Forum › Posts by YuriSensei

joined Dec 26, 2013

is that the sound of her vagina smashing Saika's fingers' bones?

That gave me a grave mental image from that old movie Teeth from back in 2008.

Sachikano discussion 29 May 11:22
joined Dec 26, 2013

"Madoka Akbar."

I died.

joined Dec 26, 2013

Was the Linkin Park reference on page 6 actually in the original?

Wondering about this too

I'm pretty sure it was lol. It was pretty funny.

joined Dec 26, 2013

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Dec 26, 2013

My fragile heart. </3

joined Dec 26, 2013

Ah man, this definitely need a sequel and the pairing is YouRiko too! The story flow was pretty good as well as the art style.

Image Comments 10 May 15:05
joined Dec 26, 2013

Kinda expected Wendy and Goldilocks but hey this works too!

Also.. Is Starbucks naked?

last edited at May 10, 2017 3:05PM

joined Dec 26, 2013

That was absolutely... abrupt. Would have been nice if it could have gone longer.

Edit: For those of you who are curious, I went to dig a little. So this is what the author said on their tumblr. Courtesy of google translate.

"2016.11.10  L Girls 3 (OKS Men's Comics) is 3 story postings (the final story) "Do not let it care much"! Thank you ^ ^

This is the final story. From the beginning I was thinking in a three-talk configuration and I was satisfied personally because it was all tightly contained"

Back read to the previous posts, re-reading the whole chapter, and seeing this. It is pretty much tightly contained. Hopefully, it could continue some way or another since L Girls ended.

last edited at May 10, 2017 3:00PM

Dark Widow discussion 30 Apr 16:15
joined Dec 26, 2013

Looked through the author's pixiv, this actually has a pretty amusing prequel.

Though have to agree, quite an info dump. Been wanting to see some good monster girl yuri that isn't per se over the top, vore and stuff like that. English is okay but nonetheless, this is pretty funny to read.

last edited at Apr 30, 2017 4:16PM

joined Dec 26, 2013

For a second there I thought it was Ruby and Blake from RWBY.

joined Dec 26, 2013

Well that was a pretty dark turn of events. I like how Banki descended like some god from the heavens on page 26.

joined Dec 26, 2013

Can anyone tell me who the guest artist on this was?

The signature seems to be the same kanji from Okeya's pixiv name, so I'd recommend you check that to be sure.

Ah, my mistake then. The two of them worked together on those Mitsu doujins and I picked the wrong name.

That's why I looked over there to look for something that would help :p

Edit: Also because Fukutarou is the author of the actual doujin, but I admit I also thought the same as you at first.

I checked Okeya's pixiv, the art seems similar to some aspect but I can't tell if the art style changed over time when comparing it to the guest art they did with Fukutarou and one of their NozoEli artworks. Though, as such I can't tell if it's really them, because they don't have any PMMM works there. But nonetheless thanks!

EDIT: Since my chrome browser auto translates anything with a Japanese text, Okeya's name is translated into 'a tub' when I checked their pixiv and I tried translating the title and the author of the guest art with the app version. It gave me the same thing as well. It translated it to 'a tub'. So it might be really them after all. Anyways, thanks again!

last edited at Apr 23, 2017 10:55AM

joined Dec 26, 2013

Can anyone tell me who the guest artist on this was?

joined Dec 26, 2013

Today is a wonderful day! And this part definitely cracked me up.

Murcielago discussion 22 Apr 05:47
joined Dec 26, 2013

Wait wasn't this licensed? I suddenly saw updates for this.

EDIT: I didn't backread on the threads and just noticed the updates on the popular list.

last edited at Apr 22, 2017 5:48AM

joined Dec 26, 2013

Nagisa's face just did it for me. Damn, I laughed too hard at that lol.

joined Dec 26, 2013

That face tho.

No Way Out discussion 17 Apr 07:20
joined Dec 26, 2013

The game is centered around (male) mc, so even the girls with yuri vibes won't accept chocolate from female mc on Valentine's Day. (Devs were lazy, but still)

^Sadly, true. But hey free chocolates for upgrades at least. Though as much as it's centered on the male MC, his character is quite bland. Quite a lot of people were pissed that the male MC was the main character in the anime and not the female one with their excuse(?) that the female MC, Djeeta, apparently looks like a character from the Granblue Fantasy Project Re:Link. Also cause you have no choice on what gender you can pick at the start of the whole game. You can only change it later. Thus male MC,

Djeeta has, well mostly in my understanding, better dialogues and interaction with the other characters.

(Even one of the characters in GBF is really gay, and you still can't get chocolates from her when using a female MC.)

last edited at Apr 17, 2017 7:22AM

joined Dec 26, 2013

Anyone can help me with mine? TT TT

joined Dec 26, 2013

Also I just watched the first episode of the series, it has no connection with this manga does it?

No Way Out discussion 17 Apr 01:01
joined Dec 26, 2013

This shipp is canon? I know Vira is obcessed with Katalina, but its just that right?
Well i dont realy know to much about the game so if anyone can explain me why do people shipp them i thanked.
Anyways sorry for my bad english, i hope you could understand my question X)

Katalina doesn't really show romantic attention to any one of the three people fighting for her affection. (2 Girls and 1 Guy) Which is why her admission that she's just as into Vira is very surprising to her.

The only really canon gay is Ange. Socie, Yuel, Song (Tywenn), Silva get an Honourable mention although it's highly doubtful any of them will appear in the anime.
As for the Game, there's also a plethora of MC-sexuals that go hard for the MC regardless of whether you're playing Male or Female.

This pretty much. ^

Though the dialogue is sometimes or often different depending on the gender of your MC. Some characters react different or have different dialogues when faced with either Male or Female and sometimes there are different scenes or special scenes depending on how you see it for Female MC's compared to the Male one. Example, is the hot spring one. Female gets to interact with the other females, while the Male one is just interacting with his best friend. That's pretty much it.

No Way Out discussion 17 Apr 00:58
joined Dec 26, 2013

I was going to buy the doujin of this. Hope they can translate the other Vira x Katalina doujin as well~ Good read too!

joined Dec 26, 2013

Anyone can help me find this manga I've read before? I can't remember if it was posted here or not but I remember the story being that they were two friends a guy and girl they were both hitmen. It had yuri elements too, since the girl was dating this other older lady but they kinda broke up or was it that she found her cheating? I can't remember but I think it's more of the former. Then the ending was like she ended up dating her lower classmen who had a crush on her. That's as far as I can remember.

EDIT: I remember the guy being bullied often at school as well.

last edited at Apr 17, 2017 1:25AM

Image Comments 16 Apr 02:59
joined Dec 26, 2013

Oh rare pairs~ The beauty of Touhou is you can literally pair anyone with anyone~

Image Comments 16 Apr 02:57
joined Dec 26, 2013

@Norainhere Yep. Mercy was a member of Overwatch at a young age from what I can remember of the lore as Ana is one of the founding members of the organization. So in this case, Ana knows Mercy for a long time. Thus her reaction on this comic lol.