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joined Dec 18, 2013

Well now we know Mira's watching the series, I hope this means a longer doujin about the couples is a possiblity. Having said that, this doujin is ADORABLE.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Best chapter in a long while. Can we have Makoto as protagonist?

joined Dec 18, 2013

If anyone's interested, it seems Siren Is live

joined Dec 18, 2013

Aww maaan, now I got one game less to ignore. :/
Are there actually people that enjoy those games? Like, from a gameplay perspective?

They're fun on its own right but you're missing the point here. No matter the content nor the format every piece of media is at the end an expression from its creators. If you let pressure from certain social groups to censor it, then you're attempting against the freedom of expression we are entitled to as human beings.

You have problems with its content? Is your right as well, but then make just YOUR choice and don't make the call for anyone else.

last edited at Nov 24, 2015 2:08PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

An awesome anon on /u/ did a rough translation of it, so enjoy

Episode 5
Mm <3<3

Mamori: It's just kissing, but my body's already burning up...<3
Mamori: Aaah~

Mirei: Ah... shoot...
Mirei: She came before I could grope her boobs...!

A Manga Where Mirei-san Wants to Grope Boobs
*Mirei-san is a bit of a pervert

Mamori: Aah<3
Mamori: Looks like a fight
SFX: Doooon
Mamori: Mirei-san! We need to Drive!
Mirei: Ah, yeah.

SFX: badum badum

SFX: Grope

Mamori: Suddenly touching my boobs without even kissing me first... it's kinda...
Mamori: It doesn't feel right in my opinion!
Mirei: ...Sorry
Grope at the Start Strategy, Failed

Go ahead~ Help yourself to everything~ [lyrics to Super Ultra Hyper Miracle Romantic]
Mamori: I wonder if I'll ever get used to Driving
Mamori: Is it normal how I can change so quickly?
Meifong: Hoho, good for you

Pink nipples
Mamori: Mirei-san? Um, Mirei-san?
Meifong: She's busy thinking so it's best to leave her alone.
Mamori: O-Okay...

Mamori: Ehehe~ Hiiragi-san...

Mamori: Huh? Hiiragi...san, you're a boy but you have boobs...?

Mamori: Ah...
Mamori: Hah...

Mamori: M-Mirei-san...<3
Mirei: Mamori...san...
SFX: Doraaaaaaaaaaaaa


SFX: Munyaa...
Mamori: Ah
Mamori: They're soft yet chiselled?
Mamori: E-Excuse me...
Mirei: ...I wanna grope her boobs

last edited at Nov 24, 2015 12:41PM

joined Dec 18, 2013



Not very lewd, oddly enough.

Anyways, this week's radio show was mostly fluff between the seiyuus

Opening talk start with Izawa said that she started playing TokiMemo on PS2 because she wanted to get along better with her senpai. If you forgot, Iguchi is huge nerd and she loves TokiMemo, but her controller break down and she used the drum for the taiko game to play it instead. Iguchi and Kubo can’t hold their laugh while listening Izawa talking about her experience playing it using her taiko set.

They talk about ep 7 very brief. Iguchi started asking the other two have they ever encountered people that they’re not sure if they are man or woman. The other two thought something is troubling Iguchi for asking such question. Iguchi said nothing wrong and she want to try smooth the reveal for Akira’s gender. They rarely met that kind of person though. Then they talk about Akira a bit and how they think that Akira is too beautiful to be a man, and then they took a jab at Meifon, saying thank god that she’s a girl. In ep 6 we got full view of Meifon’s naked body, sans the taco of course, because it’s covered by that ‘foreclosure’ paper. When they first saw the storyboard they thought that it’s just a joke by the storyboarder, but it turns out to be not a joke. Iguchi said that VD is where the stuff that would have been used as joke in other show is played straight.

Next is mail corner, first mail is from someone that have just seen ep 5. They like the part where Mamori scolded Nimi for being wishy-washy. They like so much because it showed how much Mamori has grown since ep 1 where she relies on Mirei for everything. They sked about the song in the beginning of ep 5 that Mamori sang to ward off bear. That lyrics for the song were written in the Izawa’s script but there’s no melody so she made it herself. What we listened in ep 5 was not the whole song, they cut the second half because It’s too long. Izawa said the second half is about onna kinoko, opposite to first half that was about otoko kinoko. Then they tried to sing the song where Izawa sang first then Iguchi followed and the Kubo followed after Iguchi. They each sang the song from the beginning. In Kubo’s part it sounded like ‘hayaku detekoi otoko no ko’. They did it to prank Kubo but she said that it’s definitely something that shouldn’t be sang in the island because it will have another meaning, it’s just not right and ill-fitted [you know cause the whole island is lesbian].

