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joined Jul 26, 2017


As of now, it is still hard for me to believe these two theories
- Seju chose sungji for sumin to leave sumin in good hands before she peaced out.

For the first theory, what really made me think was rereading chapter 14.... the interaction between Seju and Sungji.

I agree, it would be nice for Team Gaji to confirm or deny those theories. Not sure if that's going to happen though.

I read that chapter several times... which was one of the moments that showed how cunning Seju was. XD
I had a different idea of why she said that. It was mentioned long time ago and had some back and forth, don't really want to dig it out anymore. Let's just say that if that was what Seju wanted, then she may have achieved it (accidentally), she only had herself to blame for her lonely remaining life. lol. But yea, I need closure from Gaji :(


Yep! I think differently. Most people saw the surface events, I see the underlying events. You see behaviors, attitudes.. I see motives, reasons. In short, I see patterns.
That is why it is easier to discuss with Norah since she had an eidetic memory. She journeys with me looking at those scenes. So, it is easier to pin point where she fails to look beyond.

Hahahaha. I like you a lot better when you are not refraining yourself.

last edited at Aug 12, 2017 10:29PM

joined Jul 26, 2017

Just like the conversation we didn't see between Nammi and Sungji when they discussed Sumin's athleticism in high school. there could be much other conversations and questions from Sungji who seemed curious about the nature of Sumin's and Seju's relationship (btw, Sumin only admitted that in ch56 after getting caught.. Nammi and her coworkers told her that much earlier in the first arc)

It is innocent proven guilty, not the other way around. I find it unfair to accuse Nami of negatively influencing Sungji when we did not even get to see the conversation. For all I can tell, Nami did not say anything in ch58, neither did the conversation hinted that she revealed anything prior to the ch55 incident. It was mostly Seju's talk in ch.27/55 flashback that painted the evil sugar mama image in Sungji's head.

joined Jul 26, 2017


she thinks that Seju plays ball till Sumin is back


I mentioned ch46.. I expected you to check it.. but here is the snapshot that shows clearly that Sungji and Nammi had further conversation that we didn't see.

I did check it... do you think someone like me would remember details like phone number and whereabout? You need to lower your expectation even further. hahaha. But that's that, "further conversation that we didn't see"... not believing it until I see it. (I know y'all hate Nami, but I don't.)

joined Jul 26, 2017


ch44, Seju was supposed to meet Sumin at the later's house.. the meeting was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Sungji.. in which Sumin hesitates to allow the GF in, but she does indeed. THEN we get ch45 which is a very similar case of ch44's.
ch45: Seju is waiting outside of Sumin's house in her car, Sumin SAW Seju's car clearly and wanted to politely tell Ms. Choi to go home, the later looked at her in a cute way in which Sumin did the exact scenario of ch44. cool ?.. in the car Seju remembered that she has seen Ms. Choi before and has seen her fiancè, her smirk meant that she knows that this relationship was doomed to fail. (Seju remembered the whole party thing in the car).
It doesn't tell at all that Seju followed her or stalked her

I think what happened was there was no planned meeting with Seju in either case. Sumin would not leave Seju hanging if she had agreed to meet. I believe Sumin has this much courtesy... So, Sumin did not mind if Choi stay over or leave, but the moment she saw Seju's car, she took Choi in to provoke Seju. The rest followed what you said, Seju remembered seeing Choi and her fiance in an event etc. Now, would she stay still and watch Choi deceiving Sumin? I would have agreed with you that the whole thing is only to illustrate Sumin always engaged in doomed relationships if Gaji did not follow up with Nami's talk in ch47.

To your point about Nami...

Sumin won't discuss it or talk about her scar and why it happened to Seju ch27.. do you think Nammi discussed it with Sumin or assumed that Seju was behind it ?

Nami referenced alcohol and mistake when she talked to Seju in the hotel, so she knew a little bit, but sure, we don't know her source of information and its accuracy. It is reasonable to take it with a grain of salt.

in ch35, Nammi thought that Seju is dating because she is lonely

This is more a provocation to Sumin. I don't think she meant it. It would contradict with her talk of seju always clinging to and waiting for Sumin.

to build up a very important fact, Nammi's viewpoints AFFECT Sungji's judgements. Nammi talks to Sungji about Summin as in ch46.
This is why Sungji thinks that Seju gets violently drunk (ch55 and ch84) and a bad person (ch79)

What did Nami say to Sungji to affect her judgement btw? I heard this mentioned a few times in the forum, but for all I can remember, Nami asked about Seju's whereabout and Sungji's phone number. She said she knew about Sumin and Seju who was a super rich girl, back in high school, and she did not want to say more to tip the balance. I am not sure how that little info (fact btw) would affect Sungji.

