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joined Jul 26, 2016

Also, based on this list sometime posted on Twitter, the one manga that I overlooked (page 3, panel 2) is Murcielago.



Arknights! 19 Sep 20:37
joined Jul 26, 2016

What I do remember is her being called bunny multiple times.

Yeti Squad Member: "Did you ever notice that both our sides are led by rabbits?"
Blaze: "...huh?"
Frostleaf: "I think something in my brain just broke."
- 6-8 epilogue

Frosty just can't contain her Deadpan Snarker streak even when half dead from going Arts-to-Arts with Snowbunny can she? :D

Image Comments 19 Sep 19:19
joined Jul 26, 2016
Arknights! 19 Sep 19:17
joined Jul 26, 2016

List is missing the Chernobog bearcub middleschoolers for some reason:

Zima - 162 cm
Istina - 156 cm
Gummy - 155 cm

For the sake of completeness Cool Big Sis Ojousama Rosa clocks in at 174 cm - not that you'd know from most fanarts pairing her with Zima - but then she was a highschooler.

Arknights! 19 Sep 16:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

She's legal loli! She looks like kid, but actually is 100 years old!

Sorry, I couldn't resist xP

Yo no hijacking Warfarin's character setting >:c

Image Comments 19 Sep 14:59
joined Jul 26, 2016

Do cocaineHourai, get hooked on violently dying

Just another Tuesday in Touhouverse ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Arknights! 19 Sep 14:37
joined Jul 26, 2016

TBF "looks" doesn't necessarily correlate with actual age - never mind now how whatever bizarreness is going on with Amiya's Infection (that unique "Chimera" race append doesn't exactly suggest physical normalcy) might further screw things.

People who know her well keep talking about her as quite young tho which I would consider rather more reliable indicator.

Arknights! 19 Sep 13:55
joined Jul 26, 2016

"Different races have different manifestations of age and appearance" really doesn't say much. So far the only example we've actually been told of ingame would be the aforementioned Sarkaz.

Would be amusing if it turned out the Archosaurs parallel real-life crocodilians in never ceasing growing tho. Attack on Gavial anyone? :v

Arknights! 19 Sep 13:12
joined Jul 26, 2016

So far there's nothing to indicate Terran years and aging patterns deviated from the implicit genre assumption of defaulting to their Earth equivalents. P sure the only mentioned example of deviation is Nian's comment about the Sarkaz in general and Vampires in particular (as evidenced by Warfarin and Closure) "not really showin their age".

Y'know, discounting the outright ageless Eldritch Abominations like Nian and her ilk...

Arknights! 19 Sep 11:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh yeah and Surtr has an S3 that burns her HP in return of mad buffs. Told ya she's bootleg Blood Rose Himeko. =3=

Actually she's a Stand User.

That too. "Oh, so you're approaching me?" duly abounds in the comments.

Arknights! 19 Sep 11:39
joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh yeah and Surtr has an S3 that burns her HP in return of mad buffs. Told ya she's bootleg Blood Rose Himeko. =3=

Arknights! 19 Sep 11:36
joined Jul 26, 2016

Well pretty much everyone does refer to her as a "kid"...

Operator files do list everyone's heights tho, albeit no other biometrics.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Sex crime statistics are infamously unreliable absolutely everywhere for all the reasons mentioned above. Hell. All the assorted social and psychological hurdles for even reporting them properly pretty much result in a situation where in countries where the underlying societal dynamics actually the best - that is, the authorities actually hear about them in the first place because victims dare and feel it worthwhile to come to them at all - the numbers look the worst.

Lies, damned lies and statistics as it were. You can't just take datasets from entirely different contexts and blithely assume they're at all comparable.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I wish I still had your level of optimism regarding my fellow man.

i'm not sure it's optimism, as such, to say that they aren't misunderstanding but are instead lying in order to harass a person who doesn't hate trans people.

It's eminently optimistic to assume they're that clever and not just standard ignorant Internets morons.

joined Jul 26, 2016

(I must say that the longer the Kaoru-angst gets dragged out the more I start to wonder what our madcap high-school lesbians are getting up to.)

Join the Church of the Stooges, we have actual progression and cake! o3o

School Zone discussion 19 Sep 09:14
joined Jul 26, 2016

Hah, Hiiragi is going to get befriended whether she likes it or not. Good for her. She needs it.

Image Comments 19 Sep 02:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

is this ntr

Image Comments 18 Sep 19:56
joined Jul 26, 2016

...good one. XD

joined Jul 26, 2016

Uhm, I… can’t write comments as deep and detailed as those above, but I’m glad this kind of discussion is happening. X)

Now I’m seeing two possible developments for chapter 8:
1 − Akira suddenly becomes terrified and runs away, which Mayuki takes as a rejection of her feelings (and then goes to seek reassurance in Rin’s arms?)
2 − Akira apologizes to Mayuki for looking down on her and confesses that she has never kissed and is in love with Rin

3) − Akira gathers her wits enough to feed Mayuki some lame face-saving bullshit (probably getting believed at least for the time being, as Mayu kinda sucks at guile and still thinks she's the perfect superwoman) and excuses herself at first opportunity to go home and try to digest everything she's rather abruptly learned about... all three of them, really.

Arknights! 18 Sep 15:15
joined Jul 26, 2016

Didn't know Manticore could get a monster-like hand?

Unless that's from event lore or somesuch it's a total asspull. ¯\(°_o)/¯ Mousse's the one that gets RIP AND TEAR majick claws (and has some issues about that).

Literally the only connection between those two I could find is one of Manti's voicelines: "Don't let that girl named "Nightmare" near me... She's... dangerous... My power... doesn't work on her... Why..."

last edited at Sep 18, 2020 3:18PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

... that last bit makes one wonder if Mayuki isn't a little bit daft, lol.

In all fairness Rin is the only one in the bunch with any relationship experience... plus poor Mayuki's got some self-esteem issues to work through before she can grok the idea of someone falling for her. :/

joined Jul 26, 2016

This is manipulation and incest is fucking disgusting. How much is the age difference?? Why do they insist on ruining yuri with these disgusting tags. Yuri is pure and real. Nothing like that bullshit hentai. This sucked.


Yeah, no.

joined Jul 26, 2016

So a while ago video essayist Lindsay Ellis made a video about the possibility of applying the "Death of the Author" literary theory to JK Rowling's work in wake of her increasingly public transphobia... Turns out she's been receiving comments and threats from people who, it seems, sincerely believe that "Death of the author" means "I think the author should die because I disagree with their politics". I know I shouldn't be surprised, but sometimes it just hits me that some people really are that stupid.

The people making those comments likely understand what it means, they are just commenting in bad faith

I wish I still had your level of optimism regarding my fellow man.

Arknights! 18 Sep 10:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm not sure I want Manticore though. Her operator file doesn't seem to mention any likely shipping candidates for her unlike Blue Poison which has Gummy and Specter.

I want her for her interesting design and mechanics (which are also p useful; borrowed her from friendlist to replace a Guard for Anni3 clear), not shippability. Which is appropriately low given she's pretty much the single most unsociable char on the roster... :v

use healing + defender/defence tags and u always get Gummy or Nearl


Image Comments 18 Sep 09:36
joined Jul 26, 2016

^"Kept you waiting, huh?"