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joined Jun 25, 2019

I wish at least Akira and Miyuki would have been more against a poly but guess it will only be Akira, at least i hope. Monthly chapter is really hard for me to keeping the enthusiasm.

Citrus + discussion 22 Jun 15:53
joined Jun 25, 2019

Tbh i really like that hairstyle

joined Jun 25, 2019

Like people who say BDSM is sex when in actuality it is sex abuse and not something to be championed, but something which should be addressed professional by mental health professional (and I'm not talking about fuzzy handcuffs and tickler feathers). I don't understand, are there no lines of decency which must not be shown as okay?

Are we talking about the manga or in general ? Cause, yes in the manga it's not ok and the relation shoul be stop before Hina get physically harm for real. But in general/IRL, well BDSM is fetish like any other. You shouldn't kink shame anybody because you find their fetish disgusting. BDSM is generally between consenting adults and have safe words and generally stop before inflicting heavy harm. BDSM is about pleasure by inflicting pain to another but it's controlled.

joined Jun 25, 2019

joined Jun 25, 2019

Best OT3

joined Jun 25, 2019

The cover art looks familiar. Can anyone identify the artist?

last edited at Jun 21, 2020 9:38PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

I mean, there is no complaining this time. There is Netorare tag and the anthology where it is, is literally an anthology on NTR.

Anime season 21 Jun 06:49
joined Jun 25, 2019

This says prequel...we can haz more? ^_^

I wish. It's not actually a prequel or a sequel of anything, though. It wasn't published on Galette Meets, but on a seinen magazine and it's supposed to be a stand-alone story.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I know that remind me of something when i read it on Mangadex.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Cigarettes smelling of Coconut milk ? What kind of cigarettes smell like Coconut milk ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

she forces herself on Yuu through half of the story is borderline sexual harassment.

Not like she ask for consent most of the time and Yuu stop her when she goes too far. She had never really forcing herself on Yuu that much beside what ? The first time in the storage before sports day and even there, she ask Yuu if she can kiss her before.

joined Jun 25, 2019

joined Jun 25, 2019

I mean, if several people notice your somewhat annoying flaws, maybe they aren't just assholes and you should work on your behavior. Truth hurts, but keeping silent only acts as a poison. Dunno there is a batter way to say that that just being a complete asshole like End was. Telling the truth to someone doesn't you have to be rude. Also, ain't the Inoken dude a bit annoying, dude why did she had to talk about her private life to you ? You're just a band member, not really a friend so she doesn't have really any reason to answerit.

last edited at Jun 19, 2020 10:09PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Can't say that uplaod timing wasn't strange since i've saw this chapter earlier on Mangadex by another team. I'm probably overthinking it and it's pure coincidence. Well, on to the chapter. Can't say that Miwa isn't a pain in the ass to deal with but seriously, You won't help someone with low confidence that there a pain to deal with, they need people who trust them and those people can help helping regain confidence by acknowledging the good things and helping with the bad points. Of course if the person is not willing to change, it's more of a personal problem. All to say that Saeka isn't very supportive, for one getting jelly in the last chapter when she could have help was uncall for. But here, straight up saying bluntly to your GF that she is a pin to deal with is generally bad news. And well End/Kan seem to be the asshole type so.

joined Jun 25, 2019

25 chapters?... I... No, I'm dropping it, it doesn't go anywhere. I don't want another 30 chapters of tsundere who said shit to toss homeless girl away but homeless still hopes for some shit, it's not for me. Not at this pace.

I don't hope for a happy end. They both either end up alone or with someone they don't love at all or learn to love but after a veeeery long time. But for sure not with each other.

Someone didn't watch the spoiler for Ch.25.

joined Jun 25, 2019

^ well

Spoilers for chapter 25:
Kissing! Lots of it!

joined Jun 25, 2019

Actually it did cover five chapters of the WN. Rei waking up and first encountering Claire was chapter one. The discussion with Misha was chapter 2. Claire performing the various acts of bullying and being countered was chapter 3. The scene with the princes was chapters four and five.

But that mean the chapters of the WN are actually short or did the manga compact it ? Also don't wanna be rude but if the chapters are actually that short (in the WN) then how did it manage to developp both story and characters ? Did the chapters are longer after ? I mean, i'm gonna compare with the only example i had which is Ada and Shima but the LN chapters are actually fairly and skip some part, if not some chapters. So hearing that 5 chapters get squeezed in 35 chapters, i feared a little bit.

last edited at Jun 19, 2020 5:17PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Danbooru has a lot more Touko/Yuu fanart than Sayaka & Yuu... I use the ampersand because most of the latter aren't even pairings, but 3+ girls (and not racy.)

I mean,i would have been very surprised that a crack pairing had more fan art than the main pairing.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I wish there was more doujins thought because it's a bit lackluster. I mean, if there is room for Fanfics, there is rooms for doujins.

joined Jun 25, 2019

cause all 1'st chapter was really rushed into: look some characters! Not a second was spent on main character and her perception of new reality

Moreso that the whole "reincarnated thing" or how she end up here is not tackle at all. Even so she don't seem to be bother that much "Oh no i'm in another wor.... Oh the character i love". It's true that it would have been better to introduce the world in the first chapter than putting a manzai between the MC.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Any particular reason it isn't more popular than that ? I thought in terms of crackship it will have been the better choice given the manga.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Also I don't care about the ship, I only live to see Sayaka happy

Pretends Haru doesn't exist

joined Jun 25, 2019

I don't like the main couple, this couple seems prettier to me

I don't know, never make sense to me on why it's the most popular crackship when all their interactions was about Touko and nothing else. Seriously check it up, when they interact with one another, it's always for talking about Touko. I mean if anything, Sayaka/Touko make more sense to me. That's the kind of thing that make me wonder if Touko is really that unpopular or what. I know i've been told "blabla canon so people don't see the point of doujin" and there is lot of arts too but either that's just because all doujins uploaded here are mostly Yuu/Sayaka or the fews doujins made (seriously, it don't seem to have a lot of doujins) are mostly Yuu/Sayaka.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And it had to go on Sayaka/Yuu road by the end of it. I found it even worse with the fact that Haru is here. I can't say it somuch time that Haru looking like Yuu physically has a mistake of a design. Her being like Yuu in terms of attitude was enough but the hairstyle is basically what differencing them to be clones at this point.