Forum › Posts by KasexYamada

joined Jun 28, 2019

I know, right?
I don't even need to make fun of them, they do it to themselves. ¯⧵_(⁰͡ ͜ʖ⁰͡ )_/¯

But, y'know, I'm not really surprised. BugDevil always had fans. I should know: I know his story quite well.

I met him very early. I had just joined. I was elated that I had found a forum for yuri fans; I thought that, in a place where we all liked the same manga, there would be no conflicts nor fighting. I hadn't even posted twenty messages when someone attacked me, in a real jerkass way, over something I had said: it was BugDevil. When I asked wtf was his problem, @Rose explained to me that he was some guy who was rude to everyone and kept being banned but always returned as horrid as before; and @oooeeeaaa (a veteran forum member of 7 years) told me, in much less words, that BugDevil was a TROLL and that I shouldn't talk to him. I agreed to that, and predicted: "If he keeps this up, going vs. the rules and the moderators, he'll dig his own grave anyway." Funny, in hindsight, how right I was.

Anyway, that's how I lost my naive illusions about yuri forums being such lovely peaceful places.

In the following months, I could see that BugDevil was in a downward spiral: picking fights, insulting other writers, disrespecting the moderators, refusing to shut up when told so, being slapped with temporal bans, returning, then starting it again, all in a continual vicious cycle. Most people in the forum were appalled by his behavior, but some ate it up.

This is the thing: you, me and the majority of the forum are thankful for the rules and grateful to the moderators who work hard to enforce them and maintain a nice, enjoyable environment... and gosh knows, with a forum this size, it is some work! But there are those who resent the moderation. Rather than being happy, they are furious when mods intervene to stop a dispute. Rather than thanking them, they would diss them if they dared. They don't, of course, not directly. But they admire someone who dares. That's why BugDevil was their hero: the guy would constantly clash horns with the moderators, take whatever reprimand or punishment came his way, then challenge them again. He did the things they don't dare to do themselves. They swooned at his cheekiness... and were thunderstruck when the little troll was banned for good.

Even now, after half a year, they still can't get over it. They hurt, but they can't do anything. In the end, there's no point in speaking to them: they're fighting for a dead cause. Their posts are, at most, good for a laugh. In BugDevil's war against the system, we are the winners; they are the loser fans of a banned loser.

Let'em do whatever they wanna do, we don't need to care anymore.

last edited at Nov 12, 2020 2:14PM

Image Comments 08 Nov 01:08
joined Jun 28, 2019

@pogotun: Chilling? It's about to get hot like a furnace in that room!

joined Jun 28, 2019

After reading this, I feel healed.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Just in-case it wasn't clear with the title of this thread explicitly mentioning that off-topic discussion is welcome, I would like to reiterate something. Any poster is welcome to post anything they wish here, so long as it doesn't violate any rules. As rule 11 explicitly states, "Users are encouraged to visit the Dynasty Cafe, where you will be able to talk about any subject you like."

Thanks, take care!

So, if I get your meaning right, it's ok to make fun of that banned little troll BugDevil, even if his friends (two, by my count) get hurt?

Oh, goodie goodie goodie. ◠‿◠ Thanks, and you too take care!

joined Jun 28, 2019

He would take any viewpoint (even contradicting his previous stances) as long as it made other commenters angry and started a heated debate.

We call that a troll.

Yup. We do.

joined Jun 28, 2019

I actually remember BugD being on the "those two are a couple and mutually in love" side of the conflict.

BugD. never was on the side of anything. He used the forum as a debating club. He would take any viewpoint (even contradicting his previous stances) as long as it made other commenters angry and started a heated debate. When he wrote that all bdsm games were actually forms of sexual abuse, that's the "one comment too far" mentioned above.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Be careful--Bugdevil might possess your account & start posting again!

Unpopular opinion: I kinda miss 'em.

I most certainly don't. Guy was like Ratbert debunking the Big Bang.

Who what now?

Ratbert is a character in the Dilbert comic. It is generally accepted that Ratbert is the dumbest, stupidest character in the series. One time, Dilbert tried to explain the Big Bang in simple terms that even a pinhead like Ratbert would understand. It went like this:

Dilbert: "The Big Bang theory says that all the energy in space was originally jammed into a supercompressed speck the size of a tennis ball. Then this extremely dense point exploded, producing matter and propelling it outward to create the ever-expanding universe as we know it now."
Ratbert: "And why, pray tell, would there be a TENNIS BALL, of all things, in outer space?"
Dilbert: "Um... there wasn't."
Ratbert: "Haw haw! Talk about a FATAL FLAW, huh? Haw haw! It sure didn't take long to debunk your idiotic crackpot theory!"

This is more or less how that guy BugD. debated, always. Even if he didn't know the first thing about the matter in discussion, he would pick random words in other posts, juggle them, make a meaningless word salad and send it calling it a reply... and at the same time he'd insult all the other commenters (the ones who really knew about that subject) as bigots and ignorants.

