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joined May 11, 2015

I don't know about this one.... It's kinda cute but it's also pissing me off massively without me being able to point out why... :/

Yuri☆Kome discussion 02 Nov 20:20
joined May 11, 2015

I thought this was a comedy. I don't find manipulative rape funny...

what an easy woman...

Way to blame the wrong person...

Wow. RAPE, huh? Are you nuts? She didn't reject those advances.
Forward people ask the question by putting the moves on. You say no by pushing them away. Do you not have experience with that sort of thing? It's pretty typical behavior. She did nothing wrong. Sex is not evil.

So manipulating someone into having sex is fine? Sure. It's their fault. Remind me no not invite YOU to any parties...

Call it Rape, Call it whatever you like, it turned this mediocre funny story into a damping pile of shit for me.

joined May 11, 2015

I still want that Serval-chan doll...

Me too...

joined May 11, 2015

Bye bye Mr. Whatshisnameagain. I don't think anyone will miss you.

joined May 11, 2015

Feels pretty unfinished...

joined May 11, 2015

Meh, it's the crap translator again... Dynasty really should have a blacklist function, so one could get rid of this shit in the first place.

joined May 11, 2015

it's interesting, but it feels like there are several chapters missing between chap 3 and 4, so it's also a bit disappointing...=/

A-Channel discussion 20 Sep 13:06
joined May 11, 2015

yay, yesterday requested and now it's up. Thx :)

joined May 11, 2015

We are all going to yuri hell.

Yuri Hell....where it's only guys shlonging each other day in and out...and in and out.... oh god... I think I'll convert to Buddhism. At least it'l take me a while to reach hell...

Image Comments 17 Sep 17:44
joined May 11, 2015

I like the pairing but I find AoT to be one giant piece of crap. I' think I've read about 10 pages at the most. I did neither like the art nor the overall plot. So I don't actually give a shit about what happens in the "original works" and can just keep on liking this ship. :)

joined May 11, 2015

On one hand I liked it... On the other hand it was god damn sad... :(

joined May 11, 2015

Who in their sane mind would return a diamond?!

Well... I think the "sane mind" thingy is the problem here.... I don't think ANYONE's sane in this...

But I'd like to reed more =D

Yurucamp discussion 09 Sep 18:07
joined May 11, 2015

this manga is really awesome. I'm really excited about the anime. :)

New Game discussion 04 Sep 04:57
joined May 11, 2015

It definitely matters 100% whether she is right or wrong. If you are prioritizing seniority over an efficient work schedule then you're a piss poor manager. You keep saying that no company would hire her when I have worked at companies that highly encourage her attitude. This idea that seniors need to be respected when they do something wrong does nothing but cement issues and cause nothing but problems.

Wow. You must have worked for some really shitty companies. Maybe we're just talking at cross-purposes here: It's maybe ok telling her senior workers what's wrong. But it's definitely NOT ok to get cocky with them. Setting aside this wishy-washy company in the manga, in real live if I'm the manager and encourage this attitude by some non hired "bitch" I'd simply have to take into account that the majority of my hired senior staff wouldn't want to work with her. That's just human and something I have to take into account when evaluating her. It's a game company. Not some shitty office job where everyone sits in a booth and doesn't know who's sitting besides them. Teamwork IS crucial. If I can't get my ppl to work as a team, THAT'S "piss poor management".

What are you on about? You are not making any sense what so ever. Naru has only been given one assignment because she hasn't finished the first one she was given. Now a 1 month long assignment is turning into 3 months, just for one little mini-game. Since they gave her only a 1 month deadline Umiko planned on giving her more work right after but now there are going to be further delays. And what you are going on about rushing? She did her work just fine, she didn't rush anything. In fact it was Hajime who rushed, came up with a poorly designed event and is now delaying the game in order to fix it. Naru is a great programmer and does her job well, it's Hajime that is doing a poor job that is causing delays.

Are we even reading the same manga any more? cO
Naru is working on point with her assignments and doing everything that's assigned to her. If they can't give her more work because the design of the event she's doing changes it's specs it's not her fault - and as mentioned before she has enough papers to back that up. No reason to get cocky with Hajime. She could have just asked her nicely if she could take responsibility for this event. (Not like the changes ain't documented already.)

That's exactly how team work is done. You keep going on about Naru not being a productive part of the team but it's Hajime who is stringing a coworker for months on one mini-game.

What? Screwing over your teem and increasing the workload is how teamwork is done? Holy crap... I wouldn't like to have YOU on my team. cO

That's exactly what I mean about "rushing and not caring about the finished product". Naru rushes her assignments and doesn't care about something beeing wrong with them. She even tells Hajime AFTER programming it exactly what is wrong with the minigame and still complains about having to do it all over. She get's cocky with her co-workers-to-be and then gives a shit about what she's doing just to get done with it.

