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Goggled Anon
You're... discussion 09 Feb 06:14
joined Oct 15, 2014

Most tragic afterword yet

Goggled Anon
1 x ½ discussion 08 Feb 22:46
joined Oct 15, 2014

I guess the real question here is:

Is she hiding mother-daughter incest books?

With the finesse Ayako has of being able to enter her room at any time, Asuka wouldn't dare leave any evidence lying around.

Goggled Anon
I have a question 08 Feb 15:55
joined Oct 15, 2014

Mangadex, Doki's Batoto replacement, allows uploads of various languages, but as far as GG is concerned, there's only a handful of German chapters.

Goggled Anon
I have a question 08 Feb 14:33
joined Oct 15, 2014

This site only has English scanlations. I dunno if there's any groups doing Gakkou Gurashi in French.

joined Oct 15, 2014

missing chapter titles:
ch1: Light, Yuri, and Storms
ch2: Darkness, Fury, and Swings

Just translated the newest chapter so that should hopefully be typeset soon.

joined Oct 15, 2014

That's a lot of reference notes.

Goggled Anon
1 x ½ discussion 06 Feb 19:45
joined Oct 15, 2014

Message to the Mods: it's chapter 6+α, not 6.1:+α (how did it turned out this way anyway?).

Might be something to do with their chapter ordering system. The last extra was just called "Chapter 3 Omake".

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

so is it not furry? or are the two storys form the first one unrelated? it was never cleared up.

They're two unrelated stories, much like the previous book.

joined Oct 15, 2014

This should be listed as a Comic Anthology. Real Hoshiiro GirlDrop will never exist as long as Popuko lives.

Goggled Anon
Kase-san discussion 04 Feb 07:37
joined Oct 15, 2014

What happen to the ones you got did that source fall through?

You combined two seperate quotes that are months apart. The former was about chapter 2.

joined Oct 15, 2014

I did notice them, but the translation for those versions appear shaky.

Goggled Anon
Kase-san discussion 03 Feb 20:21
joined Oct 15, 2014

For anyone confused why this isn't a Yamada and Kase-san chapter, this was a recent web chapter (seperate from the recent magazine issue, I'll get back to you on that when/if someone gets us some RAWs) which I'm guessing is to provide additional content for the fifth tank.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

She confessed to the guy she liked and since he rejected her then she confessed to her friend? What the actual fuck.

Technically speaking she didn't get the chance to confess cos he already had a girlfriend. (This references episode 34 of the anime).

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Is Watamote actually like this now? I only own up to vol. 7 (and I think I've only read to 4), and I've been considering whether I want to get up to date with the series.

As far as the yuri material goes, it really starts to kick off with the school trip arc (volume 8), where the majority of these side characters get introduced and gradually twisted by the presence of Tomoko. Nemo has been present for a while, but she too gets some intriguing develops following that arc.
But if dorky trash protagonists are your bag, there's still plenty to enjoy from the stash you've got at the moment (and Mokocchi has a fair amount of gay moments).

last edited at Jan 27, 2018 7:53PM

Goggled Anon
Image Comments 27 Jan 19:42
joined Oct 15, 2014

Riko on the offensive side of a kabedon?
Completely OOC 4/10

Goggled Anon
PPTP Log discussion 25 Jan 21:07
joined Oct 15, 2014

OMG. They did Kannazuki No Miku XD This is GOLD!

Dammit, I can never remember how many Ns are in that name.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Exactly as planned.

joined Oct 15, 2014

A couple of points though - on page 15 at the bottom, is that weird distortion part of the original work or an editing issue?

And on page 19 did it really say they went on lots of dates the next day, not something like they went on lots of dates from the next day on? / in coming days? Because I don't think you can fit 'lots' of dates in 1 day - and I'm sure they didn't just go on dates the next day and then never again - so for both reasons it is worded weirdly.

Yeah, the error was there in a RAWs. I doubt a lot of typesetters would bother trying to fix that (plus it makes the image of "depressed maru" all the more hilarious)

The kanji does say the next day, although "futari de takusan no deeto shimashita" could also be interpreted as "they dated a lot". But the idea that they have a lot of mini dates in one day is also kinda cute.

Goggled Anon
Image Comments 21 Jan 20:46
joined Oct 15, 2014

Genderless tag anyone?

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Okay, How you do that? Put an image to display like that? All I have to do is put a link? What If I already have the image saved? How do I do it?

If you quote the post containing the image, you'll spot the code needed to put it up.
Yes it's a pretty confusing bit of code for embedding an image

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Looks like this takes part prior to Met My Sister, I take it.

joined Oct 15, 2014

V3 felt like a huge middle finger to me tbh.

It's a game with despair as its central theme. It's pretty much designed to be a middle finger to those who play it.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Assuming you're not fussy about who canonically gets killed off in the games (I'll try to avoid spoilers where possible) the established pairings are:
Aoi x Sakura
Junko x Mukuro
Kyouko x Sayaka (a bit more cracky this one, but there's a few unscanlated doujins about them)
Mahiru x Hiyoko
Hiyoko x Mikan
Mahiru x Sato
Junko x Mikan
Ultra Despair Girls:
Komaru x Toko
Kotoko x Komaru (for the lolionee crowd)
Ruruka x Seiko
Chisa x Chiaki
Tenko x Himiko
Kaede x literally any girl (being a Goggled Anon, I like shipping her with Miu the most)

Goggled Anon
Yuru Yuri discussion 21 Jan 07:59
joined Oct 15, 2014

Kinda surprised they left the cockroach uncensored.

joined Oct 15, 2014

It's pretty much self-contained anyway. You wouldn't really notice anything was missing from it if they didn't point it out.