Next mail said that they didn’t expect Meifon to drive on Money alone and asked them whether they keep stuffed animal like the Cat plush that Mamori love so much in ep 6. All of them also find that unexpected and Iguchi said that maybe Meifon is a new type. Kubo said that Meifon would never marry at this rate. Izawa suggest that maybe Meifon would marry anyone rich enough in a heartbeat but Kubo said that Meifon would just marry the money instead of the person. They also talked about the part Meifon transform and asked people to please pay attention there because the whole cut were drawn very nicely. In ep 2 where they showed a glimpse of Meifon’s nipples, Izawa was the first one to tell Kubo about it. She sounded pretty excited ‘Did you see it?!’ Izawa said that Meifon is cute like a pet, the small kind. For the question Izawa has a lot of them, and she put it on display in her room, when people passes her house they can see a peek of her collection. Iguchi said that the person must thought ‘What a great family’ is they saw it. Iguchi doesn’t have it but before she had a Rilakkuma daki though it’s in pieces now. She used to be really into Rilakkuma so she bought it even though the daki was not comfortable. Kubo said she doesn’t have any in her current house, but in her parent’s house she had some, still she actually used to collect some fish toys from gacha. She have so much of them but now whenever she sees them she just think them as gross toys, she wondered why the hell she liked it so much before. Currently Izawa likes to collect merch from things like Neko-Atsume and the likes. Kubo lately like to collect oil for body, she seems to the type that work out a lot. Iguchi doesn’t have anything but when she’s stressed she likes to shops to deal with it even though she ended up regretting it later. They played OVERDRIVE this week.

Last corner is when they asked Iguchi life problem. Iguchi goofed off too much in the beginning of this part and Kubo missed her because of her. Iguchi open the corner by doing Wakamoto impersonation. The problem this week is “When some friendly staff trying to talk to you but you can’t remember them or the last time you’ve worked together, what would you do”. Izawa’s solution is to ask for the driving school they went to get their license so she can take a peek at their name so it could help her remember who the person is. Kubo’s solution is to say it honestly but in light manner that she doesn’t remember the last time they have worked together. Lastly Iguchi’s solution is to just agree on everything the other person say and tried to go along with the flow.

Last part is series info. Most of what they said is already on VD’s website. Seems like Super Ultra Hyper Miracle Romantic sold well enough and now it’s on karaoke.

Neat detail the bit about the song.

last edited at Nov 24, 2015 10:38AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Now you guys can have Tokonome's voice on your smartphone!

joined Dec 18, 2013

There was no one else to be concerned about though, so it's kind of moot. It's also overshadowed by how perfect Akira is for Mamori, which is another minus.

Ah, but if Mamori would really be smitten with Akira she could've gush over HeelHold's skill or how great team they make. The fact she thought of Mirei first speaks a lot of how important Mirei is for her.

And what Nevri said about orgasming on sight. That's really hard to overlook.

Eh, I think you guys are reading too much into it. I mean, if I were to orgasm after seeing a naked Jennifer Lawrence is because I'm a perv rather than in love with her.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Is probably the same stuff as it was with Rain and Lady J back on episode 3. Where the bond between them is strong enough to defy the conventional rules of Ecsta and Liberator. I mean, what Mamori did was no different to Rain kissing Mirei to transform.

Something that everyone seems to overlook is that Mamori's only thought after having beaten the villians of the week was Mirei's well-being, something that is a pretty clear indicator to me that Mirei has a special place on Mamori's heart.

joined Dec 18, 2013
joined Dec 18, 2013

No. There's simply many different kind of Ecsta and Liberators. You're right on thinking that both Mirei and Mamori are special though. They're (and Lady Lady) are like the Bhikkhuni's girls that are able to drive with anyone.

joined Dec 18, 2013

So...we are going to ignore the fact that too exited at the mere sight of a naked woman?