If what you said was true, then gaji had set up a giant trap for their readers. So fucking mean....

It is what does the FOX say.. sometimes we saw a statement that had at least two meanings.. sometimes we had cases of "omitting minor details" that change the WHOLE perspective as what Nammi established in ch49.
This was going on and on with the Manhwa and this case is not a unique one.

I find this case unique because Gaji used 3 chapters to set up an "obvious" scenario in which Seju had something to do with Sumin and Choi's relationship, yet slipped in little clues, the things you mentioned above, to hint that she wasn't involved... almost like they deliberately tainted her character... for the cheating in 55. People who believe Seju ratted Sumin and Choi (me) most likely believe Seju planned the getting caught in 55 (me, too).
That's why I want Gaji to clarify that, so I can have peace of mind.

last edited at Aug 12, 2017 8:41PM

joined Jul 26, 2017

Nora thanks for putting them in order. I more or less get the reasoning from your previous posts.

What trouble me are
1. Why did gaji show us the two encounters of seju and Choi? This is what makes readers (me at least) suspicious.
2. How did nami come to her conclusion? It was a serious accusation, I don't think she would blunt that out without any base.
3. More important, why did gaji have nami echo the suspicion?

If what you said was true, then gaji had set up a giant trap for their readers. So fucking mean....

last edited at Aug 12, 2017 4:23PM

joined Jul 26, 2017

I was supposed to write this a long time ago but I refrained since no one find my "Seju's scheming/plan" exists.

You refrain yourself a lot...
As of now, it is still hard for me to believe these two theories
- Seju chose sungji for sumin to leave sumin in good hands before she peaced out.
- Seju did not out sumin and Choi's relationship.

I hope gaji honestly answer them when the manhwa ends.

joined Jul 26, 2017

if sumin is indeed honest with her feeling, then sungji won't be hurt.

I don't get what you are saying here.

If she is indeed honest with herself, then her actions will follow her train of thought. If she has been honest in the last few chapters and did what she did, then she is really moving on and ready to seriously date sungji.

yoonie you are full of contradiction. Smh.

That's not a bad thing, changing your mind based off new ideas presented to you is perfectly fine.

Nah, that's not the contradiction.

joined Jul 26, 2017

yoonie you are full of contradiction. Smh.

joined Jul 26, 2017

That's what seju thinks, but if sumin is indeed honest with her feeling, then sungji won't be hurt.

Wow only 1 month, these girl have gone through a lot. Hahaha.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Aug 19:39
joined Jul 26, 2017

Alright, I've decided you are Sagittarius.

momonosuke and Orange, remember that exam you thought I failed and committed suicide in, I got a full mark in it XD

freaking rare.. it was about time I get Excellent ~ sob sob

Oh damn... You are one of those who drag up the curve. I dislike you. (I had not seen full mark since high school. The highest grade I got in college was A- I think. Upgrading my dislike to hate.)

last edited at Aug 10, 2017 7:49PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Aug 18:41
joined Jul 26, 2017

My guesses: taurus, libra, sag.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Aug 14:28
joined Jul 26, 2017

I would not have guessed that honestly XD .. I know many geminies and I could never find a pattern for how they act or think about things XDDD but at least all of them have mutual respect with me.. thank God.

Open to possibilities, as a consequence, indecisiveness is Gemini's signature trait. Gemini acts differently depending on situation, mood and people around. Gemini is very accommodating and tries to avoid conflict whenever possible. They also secretly admire people with conviction. XD

as for Leo people, not so much XD

Both Leo and Scorpio are stubborn and opinionated. I can see why they would clash hard. Can you imagine putting a Leo and a Scorpio in bed and have them fight for dominance? It would be epic. Lol.

png momonosuke#2307

last edited at Aug 10, 2017 2:31PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Aug 13:53
joined Jul 26, 2017

Wow really? And you're American too right?

Yup. California. Hehehe.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Aug 13:29
joined Jul 26, 2017

I am a Gemini.

Hooray a fellow gem. XD
PS. I thought you were a gem because when I read your post, I thought to myself that was what I would say 4 years ago. Hehehe.

last edited at Aug 10, 2017 1:31PM

joined Jul 26, 2017

Nora hehehe, I threw that bait for yoonie, but she didn't take it. She tried to commit suicide instead. :'(

By your logic, Seju's job is done. She can go now. :)

joined Jul 26, 2017

yoonie Don't die.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Aug 04:04
joined Jul 26, 2017

You need to give us more hints esoterica..if not it's like taking a stab in the dark with 8.33% chance of success lol

No, Orange, the odd is actually higher since Nora already eliminate 2. 10%!

joined Jul 26, 2017

Really? You honestly did not see the obvious buildup? Let me give you a hint: winter is coming; winter is here.

