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Irc not working? 07 Jan 16:46
joined Dec 18, 2013

Try a different client?

joined Dec 18, 2013

What the fuck was that

joined Dec 18, 2013

Another round of comments with Kaneko about the show

Among the notable things revealed are the fact that originally Mirei was meant to be quite chatty while Mamori was the taciturn one and that Momoka's partners were pretty much the rejected designs for Mirei and Meifong.

joined Dec 18, 2013

A small sample of Mirei's character song

joined Dec 18, 2013

I forgot to ask before but someone knows how far Bhikkhuni goes? Does it have any couple at all or stay just in fanservice?

There are not official couples per se but still the yuri content is quite high. All the girls in the cast develop crushes on each other, CGs are quite yuri and the little relationship scenes between the characters are a treat.

Ranka deserves an special mention, she's so into her sis that at one point she thinks Rinka is proposing and she lets slip that she has completely planned their wedding AND honeymoon.

Anyways, have some more translated fanart courtesy from some based anons on /u/





joined Dec 18, 2013

This will be my motto from now on

I think at this point whenever I watch an anime with an all female cast that isn’t slice of life I’m just going to expect it to end with a lesbian ascending to godhood.

joined Dec 18, 2013

This is getting silly, but in a fun kind of way XD

joined Dec 18, 2013

This got depressing fast

Duel! discussion 03 Jan 02:29
joined Dec 18, 2013

I thought at long last I've found a yugioh yuri doujin.

I was wrong ;_;

joined Dec 18, 2013

Some popular European tv series have very ordinary looking people. Or even ugly sometimes.

It's mostly in the US that everyone is a model.

Eh, is the same on US tv series. For every 10 series with models you get one or two with ordinary/ugly looking people.

joined Dec 18, 2013

To be honest, I can't fathom who would be turned on by this.


joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, I think you got what I meant. Mangakas just draw a beautiful female character and say "this is/was a boy". The flower is a perfect example. There's nothing in the middle.

I think mangakas have a hard time depicting non-perfect-looking people in general.

Why single out the manga artists? Every piece of media is the same, that is just as the market is, nearly all the audience wants to see idealized characters.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Some awesome /a/nons translated a lot of stuff today

First, Kaneko's commentary on the show

Lots of good stuff in there but some notorious stuff is that: Mirei was indeed designed with the silhouette of a dog/fox, Kaneko is a huge MireMamo shipper (The most notorious moments are his), he teased a new MireMamo art for the next year (for what could be?) and nearly had a meltdown over Mirei's armpits on the OVA

Akira's Short story

Lewd but also depressing. Here's hoping the remaining stories can also be translated.

And finally, the farewell messages from the cast

joined Dec 18, 2013

Mira is the best

joined Dec 18, 2013

Happy New Year!

And final episode of the radio show

Last episode of radio. Here we go.

Opening talk.Reminding us that this is the last episode of the radio. ‘The finale’. They said that they will missed this radio. They will spend this episode looking back on both the anime and radio.
The anime was recorded very early, since May 2015 so they felt nostalgic. Iguchi remember Izawa coming to the recording booth wearing same clothes with her only in different color. Izawa thought that even in the recording, VDM already looks quite intense so when she saw it on TV she was surprised by how the complete package looks and thinks that it got even more intense thanks to the staff’s effort. Izawa wanted to know the people’s reaction for the mini OVA. That’s it for anime looking back.

Iguchi reminiscence the first time Kubo joined as host and said that with three host with very different personality she’d hoped that they can offer a fun time for the listener. She also talked a bit about Izawa family’s mystery and proceed to joke about them being nobility again. She closed the topic with concluding that the radio have given them lot of good memories and allow them to bond and become better friends with each other.

Mail corner. First mail thought that when Iguchi said there’s important announcement back in radio ep 10 they just gonna add more host, but turns out it’s really over. Then they proceed to ask the hosts about the quirks and personality of each host that they didn’t know before. Both Kubo and Iguchi thought that Izawa were raised very carefully and with lots of love based on her story about her family. Iguchi add that like how Mamori continues to develop in the story, she found Izawa to keep improving since the first time she worked with her. As they work more, Izawa started to be bolder and her tsukkomi also getting better. Izawa said that Kaneko thought that she was a very shy girl at first but she actually talks a lot and said that he actually took some inspiration from Izawa for Mamori’s character. Izawa found the fact that Iguchi having a pet dog and cat to be surprising, she said it’s because Iguchi didn’t looked like someone that would like cats and dogs. Iguchi really, really loves her dog, she thought that most of dogs are cute but always found her family’s dog to be the cutest. Iguchi thought that Kubo is very grown up. She said that sometimes Kubo can come up with really deep stuff. Then Kubo started acting like an idiot.