Yes, she is working for her evaluation because she hasn't actually been hired. Why do you think it's so wrong of her to care about whether she actually gets hired? She is there to show off her programming skills, if she is being forced to work on one mini-game she can't do that. Even if the mini-game is the best in the game Hajime will get all the credit, Naru doesn't get anything out of the mini-game being designed well.

I don't think it's wrong for her working for her evaluation. But I DO think it's wrong JUST working for her evaluation and giving a shit about the finished product when she's working for eagle jump - a company that - as far as we know - cares heavily about their games. Your last point however I don't get. Programmes won't do anything not designed by others, as there simply isn't anything - maybe but the game engine itself - that get's programmed without being designed in one way or another. Following your argument, Naru - or any other programmer - would never get credit for anything they're doing.

New Game discussion 02 Sep 19:33
joined May 11, 2015


I actually had to look up the plot of Shirobako again because I forgot what it was about. I think that was too much drama in my opinion so I decided against watching it when it came out.

But nice to see that Nene is making progress. Even if I don't really understand why Naru gives her the idea of placing special effects into a mace. Random building would be hard enough for Nene already at her current level.

last edited at Sep 2, 2017 7:35PM

New Game discussion 01 Sep 11:02
joined May 11, 2015

Hazuki says it straight out--games evolve as you work on them and get new ideas. And Umiko says that it would be great if every possible kink or issue in the finished product was foreseen from the start, "but that's not usually the way it goes."

I don't think Naru's tone or her failure to respect the hierarchy is the problem, it's that her focus is on the wrong things. Hazuki says, "You've made it into something really fun. Good job." That's what success looks like at Eagle Jump.

This forum needs a like-button...

I absolutely have to agree with you.

joined May 11, 2015

I've rarely encountered such mindless trash. This one-shot is trash and I'm distraught that a decent mangaka did this. It's definitely Rape. It's not even Yuri. I hated every page.


New Game discussion 01 Sep 10:06
joined May 11, 2015

Her "status" shouldnt mean a damn thing since she is 100% correct. Hajime needed to be told that she had to do her damn job so that the team could move forward. Hajime constantly switching specs while stringing along a coworker is the problem that needed to be addressed, not Naru's attitude. If it were then Umiko would have reprimanded her instead of agreeing

No, that's where you are fundamentally wrong. It is in fact 100% irrelevant if she is right or wrong. A lowly intern on probation getting cocky with hired full time employees and on top of that not being able to work with a team means your out. In any company that relies heavily on teamwork like a gaming company "solo players" are simply not needed. I get it that you really like Naru, but realistically spoken: if she doesn't get her act together no company would hire her after her probation.

Except she wouldn't. She is not the designer, a poorly designed event would solely fall on Hajime. Do you know what would reflect badly on Naru? Only getting one event done in a 3 month span.

Again: I'm sorry, but you're absolutely wrong. Naru has exactly ONE assignment to do at the moment. Her utmost priority is to do THIS assignment an nothing else. Sure, a poorly designed event would fall on Hajime, but I don't see a single reason why not getting done more work in 3 Months would fall on her if the company doesn't assign more work to her. In fact if her colleagues-to-be evaluate her work and all they can tell is that Naru tried to rush through every work assigned to her and not caring about the finished product just to get it done, instead of her finishing her given task(s) with the quality the company is know for - I don't know if THAT'S an evaluation Naru likes to have.

Still, a game designer needs to be able to polish their "blueprint" before having the programmers work on it and not just have them rework all of it after every instance for adjustements that could have been noticed beforehand with just a little bit more time spent on it. In this case, it's kinda like Hajime is an architect who draw a house, then once built, noticed that it was missing a window, then once the window has been added, realized that the size is wrong. ^^;

That she wanted to add something more to the mini-game isn't exactly the issue here. That she asks for a new version before taking the time to figure out as many of the changes that are required and how they might impact the mini-game and the rest of the game is.

Especially since it'll need to be integrated to the rest of the game, so every delay to its completion will have repercutions on the whole game's dev timetable.

To be honest: Hajime felt something is "wrong" with the minievent but couldn't point out what exactly. BUT Naru is the first who found the "error" of the game having only 2 characters playing. Despite the fact it felt wrong to her, she never told anyone and just programmed it anyway. Afterwards, after telling Hajime and co about it she complains about programming it all again. That's not really how teamwork's done.

The second Problem wasn't really a thing before they added more characters. Even Hajime didn't found anything wrong with the second version until Momo mentioned Peco's face being visible. And right after that the conversation between Naru and Momo shows that she really doesn't care about the event anyway and just wants to get it done. Like I've said before: Naru doesn't work for the game, she works solely for her evaluation.

Even the best game designers don't always notice everything they could do to improve design until after they've actually tried it out for themselves.