I remember, on one occasion, someone who understood physics kindly explained to him the laws of thermodynamics. He answered with a very offensive message where he called the laws absurd and the person who had explained them to him a fool... and then he loudly claimed and tried to prove that thermodynamics worked in a different way than science had it. Ratbert to a T.

last edited at Nov 1, 2020 3:27PM

joined Jun 28, 2019

Momo y Yuzu son más tiernecitas que las mejillas de un bebé >\w\< esto purifica el alma :D

Yuru Oyako discussion 18 Oct 01:56
joined Jun 28, 2019

That page doesn't show Yuusuke working at some job. It shows Yuusuke throwing away whatever little money he still had at the champagne room of some sleazy club.

And even the bunny girls can tell that's why Sayaka dumped his ass: because he's a cheater and a squanderer. But he can't figure it. What a moron alright.

joined Jun 28, 2019

No se si lo notaron pero el autor se divierte tratando las palabras "salir a comer" de la misma manera y como si tuvieran las mismas connotaciones que "tener sexo".


joined Jun 28, 2019


"¿Que significa ser más que amigas? No lo sé pero lo descubriremos juntas."

A mi me parece perfecto. No hacen faltas etiquetas en un amor de pareja. Momo y Yuzu están enamoradas y eso es lo que importa, qué cosas cambian ya lo verán.

last edited at Oct 11, 2020 4:27PM

joined Jun 28, 2019

Ahora son useless lesbians que no saben que hacer entre ellas ahora que son pareja, lol.

Es grave xp

joined Jun 28, 2019

Kudos to Kageko for not fainting after fondling Sakurako's breast.

Imo that should be more faintworthy than a peck on the ear.

joined Jun 28, 2019

I've noticed that pretty much every single girl named Akira in manga is ridiculously hot and/or cool? The one from Canno's Polycule series, the one from Taiyaki's (first) mothercon series, the one from the Revue Starlight mobile game, and like twenty others I've probably forgotten. It seems to be a name that guarantees chadness.

It's an unisex name, gender-neutral, you can give it to a girl or a boy.
Because it's both a boy name and a girl name, the trope is that it carries an androgynous quality, especially for a girl. She will almost always be a tomboy or a cool femme, and make other girls go doki-doki in excitement.

For whatever reason, it doesn't work the other way: a boy named Akira most of the time will be a vanilla chara and won't be feminine or anything.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Jun's hairpins are exactly like Kaosu's hairpins. You know, Kaosu from Comic Girls?

It's amusing, as Kaosu is supposed to use dem hairpins like that 'cause she's a klutz and never manages to get them right.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Best sensei ever.
If she and the nurse had put up a show of 69ing for the students to watch, I'd also say: best sex education class ever. xP

joined Jun 28, 2019

Mark my words, next will come the onna-kaiju yuri love story. o3o


Why you hating on monsters?
Monsters need yuri too.

joined Jun 28, 2019

I have to wonder what happened for Canno’s characters to get this… horny. AnoKiss’s girls (especially early AnoKiss) were ridiculously chaste by comparison.

I know, right?
Tbh, I have ambivalent feelings towards most of Canno's work.
I never liked AnoKiss (dropped it midway, in fact).
I never liked UNOs 2 either.
I totally hated Cider and Crybaby.
I did like Mushoku to JK, tho... pity some chapters were never translated.
The balance is mostly negative... obviously, I didn't have high hopes for this series... and yet it turned out to be a masterpiece!!!!!!
Looks like you can't really predict a yuri manga by the previous work of the author. I gotta give it to Canno, totally took me by surprise with this one.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Akira: "I'm gonna pretend I can teach kissing to Mayuki, even though I know squat about it!"

Akira: "I didn't think this through!"

Comic Girls discussion 13 Sep 00:47
joined Jun 28, 2019

I totally ship Ririka and Miharu now. <3

From this point on, it's a canon fact that Ririka is not just a yuri mangaka: she wants yuri in her real life too!

And Mayu, grr, why did she hafta get in the way? Pussyblocker!

joined Jun 28, 2019

No one saw the hand in the last page? What's with that hand!

Never mind the hand, I'm amazed at the way she can turn her hair into tentacles and use them as prehensile appendages, expanding them and controlling them at will. Medusa, anyone?

Liberta discussion 06 Sep 14:34
joined Jun 28, 2019

I knew, I just knew that those two cops were going to meet a bad end!

Blondie's still alive...

joined Jun 28, 2019

They sure are good friends.

You trying to be funny? lol

joined Jun 28, 2019

La escena más clásica de una historia japonesa de romance: dos personajes están hablando de deportes o comida o libros o juegos o cine o lo que sea, y uno le dice a otro: "Tal cosa de la que estamos hablando... (pausa) ... suki!!"

Lo dificil es traducirlo, el español como que no se le da muy bien ese tipo de vueltas.
Los traductores de Suito hicieron lo que pudieron:
"Yuzu, te quiero!"
"O_O !!!"
"...te quiero decir que me gusta comer contigo!"

joined Jun 28, 2019

Oh oh oh. Flashback arc starts.
It's obvious Shiho has lotsa secrets. Layers over layers of secrets. I'm afraid this is gonna be like the Miyuki flashback arc in 1 x ½... that is: after a few chapters all about Shiho, people are gonna start writing that they're utterly sick and tired of this flashback drama crap and wanna return to Saeko x Miwa now.

Btw was that a real tv show that Miwa was watching? I don't think I know those characters.