Mamori's heterosexuality went down in flames today.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Is gonna be so fun when Momoka arrives

joined Dec 18, 2013

so... does she like... deflate those balloons- I mean, boobs... to pack em in when crossdressing?

Titty science.

joined Dec 18, 2013

It has already.

Akira is revealed to be a woman, a titty monster specifically

So having seen the subbed episode, I don't think Mamori deserves all the shit is getting. She really doesn't treat Akira differently and compared with Mirei, their interactions are clearly on the "Just friends" range.

Mamori didn't blushed when holding hands with Akira unlike the time she did with Mirei, she got involved on the hostage situation out of concern and sense of duty and she didn't even made a fuzz about driving when seeing Akira for the first time.

What is more, after beating the bad guys her first (and only) concern was Mirei's well-being.

She did kissed Akira but is just like when Rain kissed Mirei (and the characters even point it out).

last edited at Nov 21, 2015 9:23PM

Ogino Jun discussion 21 Nov 17:20
joined Dec 18, 2013

There's an issue exactly because it's his characters. If it were some random artist, it'd just be fanwork, but he's a representative for this work as its author. Basically, it's an image issue.

I don't agree with what they're doing, but I can see where they're coming from.

Ogino is probably trying to make a statement here. iirc, he had watermarks of the official gamma logo on his pixiv.

You know what is the wierd thing? That Gamma ended back in 2013 and all that time Ogino's Pixiv was fine. It was until it was scanlated and thus it got recognition in the western yuri community that his Pixiv was suddenly killed, twice.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well that took a while and I swear it wasn't just laziness but here's the Torino x Mei Feng doujin: here.
Feel free to report any f*ckups and once again thanks Nevri
I didn't edit in the sfxs in pages 7-9 because I didn't want to fill up the entire page with this things ->*sfx<- and I'm not confident enough in my editing skillz yet, it wouldn't look as good if I removed the original.

Fantastic! Thanks!

This episode delivered.

joined Dec 18, 2013

A little random but still good and heartwarming

joined Dec 18, 2013

Okay people, have some really cute fanart of Lady Lady

In the end the championship was taken away by her
You don't have to worry about this kind of thing

You will forever be No.1 in my heart


But I really miss the canned peaches a bit
This year it wasn't canned peaches

Also, a little pinup made by the Manga's artist, Zunta

last edited at Nov 20, 2015 4:20PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

That took a slight turn to depressing at the end

No,1 discussion 20 Nov 14:48
joined Dec 18, 2013

That was freaking adorable. Just what the doctor ordered.

joined Dec 18, 2013

From what I remember promo material said she was alive, and yeah a lot of animes show dead characters in OP and ED, but they show the character death in one episode, if the character is killed offscreen without anybody mentioning it again then it's not important enough to show in OP and ED, if Momoka was dead we would already know by now, Mirei or someone else would have talked about her.

Yep, since the moment her design was revealed it was pointed she was alive

That being said is obvious that Mirei thinks she's dead.

Anyways, here's what the first BD will include

Special package drawn by character designer Kaneko
Special Clear Case
Special booklet (setting materials, etc.)
Character CD Vol.1
"Virgin Road" Song: Tokonome Mamori (CV: Izawa Mikako) Lyrics and Arrangement: Shinozaki and Aya
"VALKYRIE DRIVE -SIREN-" Bonus serial code
"VALKYRIE DRIVE All-Star Thanksgiving" (to be hold in February 7, 2016) Event ticket priority sale offer voucher
(Cast schedule: Yuka Iguchi, Izawa Mikako, Yurika Kubo, Yoshino Yuna, Asami Seto, Tazawa Masumi, Hitomi Harada, Saori Onishi,Azumi Asakura, Ayaka Ohashi, Azusa Tadokoro)

In Disc
Mini OVA Vol.1
Audio Commentary
Creditless OP and ED
First PV

joined Dec 18, 2013

Just see it like this. The American Film and Music industry hasn't been able to stop piracy despite being one of the most powerful and influential industries in the world. Japan might've busted some people, others will raise to take their place.

Gamma discussion 20 Nov 00:59
joined Dec 18, 2013

So, anyone knows if Ogino set a new Pixiv?