That's right. And if we think back when Nene was debugging the game: she not only found bugs in the game but she also found many problems with the lore which "should" normally be found by the ones making the game. But i think it's the same phenomenon like writing text - if you work with something for too long, you don't notice small errors anymore.

last edited at Sep 1, 2017 10:25AM

joined May 11, 2015

And you both have no idea what is it like on the real world. It's a jackal eats jackal world outhere and I beleive that those two should settle on adopting a cat, they're as nosy as children and they are WAY less dramatic

As much as I like to admit, that Mexico may be different than other countries - I've no desire to ever visit your country, so no idea what's it like, BUT Mexico is as much the "real world" as every other country in the world is the "real world".

Regarding the NYC visit:
I think that this may be a bit too positive of a view - maybe like someone said before because of the difference to their known Japanese system. On the other hand I think it really depends on the people living in your neighbourhood and the ppl at school. Personally I don't even know the ppl living two houses besides me. If some of them are gay couples living with their (adopted) children, I wouldn't know - and to be honest I personally wouldn't care either. reagarding school, I think it depends on the right education - on both sides. In a open minded country I don't think this would be a really big problem. Of course there will always be a few ppl asking questions, but I think you have to differentiate between ppl asking because they can't accept the situation and ppl who are actually just interested but don't know how to express themselves. While you can talk with the latter and maybe pull them on your side, the others will always be against you. And like one of the couples said: Therefore you need friends as your shield. If you have enough of them you're nearly invincible, while the others get more and more isolated.

last edited at Aug 31, 2017 7:56PM

New Game discussion 31 Aug 19:21
joined May 11, 2015

Yes, but with one crucial difference: She is just a lowly student on evaluation, trying to get into a company, while Umiko can tell Hajime or whoever she likes what she's thinking of changes because they're on the same level in the company hierarchy. If an intern in my company would be this cocky towards my employees, no matter their skill, after 3 months their out.

I'm sorry but that's just piss poor management then. I get the idea of seniority but it that is what you go on when a new employee rightfully calls out a veteran then you're just cementing the issue. You need new blood to mix up things and try to find new solutions to old problems, you don't do that by firing every new face that has the balls to call out issues. Hell, companies like Amazon encourage new employees to have a spine and voice their opinions and frustrations.

Hajime has a problem, she knows she has a problem but doesn't know how to deal with it. If Naru didn't confront her then they would have been stuck in a loop trying to finish a simple mini-game. If she didn't push the issue of the deadline then Hajime would have kept using the excuse that there is leeway and that they shouldn't worry about it. This would have caused delays, Hajime would have looked bad for poor planning skills, Naru would have looked bad for not getting enough work done fast enough. Naru forcing Hajime to get serious about planning is a good thing that benefits both parties.

No. Just no.
Of course she has the right to point out problems. Pointing out upcoming problems is good. BUT she has to mind her status in the company. As for now she's JUST a student on probation. Getting cocky - not only with Hajime but with other fellow colleagues as well - is a no go. As far as I see her until now, she just does her work but is absolutely no teamplayer. I give it to her that the whole situation is new to her, BUT despite her skill I would not hire someone actively working against their team.

Then again, this manga has nothing to do with real live companies. A company working this way would just get bankrupt after months. In the end all are happy because Naru and Momo integrate, everyone get's a job because reasons and all of them just get "New Game Washed" til their all the same mediocre character without much depth. So who cares. This great manga should have ended after the first game. Now it's just mediocre.

Their student project game is actually probably the least believable thing in the entire manga.

Naru seems to only care about making games with Momo, which would explain why she treats the current project, where she's not doing that, almost like a school assignment. Which is again problematic, because Momo is going into graphics, so they won't be directly working together on just about anything.

Honestly, the entirety of Naru's aspirations seems to be "Momo wants to make games, so I want to join her", which makes some of the extreme lengths she goes to accomplish it and how serious she takes it seem a bit absurd.

And makes her seem even worse for being so condescending about Nene's reason not being serious enough.

Granted she may have more reasons, but that's all she's actually given. And she hasn't given any other characters the benefit of a doubt, so why should she get one!

Exactly what I was thinking when I said that she understands programming a game but she has no idea of creating a game. All I get of her is that she wants to work with Momo and that she wants the job therefore. Yes, she may be good a programming, but she doesn't care one bit about the finished product. She wants to get the minigame done because of the deadline but also because of her evaluation - even if it feels wrong.

If I had to sum her up, Naru is a cocky little bitch, that doesn't care about the finished product as long as she'll get a personal advantage out of it. Not someone I'd like to hire for my company.

last edited at Aug 31, 2017 7:33PM

New Game discussion 31 Aug 11:38
joined May 11, 2015

She is simply doing the same exact thing Umiko does when specs get changed. The game designer should be told that their inability to do their job is hurting the rest of the team. If a coder has to spend 2 months on every little game event then that's just going to cause delays. So better to let Hajime know that she needs to get it together rather than just letting her string an intern around in circles.

