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joined Nov 20, 2014

THE SEQUEL WASNT EVEN BETTER, GODDAMIT! GIVE ME BACK MY KOKORO! sob nooouuu,,,,....wryyn,,,now i Need my daily dosis fluff ;n;

Try Kase-san! Enough fluff to power a small country!

Choir discussion 10 Oct 10:02
joined Nov 20, 2014

This Manga...

Now don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it. It's cute, fun, and at times almost romantic. Though at times it really doesn't seem to know what kind of mood it wants to set, with characters fluctuating between chapters. Perhaps it's just a 4-koma/Comedy thing and I'm just unused to the format.

Stretch discussion 30 Sep 18:36
joined Nov 20, 2014

What the fuck is going on!?
Why the hell is she moving away?
Why is there suddenly drama?
Where the flying fuck is my yuri!?

Where the fuck are the stretching exercises!?

Asking the important questions!

joined Nov 20, 2014

I... I have so many things that I could say about that page... y'know, THAT page...

THIS page ->

Image Comments 25 Sep 12:29
joined Nov 20, 2014

SpaceStation 13 is one of the games on the BYOND engine, where you try to survive as the crew of a Spacestation when things crumble around you. Hard to get into, but really good if you enjoy faffing around in space.

joined Nov 20, 2014

Hah, if this isn't the most Yuri-goggle worth chapter I don't know what!

joined Nov 20, 2014

Ooh, of all the things I expected to see updated today Secret Flowers wasn't one of them. Nice chapter too!

joined Nov 20, 2014

Canada is where cute girls go to become adult lesbians. Believe it!

So THAT's why everyone seems to love the place. No wonder.

Hah! And I bet you thought it was for the healthcare!

Must be one heck of a healthcare if girls go lesbian for it.

joined Nov 20, 2014

Canada is where cute girls go to become adult lesbians. Believe it!

So THAT's why everyone seems to love the place. No wonder.

joined Nov 20, 2014

I was sitting and thinking to myself "Y'know, this is slowly but surely turning into the Stretch of cooking." And I'm okay with that.

last edited at Aug 30, 2015 9:00PM

Lily Love discussion 20 Aug 19:26
joined Nov 20, 2014

Sorry to put a damp on the enthusiasm, but, hmmm... nothing special happened?

Cool, you have fun over there will the rest of us enjoy how great and sweet this chapter is.

I think I know which group is having more fun. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

You think wrong. The places where we are having fun is just different. It doesn't mean you have more fun. That's conceited of you.

I'm just curious about why people are raving about this. Beside the gorgeous art, and overall cuteness, which I acknowledge readily, the story(?) isn't really interesting, for me at least.

Well colour me mistaken if so is the case, but isn't that mostly because it haven't really reached the 'Story' part yet? I mean to a certain degree I agree with you, but from the sound of it the good things are yet to come. We have the two main characters, some side characters, and a general setting and premise established. Which means now comes the part where the Author starts flinging Drama at it to see what happens.

That said, the big thing we're raving on about isn't really the story developing much, because like you implied it really is nothing we haven't heard before. Instead we simply enjoy the two main characters being adorable, and that's it really. From their initial introduction to now we've followed the Preluding Arc, and with the two of them on a date just being adorable we can say we're pleased with the conclusion of said prelude. Now comes the twists and turns of the Main Arc, or at least the first of the main parts, where things finally start happening with the actual story and the characters have to react to those things.

Simply put I just think you're trying to find something more where at least I personally don't think there really is anything more to find yet. We haven't gotten to the good parts yet!

Image Comments 17 Aug 07:23
joined Nov 20, 2014

SOX? I prefer stockings myself.

joined Nov 20, 2014

I wonder what they did with all those leeks.

