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joined Apr 28, 2022

Yeah I don't like creepy perv girl already. I didn't expect them to get caught already. I don't want her joining in on their time together >_>

joined Apr 28, 2022

Seriously this one does such a good job and doing nothing but still somehow being so impactful. I love these two and how accepting he is. And her mom is so shitty to say that in front of a friend like that.

Also wooo Yurika admitted she liked Minamo! Even though Minamo told her she wants to be with her... I don't think Minamo really knows what she actually wants and if it's that kind of relationship or just wants to keep her close. These two have been apart for far too long we need them back together and get some YurikaxMinamo moments. I don't think they've actually been together since Yurika came to eat at the restaurant she works at smh.

Seriously love this series and wish more people would give it a chance before seeing the art and just passing it over. It's one series that can do basically nothing but have a conversation between two people yet still be deep AF.

joined Apr 28, 2022

I wonder what other things she does with that kind of image training ;)

joined Apr 28, 2022

Okay how could you not fall in love with waitress girl. The switch she flipped after the beer chug was toptier haha. Def can't wait to see how this pans out and see how long it takes for our OL to fall in love with our amazing waitress.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Hm was that the end of the series? That thank you from the author made it seem like that.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Oh I want more of this.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Oh this is super cute I dig the art and the freshly drawn look of this! And these two are super cute together love the maid a lot lol.

joined Apr 28, 2022

I love that Aoi is still being jealous and everyone around her is starting to realize how she feels about Kanade yet Kanade herself seems to still be oblivious about it.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Wow I loveee this series. I've been dying for more of the LN to gets translated forever. I honestly didn't expect them together so soon tbh. And now some rando and a cat shows up at the end. I do hope someone can get the raws to them so they can continue to translate this series. Just had to reread everything and I just love Ayu so much <3

joined Apr 28, 2022

Hinoka as an adorable kitty? Yes please I will have one.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Oof to give your secret crush a lap pillow that would be quite hard I would be in a sate of panic the entire time. I like their dynamic always like the loner that doesn't talk much with the over popular hyper girl again it's a great dynamic between them. I expect each chapter since the first one gave us like 12 of them to each get a chapter. Hopefully it's not too long before we check back in with the other groups like these two.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Ganyu best girl.

joined Apr 28, 2022

The "I don't taste good" and "I'm not going to eat you" won me over I want more. Even three chapters should be cute.

joined Apr 28, 2022

This art is just so toptier I really love it. And this chapter was very cute. Love how flustered she got simply from having someone over for tea and letting them actually explain herself to them. Can't wait for more this should be really fun if it stays like this and doesn't turn dark on us.

joined Apr 28, 2022

I'm so glad this isn't some just random throwaway type thing and were getting more chapters with a bunch of build up etc this is a fun read and it's building tension nicely.

Matazoro. discussion 13 Feb 09:58
joined Apr 28, 2022

Kinda getting tired of Koto at this point tbh. Every friend keeps going out of their way to try and help her and she just stays this depressed blob too much of the story has been dedicated to her like is that just going to stay a running gag this entire series or is she actually going to get her shit together? Like she's so pathetic she has the sick one in Shiki even having to just feed her lunch. I get she is depressed I mean so am I who isn't. But she's made zero growth and is still exactly the same since the series started. It was kinda funny at first.. Now it's just getting sad. I seriously keep asking myself at this point why are her friends even trying to help her when she clearly doesn't want to help herself AT ALL.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Ooo Yuzu wanted that kiss so bad that it made her angry at the end @_@. Stupid friends ruining the moment.

That back hug and everything was very cute. Obviously still too early for that and something was going to interrupt but damn.

last edited at Feb 13, 2023 12:02AM

joined Apr 28, 2022

Son of a... We really gonna go back in time and act like the confession etc never happened huh.

joined Apr 28, 2022

The two things I took away from this chapter... The adorable pig cat mayor and..


joined Apr 28, 2022

I mean if she has a girlfriend she should really just leave her alone

You act like she's plotting her NTR scheme lol.

Though I feel bad for her she seems to be somewhat happy just being noticed and having her unrequited love so I guess more power to her even though again I felt quite bad for her right before she ran out of the nurses office.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Was that last panel supposed to be shocking that she woke up to two people fucking beside her? Because if someone was able to sleep through that I commend them.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Perhaps we will get their first kiss next chapter? But the real question: Who will devour who?

I think were going to get quite a bit more than just a kiss... Sensei is leaking through her tracksuit there is no going back.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Seeing them do a cosplay together and have fun at an event should be quite enjoyable. What a wholesome chapter helping her get over her demons good for her finding her love for it again... Now to fall in love with Hinata.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Oh wow love the art and full color to boot what a treat for us!

joined Apr 28, 2022

Oh I like the vampire one lol.