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joined Mar 14, 2016

Either they are huge or that Galil is freaking tiny.

Swag Wagon
joined Mar 14, 2016

I am confused and amazed. This is one of the greatest things I've ever read.

Swag Wagon
joined Mar 14, 2016

So 3 of the 4 monster girls that are introduced first are a Harpy, a Lamia, and a Centaur. So a high school yuri knock-off version of Monster Musume? Cool, I'm down.

Can I expect a timeframe for when the gunslinging zombie girl will show up? Need to prepare my best girl award.

edit: Aaaaaand I just get to the page where the harpy crashes crotch first into the protagonist through a window. I mean I was partially joking at first, and I'm fully aware that neither mangas are fully original with the trope or concept, but they really are wearing their inspiration on their sleeve, aren't they?

last edited at Jul 3, 2017 9:27AM

joined Mar 14, 2016

Eeyup. We're all going to squid hell for this one. I'll see y'all sinners there.

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 29 Jun 09:03
joined Mar 14, 2016

I mean, she is getting better.


As I was typing a slightly longer joke response the image of Ann's special jump in/take down animation played in my head and now I'm wondering if that's hot or funny...

Or both...

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 26 Jun 14:31
joined Mar 14, 2016

@Deoxyribo9 False alarm! I found it.But it looks like I have a single pharmercy fic deleted from my history and now I'll never now what it was about.

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 24 Jun 18:22
joined Mar 14, 2016

I finished this game twice now and the only really suggestive interaction between them is an easy to miss, randomly triggered line about Ann's breasts pushing up against Makoto while in the car. I have a feeling the ship has something to do with the japanese VAs or some forum joke I missed somewhere. Or because they're the 2 most popular party members.

Despite that though there is actually quite a bit of yuri subtext elsewhere in the game that also involves Ann so it's not a total loss.

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 24 Jun 18:07
joined Mar 14, 2016

@whiterose- Not stopping you from writing at all if you're really going to do it, but just putting it out there that literally that scenario has already been done. Very well too, in my opinion. It never hurts to have more though.

Swag Wagon
joined Mar 14, 2016

Well, shit. I'm a little behind on this manga, but Chio just helped me remember the Steam sale starts today. Thanks Chio!

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 19 Jun 08:58
joined Mar 14, 2016

Eyyy, now I know how long that back catalog of uploads is :P

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 11 Jun 10:05
joined Mar 14, 2016

@blopa She's probably just using her to get to Lillie

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 09 Jun 13:50
joined Mar 14, 2016

It's also implied that 2B is Bi so she gets shipped around a lot in game too

joined Mar 14, 2016

Probably shouldn't have opened this in the middle of the break room at work. Probably should have checked the tags before hand too.

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 07 Jun 10:07
joined Mar 14, 2016

What did you do? Ruby you silly goof.

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 07 Jun 09:56
joined Mar 14, 2016

Damn nature, you scary

Swag Wagon
Sachikano discussion 28 May 02:55
joined Mar 14, 2016

As much as I super fucking LOVE that changing scene, couldn't Homura have just pause the time for both of them?

joined Mar 14, 2016

Quick, Virgin Killers vs. Keyhole Sweaters. Fight.

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 26 May 10:59
joined Mar 14, 2016

It's a parody of that old E3 reaction comic that's been meme'd to death. It's harder to tell since there's only 2 characters and they're both already standing.

Swag Wagon
Time discussion 24 May 00:20
joined Mar 14, 2016

Damn, this is beautiful and sad

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 24 May 00:15
joined Mar 14, 2016

Looked like Ruby and Weiss in the thumbnail

Swag Wagon
joined Mar 14, 2016

I feel bad for both of them: For the girl forcibly taken away from her home and forced to fight to the death against monsters; and the girl who, if defeated, will die for real.

If it is like some of the Dragon Quest games, then once defeated the goblin girl might get a chance to join the hero's party.

But then their level gets reset to whatever the main character's level is and all those cool unique moves they just used are nowhere to be seen

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 30 Apr 09:41
joined Mar 14, 2016

In the second game at least they're so close it's practically subtext. But play the game anyway, it's one of the greatest spectacle fighters of all time.

Swag Wagon
Image Comments 12 Apr 10:14
joined Mar 14, 2016

So how does the request system work for pictures on this site? This is actually a pretty big ship and has been for a while now, but this is somehow the first image of these two on here?

Swag Wagon
joined Mar 14, 2016

I said it earlier in the games thread so I'll say it again. Yes, there is actual yuri in the game, in fact the entire story revolves around their relationship. And not in the generic, angsty "B-b-but we're both girls" plot, there's actually much more at stake for the sake of their relationship. It's actually pretty refreshing to have a game be that open about a same-sex relationship in general.

As for the gameplay, yes, it is similar to other spectacle fighters like Bayonetta or Devil May Cry, but it doesn't flow anywhere near as well as those games. In fact, being a Koei-Techmo game it's more akin to the Dynasty Warriors games, but even then you don't have to deal with as many enemies on screen at the same time. It's like the game wants to be both those types of games but in the end fails at being either. It's not terrible, just a tad on the repetitive side.

And as for the doujin, before I ramble on again, I was just surprised to see one here. The game has basically zero recognition in NA and as far as I know is pretty obscure in Japan as well. And as for spoilers... kind of? Actually, the doujin is so vague that it's probably just gonna confuse anyone that hasn't played the game, much less finish it.

last edited at Mar 19, 2017 11:46AM

Swag Wagon
joined Mar 14, 2016

Shoots photo vertically. Photo comes out horizontally.

Yeah, alright.