I get that the weather sets the tone for the story but imo there has been no buildup whatsoever. if winter is signifying that Sumin and Sungji will break up then it's just a rehash of events in the story that has been happening since the first arc. the usual plot of wdtfs is how Sumin and Sungji will have a falling out and just immediately make up in the shortest time possible.

Orange Nora roamsl zyxa Fellas, back me up here!

last edited at Aug 10, 2017 2:46AM

joined Jul 26, 2017

Anyway, sarcasm aside, life doesnt give her anything but takes away everything from her and you ask her to find will from within? You're asking too much from a human form who has endured more than 30 years living like that. And you ask her to continue living without committing suicide, finding will inside her? That she has to look at her life right now and go "its worth living. Lets try harder. You can do it. Fighting!!!". Such a shame for depressed people who committed suicide in the world who even have family caring for them when they look at Seju then

Life gives her a decent amount. Wealth and health, two things that people wish for, she has them by birth. Time, she still has it. Career and respect, she achieves them. Freedom, she is getting it, even before chairman's death, she had a choice to free herself from her fam, she just chose not to do it. One person's love is what she is longing for, supposedly all she cares for... she can say that because she does not need to occupy herself with other life necessities. Her upbringing is not great, but I wouldn't go as far as blaming life from taking anything from her or not giving her enough. After all, orphans, slaves and war victims have it worse than her, they survive.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Aug 01:48
joined Jul 26, 2017

Uhhh, I already posted my zodiac. Not a secret.

Recently? I guess I missed it. XD What is it?

Awhile ago. Gemini.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Aug 01:32
joined Jul 26, 2017

I would guess yours, momo, but my knowledge is very limited in this area.

Uhhh, I already posted my zodiac. Not a secret.

last edited at Aug 10, 2017 1:32AM

joined Jul 26, 2017

You are not talking about Seju.

It is about her, her disappearing purpose and soon to be lack of life purpose. She needs to learn that there is more to life than her supposed purpose.

Sumin would be hurt if she died. Her dying is for her own sake.

Sumin has Sungji to comfort her, she will be fine.

You have to have the will to go on that searching journey of yours first to be enjoying it. So give Seju that will first before offering something else for her.

Can't give her anything and not offering her anything. Will comes from within. I think she has it in her. How long did it take for sumin to jump back to her after their breakup? She didn't kill herself during that break, and she won't die in the next break.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Aug 00:55
joined Jul 26, 2017

My top 3 guesses are: gemini (probably not), pisces and sagittarius.

joined Jul 26, 2017


Maybe changing a phone will fix a problem, but not so if the user himself is the one having issues and can't use the phone properly.


I like both of your gems XD

Just in time when I forgot you were a perv. =.=


I've been looking into the horoscopes now. XD They are interesting, for sure.

So.... you are not a gemini. Pisces? O.o


I would consider momonosuke to be acceptable

Acceptable is a C. C is a passing grade. I PASS! Muahahahah~


Tell me, other than Sumin, what is thing that is meaningful for her? LOL. Put yourself in her shoes, dont just go and say, "find something else", or "find someone else". If she goes find "something else" or "someone else" and she also dedicated her entire existence to being beside that thing, what do you say? And from what I can see, she will also dedicate her entire existence to the next thing available. Isnt this also "empty"?

Yoon, you are asking a philosophical question. XD
I would argue that most people do not know the purpose of their existence. People live to find their purpose; they may never find it, or they may think something is the purpose until it no longer is, then searching becomes "the thing" they delicate their existence to. Sad, empty? Maybe, depends on how you interpret it. Personally, I would like to make the most out of the search by enjoying the little things along the way.

Sometimes I just feel a little bit itchy with some comments saying Seju's love is an addiction and well...toxic or dependent

That's not good. We can't let that itch stay like that. Let me help you out.

Seju is god damn selfish and toxic! All she cares about is her past love and her guilt and shit. She does not care about how her existence affect sumin's life. I mean her family is psycho and she knows it, yet she still risk sumin's safety by clinging onto her. If she loves sumin so much, she should just move far far away from her and set her free! And get a god damn life or die already.

Come on. Let it out. Come at me.


the story didn't build up anything so it felt like there's no big payout in the end.

Really? You honestly did not see the obvious buildup? Let me give you a hint: winter is coming; winter is here.

last edited at Aug 10, 2017 12:46AM

joined Jul 26, 2017

I am at peace with it not being understood.

It is okay, little Scorpio. I still like you even though I don't get you.