Yes, but with one crucial difference: She is just a lowly student on evaluation, trying to get into a company, while Umiko can tell Hajime or whoever she likes what she's thinking of changes because they're on the same level in the company hierarchy. If an intern in my company would be this cocky towards my employees, no matter their skill, after 3 months their out.

It seems to me that Naru is focused on doing what she's told and following the letter of the law, while the veterans are thinking about making a game that's fun to play. That means lots of annoying changes, and it is true that vets need to be reminded how vulnerable a new employee would feel about missing deadlines, etc.. Umiko is second to none in getting annoyed at last-minute changes, but as she says, "I don't want to give up on the desire to create a good product."

Yes. I think she has skill in programming, but she is absolutely unsuited for working in this particular company. She understands programming a game but she has no idea of creating a game.

last edited at Aug 31, 2017 11:39AM

joined May 11, 2015

TBH, I read this on and I wasn't impressed. At all.

If I want cute yuri smut, I read some Mira.

This, is very very dumb.

I hardly made it through the first chapter of this and it just seems like a waste of time to me. From the Art to the "story" it's just mediocre. It's ok, but not something I'd like to waste my time with.

last edited at Aug 17, 2017 4:00PM

Ayakashiko discussion 15 Aug 11:20
joined May 11, 2015

I feel like this deserves an anime adaption. :3

joined May 11, 2015

Nooooes, no Muppo-chan... :(

joined May 11, 2015


Regarding the Imperial Family, there are a couple alternative solutions you are not taking into account. (...)
Before the modern times, the male primogeniture was not a law, merely a custom, that was put aside on numerous instances. Several branches of the family were passing the throne back-and-forth between them, and Japan even had eight reigning empresses.

Now, the current, small-ish Imperial Family is the result of the 1947 laws, that: 1) removed numerous collateral branches (a previously viable pool of successors); 2) restricted the succession to male primogeniture (though, this was the same in 1889 version); and 3) made it impossible for an out-of-wedlock child to inherit the throne (before 1947, a son born to a concubine could inherit, in fact, the Taisho Emperor was one such example, being the son of the Meiji Emperor and his concubine, Sawarabi no Tsubone).
Note that a change to any of these clauses could result in solving the problem of succession, without any repercussions for wider public. Bringing back the collateral branches, no problem, it is just an extended Imperial Family. Changing the male primogeniture, also not a problem, the question of inheriting the Chrysanthemum Throne would hardly make an impact on such things as inheritance customs for private citizens. Or just bringing back the option to adopt (children born to concubines, like the Taisho Emperor, would be legally adopted, amusingly, by the wife of the Emperor).

That is more or less exactly the same thing I said before (without the historical detail which I could have mentioned but didn't to somewhat shorten the post).

While point 1) and 2) do require changes to the constitution/law and the administration of the family register as I mentioned before, I don't think point 3) you stated is any option at all. There is no concubinage in Japan - at least non that I know of - and in modern times I think the Emperor having a concubine would be more of a public scandal then a valid option towards increasing the Imperial Family. Furthermore the Emperor or the Crown prince would have to agree to having a concubine beside their wife. Again I don't think they would necessarily agree to this.

Also, the family register, as far as I am aware of, does not actually require the wife to be the one to leave her old family, and join her husband's. It is merely a traditional custom, the law only specifies that both spouses have to have only one family name, and both are then counted under said family.
And as far as traditions go, it is not unheard of, even for Japan, for a family of the wife to adopt her husband, in order to continue the family name in lack of male successors of the blood. This is actually not that uncommon for the upper-class families.

I actually don't know if it's law or just tradition. In the Imperial Family however EVERY Princess married before 1947 was reduced to a commoner and nowadays imperial princesses also leave the family after marrying a commoner. However I don't know if that's because of family registration (law) or because they marry a commoner. But since they have to marry a commoner anyway because of the 1947 law that removed nearly all branches from the imperial family there is no real alternative beside staying single and remaining in the imperial family.

In short, while I am absolutely certain that the Imperial Family will survive, and that the Japanese would be perfectly willing to alter a few laws to make it happen, should all else fail, I doubt any of that will have an impact on things such as same-sex marriages.

No it doesn't. At least not directly. But that's what I've said above. I personally do believe that some changes in the near future have to be made to both the constitution and the administration of the family register to secure the imperial family for the future. And I do believe that once they've started changing this rather stiff system, and the Japanese people are aware of the changes that COULD be made, more changes will be demanded by the people. BUT this also requires some hard work to make people understand the situation of the gay community in their own country. I think this will be a long and hard process, but even Japan will change in the end.