Happy birthday, Sakura Cartelet! So sorry about your gacha luck! As they say, nothing good comes from playing with the devil!
Update : Internet is back so i can shitpost again.
Welcome back! Your story made me sad :(
I'm also hesistant to play online in general because I've been browsing r/girlgamers and reading about all the harassment women go through is horrifying. I really don't want to put myself through that.
Speaking purely from my own experience, doesn't go for all consoles / games. Console gamers are usually much quieter and more reserved. A lot of games will go by with nobody even exchanging a word. Everything is open mic, so you'll probably hear more unnecessary stuff, but that can be a good thing, too. You'll still get the fair share of silly, creepy, or just downright strange messages or people, but I found these to be really few and far between! On PC, I found playing in European (non-UK) servers to be far more pleasant as well, given that a lack of familiarity with spoken (or written, sometimes) English seemed to correspond to less outwardly abrasive language in general.
last edited at Jun 4, 2020 2:42PM