They're more prominent in the leeked chapter.

joined Nov 20, 2014 ; So I take it she couldn't bear the heat? I'm getting tired of these kinds of jokes though.

joined Nov 20, 2014

I can't tell if this is yuri or not yet. It's hard to tell.

also ham

Yeah, we don't know if the pig was male or female before it got turned into ham. Until then we can't know if its Yuri or Het, seeing as how both of them seemed to have fallen in love with it.


joined Nov 20, 2014

Why doesn't she eat her own panties? Convenience stores in Japan also sell cheap panties too don't they? If the prez love the smell of that girl's panties so much, why not simply have the girl pee all over it first before eating the panties? Or maybe even drink the liquid separately so there is no need to flush toilets and save environment d(o.o)b

You clearly have no understanding of romance.

These two comments together might be the best "Out of Context" quote I'll ever get.

And I, too, enjoyed this Manga. It was weird. Cute, but weird.

joined Nov 20, 2014

This is the first time either of them have fallen in love, but I'm pretty sure that's not how you're supposed to act around a crush!

I dunno, I think I prefer this to the "Beating around the bush" approach most Romance Mangas tend to take.

joined Nov 20, 2014

Seriously did Maki just let go of the wheel?

Well... if you check the link ( you'll see that there are two hands on Nico: one holding her hand, and one holding her neck. So either Nico is holding her own neck, or Maki has very much completely let go of the wheel of a sports-car racing down what does seem to be a highway.

And here I thought the Yandere-couple from LOVE/DEATH were crazy.

LOVE/DEATH discussion 06 Jul 18:55
joined Nov 20, 2014

Am I the only one who was mentally shrieking "Nooo! If you're going to do the block knife with hand thing, don't let the knife be crosswise to the hand!!!"

Like, if you get stabbed with a knife and the blade is up and down, right, between two fingers, then at least plausibly your bones, tendons and maybe even most serious veins could be intact cuz it went between them. But looking at that picture, that broad-bladed knife clearly severed two finger bones, numerous tendons, and much of the blood supply to the hand. You can't just shrug that off, you could bleed out! And your hand won't work right for months--and that's assuming you get to a good hospital right away, with a little neglect you could be crippled for life. My suspension of disbelief just went poof exactly as it was getting cool, just because the angle was wrong.
Really, the slightly less hardass "Grab the knife blade, getting cuts on your fingers and palms as you crazily refuse to let go" approach works a lot better. Plenty enough blood for dramatic effect and much more plausible that you might not be maimed.

. . . Why have I seen so many scenes of dramatic stupidity with knives and hands as to be a connoisseur of this?

Well I'm just glad I'm not the only one who thought of this. Makes me less of a weirdo I guess.

joined Nov 20, 2014

I think what motojin means is that Seven Seas officially used "Gal" for "Gyaru" in their manga, and others official licensors have as well. I don't really care either way, myself, but when I read "gal" in manga it's usually referring to the gyaru-type girl.

Hmm. I'll take that into account. Still, before now if I saw gal in a manga I would've assumed the English speakers meaning. Edit: I'm going to discuss this one with the QC-er and get back to you.

Can confirm. Had no idea "Gal" was a Japanese sub-culture, nor that "Gal" was the Romaji(?) word in question. Seeing "Gal" in place of the explanation would just have seemed out of place with how the character usually speaks.

Image Comments 27 Jun 15:50
joined Nov 20, 2014

Oh this is nothing! At least they're not holding hands or anything like that.

last edited at Jun 27, 2015 3:50PM

Image Comments 27 Jun 15:48
joined Nov 20, 2014

Indeed, they're almost holding hands! Super-lewd!

After Hours discussion 21 Jun 06:14
joined Nov 20, 2014

I don't know what I'd love the most, seeing this go down the "Kei think of it as a one-off thing while Emi thought it was the start of something new" route or just having it be them exploring their relationship and founding out new stuff about one another. Probably the latter, the earlier one is much easier to just get wrong and circle-drama-ing.

joined Nov 20, 2014

Wow. This was like K-ON or Yuru Yuri but, y'know, actually yuri. I really liked this one.

joined Nov 20, 2014

This one barely made name for the Yuri tag, and I almost think it is better for it.