Edit: Fan-drawn AMV that was too good not to share. Tells the Rhine Lab's story from Ifrit's POV. Really captures a sense of longing for a normal life/family on her part and draws heavy inspiration from her token.
That's the video that made me love the Rhine Lab family. Really hits in the feels. Also all the nice details and references. Especially the inverse Rhine Lab symbol.
Saria is in cert shop! Come get yer Saria!
I'm saving for Eifaf but I didn't even have to think about it. Rhine labs is almost complete! I just need the penguin. E1 maxed her right away...might E2 soon.
Nice but I am a bit disappointed it's not TeaAppleSauce in the shop. My sister could really use her and she's also getting a skin with upcoming event.
Speaking of, official twitter just teased the event that goes with Ceobe banner so for sure next week. Just in time for CN to get the summer skin for Ceobe. Can't wait for that to arrive in EN. Especially the new units too, a THICC croc girl and a THICC snek girl.
So over the last week I got Provence, Firewatch and Platinum. Because that's how luck works.
The gay mouse at your base must be really happy.