A friend of mine is asking where she can find chapters 12-25, but since I only knew to search here, does anyone else know where to find them?
Looking at both Mangadex and Manga-Updates, I don't think they've ever been translated. Looks like the group's logic was that those chapters were covered by the anime and people would pick up the manga from after that point anyway.
Kodama's stuff always tends to be either the greatest of gems or the worst of shit, and never anything in between, but it seems she finally did it. She finally made a story that is decent, but not a gem.
Okay, so I'm two volumes into the light novel, and I have to ask for the sake of my wallet...just how slow burn is this going to be? Is adachi going to spit it out or Shimamura going to realize Adachi's feelings at any point in the next 10 or whatever volumes or is it going to be gayngst and waffling all the way down?
The confession is in like the final chapter of volume 6 IIRC