Second mail is from a girl in her teens. This is her first mail and she loves VDM and hoped that there S2. The hosts are very happy to know that there’s girls watching and loving VDM and even listening to the radio. Izawa said that while Mire Mamo is quite popular, Kasumix Charlotte is also popular. She said that people seems to love their quarrel and the way Charlotte pronounced the ‘-san’ in ‘Kasumi-san’. Then proceed to vaguely promote Harada’s live on 30 Dec.

Third mail is also from a girl, a Kansai girl. She said she’s quite similar with Meifon when it comes to money and because she love VDM too much she bought the first BD, she also visited the café that did collaboration with VDM. The store is only on Kobe, Kansai. And ask the hosts whether they have something that when it’s done too much they suffer from it. Izawa said in her case its nervousness, and both Kubo and Iguchi shared her opinion. In Kubo’s case, she’s usually talkative so when she’s suddenly went quiet people around her start asking whether she’s okay. Kubo is actually a quiet person, so when she felt like enjoying silence people mistook it as a sign that she’s troubled. She’s actually quite bothered by this because it makes her unnecessarily nervous. When it happens she said she would calm herself down by using her towel that she brought from home. She said that the smell of familiarity help her calm down. Iguchi is simpler, she said she just wrote the kanji for person on her palm and swallow it. Other thing she did would be to change her mindset, to justify her nervousness. She said that she would try to think this’ because this is really important and can possibly create a wonderful memories for the future of course I’d be nervous’. She would try to spin it in positive way.

Kubo said that she’s generally a negative person, so sometime her negativity can get out of hand and made her suffer. Iguchi said her love for her dog made her suffer. She took great care of her dog, but whenever she saw a stray do she never tried to feed it of pet it. She said the moment she start giving it food, she’s responsible for feeding it for life. That’s it for mail corner. They played Overdrive in radio this week, no Lady Lady song preview.
I never translated this corner before but this is where they ask listener to submit praise and then rate how good it is when used to women, specifically the three of them. Number one praise for this whole corner is this one ‘I can work hard as long as you’re with me, so please look at me’ only works when the woman is older though.

Same old info corner. News: It was announced before that the radio will be compiled into a CD, and they will add extra compilation episode guesting Tazawa Masumi. This week radio reveal that they already finished recording that extra episode. All of the hosts, Iguchi, Izawa, and Kubo also appear in the extra so Tazawa wouldn't be alone. The CD would be released on 24 Feb 2016, Wednesday.

There’s extra of the hosts being handed flowers bouquet in the radio pic. Well that’s it. That’s the end of the radio. If someone ripped the radio CD I would summarized the extra episode too.

Also, someone translated the lyrics of Mamori's song

I'm 100% virgin but it feels so good that those things don't matter anymore. My lips, and my breast...
If only I can be more honest with my feeling I would be able to fall in love easier by just going around with the flow like a princess.
Baba-virgin road Tokonome is getting turned on
Being loved by right hand, left hand, and from those eyes, I'm melting
It's okay even if the partner is a woman
As you watch over me once I closed my eyes and bring our body closer and let our lips met both my soul and body will be yours

That's basically all of the second half. Just add this one line after 'I'm melting' and before 'It's okay even if the partner is woman' though.

Please take me away from here.

Citrus discussion 31 Dec 15:01
joined Dec 18, 2013

Techincally, Yuzu and Mei are together as of this chapter though.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Haroko and Natsuko haved swapped so much that the swaps are no longer effective

If that were true the other part timer would've been realized something fishy was happening with Natsuko

joined Dec 18, 2013

Between the art, the genereous amount of corporal fluids and overwhelming fuzzy feelings, this has become one of my favorite series. The wait for the translation was well worth it.

I was the only one that got some Asagi Ryu vibes from this?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Okay, I have to admit, that was a funny chapter.

joined Dec 18, 2013

^ Uh? You didn't check the link? Is a couple of cosplayers. I found that picture funny due the photoshopped Akira's posters in the back. Speaking of

Kaneko said that Mini OVA 1 took place after ep 4. Mirei took Akira's poster off before asking Mamori to tutor her. Mamori let Mirei took off the poster because doing tutoring under Gouverneur watchful gaze is just really awkward. Mirei put the poster back in place afterwards.

Check out Kaneko second round of boobies commentary tweets for more.

joined Dec 18, 2013

The same anon that ripped the mini OVA, has ripped the first two episodes from the BD at 720p hard subbed

joined Dec 18, 2013

The joke has started to wear thin and well, you can exactly say the characters are that well developed. Not that surprising for a 4-koma I guess.

joined Dec 18, 2013

That OVA...was funny xD
Any chance of Lady Lady OVA or drama cd?

Well, we do know the 4th BD volume will include as bonus Lady Lady's character song and most likely, will have them in the cover (thus raising the odds of them starring the 4th mini-OVA)

Other than that, a Drama CD with MireMamo, Meifong, Lady Lady and Torino will be released on March but far as I know it can only be ordered by getting a voucher from Megami magazine making it kind oh difficult for it to hit the internet.

joined Dec 18, 2013