a game like pocky or punishment, people will think it's gay.

That wasn't meant to be a statement about the entire Japanese people. It's just something those two characters think.

Edit: plus, I rather think they are talking about stuff like games or punishment, or making out when you're drunk or whatever.

last edited at Dec 27, 2019 8:57PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Dating hella people to catch another guys attention?

It's the same as a kid who pull pranks just to get the attention of its parents. Nikaidou was just hoping that Jun may have a change of heart and start to love her back. Unfortunaly i think that's just make him really worried and wish she found someone for good.

It's about as childish as pulling pranks to get the attention of her parents, but much more dangerous. She was going out at night alone or with strangers and getting shitfaced on a regular basis. That's incredibly unsafe behavior. And then she'd call Jun to come and pick her up, which is essentially forcing him to make the choice between living his life on call to deal with her problems, or risking something terrible happening to her. Nika is the kind of mess that sane people wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

But that's just in real life though. In a story, it does make for a dramatic and compelling narrative.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Mc was childhood friends and gave pen I think to friend, friend moved away and Mc works at restaurant where she is getting betrothed at.

Oh god no now I'm reading this one again and it's making me cry. Fuck.

It's one of my favorites too.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Mc was childhood friends and gave pen I think to friend, friend moved away and Mc works at restaurant where she is getting betrothed at.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

The heart stone. The victorian dress rental plase. The historical Western house. Nanoho, and Chitori's class must be at the same plase that Akko confessed to Mariko in Girlfriends

I'm pretty sure that's all just under the category of Shit You Do In Nagasaki. If you're going to have your school romance manga take a school trip, you have probably 3 common options. If you go with Nagasaki, then you're also going to have Glover Garden, which is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city, and that includes all the rest. So even if it'd deliberate homage, it's not like it's something unique to Girlfriends.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Yeah, who has to apologize for what really isn't the point. The point is that both of them decided they wanted to make up, and they were willing to do whatever was necessary to accomplish that. If you go through relationships in life with the attitude that the aggrieved party should never apologize, you're setting yourself up for a long-running battle for the moral high ground which will end either with both of you miserable and resentful, or a break-up.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Ah, how interesting—since only children ever get in stupid fights based on nothing, evidently the average age of Dynasty readers in these forums is about 7 years old.

You learn something new every day.

I resemble that remark.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I don't really know if the issue is maturity. To me, this fight is refreshing because it's so patently ridiculous. It's not even based on a legitimate misunderstanding. Nanoha got a little jealous and then decided to act upset, and then Chidori actually got angry in response, and now neither of them is willing to talk to the other. It's impossible to take seriously.

There's another story, Yuunagi Marbled, where the main character isn't really mature, but she's open and honest with her feelings, so she defuses a lot of potential drama, even though the other girl is kind of a moody bitch (but we still love her).

In general, in dramatic stories the characters' arcs often come from them being forced to confront a part of themselves that they could not accept. When that plays out in a romance story, you get moments where the characters are incapable of communicating their desires or needs, not because they can't communicate but because they are refusing to acknowledge that they have those needs/desires. I think a lot of standard romance plots fall into that category. She tries to keep some distance from her partner because she's afraid to acknowledge that she truly needs another person. He pushes his partner away because he's afraid that anyone who knows his true self will come to hate him. Etc. When it works, the characters have issues we can understand and empathize with, and the drama is a natural result of these inner conflicts.

But I think sometimes the superficial elements of these arguments are copied over without a strong foundation in the characters' psychologies. Then they seem to come out of nowhere and the audience is left feeling like the characters are acting like immature children.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I really like this, tho i can't help but feel that the author missed a trick by having one of the girls telepathically know the others thoughts. I feel like this could've been a much more powerful story about two girls overcoming the language barrier and becoming close to one another. Tho i do suppose that there have been others who've done such (tho i can't think of such a yuri off the top of my head) and the telepathy does make this somewhat unique.

This is very cute tho.

There are stories sort of similar to that. comes to mind, and also

Or Koe no Katachi, though that's not yuri.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Ok, so the mute girl doesn’t seem to know the other girl is a Teep (slang for telepath from Babylon 5). She suspects it, but disregards it because it’s outlandish (hence supernatural tag).

What I’m curious about is why the Teep keeps her powers a secret? She’s gotta be using them to her advantage somehow... maybe by reading the minds of boys and warning other girls of malicious/misogynistic intent, then being compensated for it? It explains why she’s attracted to mute girl since the boys aren’t very nice in that school. Mute girl’s thoughts match her physical attempts to communicate while others may think one thing, then do something completely opposite of what they thought... like lies, lies and more LIES!!! At least, that’s what the Teep probably thinks.

I feel like you're reading a completely different manga from the rest of us. You seem to be writing your own story that's only tangentially related to this one.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Did you ever have the experience of suddenly wondering "What if someone around me can read minds?" and then the most fucked-up thing you could imagine came to mind unbidden as you desperately tried to clear your mind?

Being able to read minds would be awful.

last edited at Dec 16, 2019 4:25AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Pools get chloride and are bigger in volumes. Also, no matter how good they wash themselves, there's still bound to be some filth left. In your own house it's only you, not other 10+ people as well.
Plus if they already have washed, why enter the bath naked? They could wear a swimwear.
Anyway, to me it's bizzare and very unnecessary, unless you wanna see people around you naked.

Public baths have been around in various cultures for thousands of years. At one point they served an important function, in that most people who lived in cities didn't have access to clean water to bathe themselves, so public baths (or saunas or whatever form they took) allowed the masses to stay clean. I guess the widespread of availability of indoor plumbing has made them "unnecessary", but human practices often hang on long past the point of necessity.

There's some similar practice I'm not sure you've heard of. It's equally unnecessary and even filthier (by far) than public baths. It's called swimming. In a public bath, the only filth will be the tiny particles that cling to people after they've thoroughly washed themselves, but people often willingly enter bodies of water that are awash in numerous sources of filth. In fact, hundreds of millions of people go into the ocean for no reason whatsoever, and the entire floor of the ocean is covered in dirt! Sometimes they'll even go in naked.

last edited at Dec 16, 2019 3:53AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I've been thinking about this for a long time regarding the public baths in Japan.
First, it is embarrassing hanging around naked in front of all these people.
Also, bathing inside other people's dirt is just gross. Especially when your sensitive area is exposed to it as well.

You're supposed to wash yourself off in a shower before you soak in the bath.