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Arknights! 26 Nov 15:04
joined Jul 26, 2016

My pity pulls were Ptilopsis and Croissant dupes.
yaaaaay ヽ( ._.)ノ

joined Jul 26, 2016

This wild guesswork was funnier than it has any right to be.

joined Jul 26, 2016

On a completely unrelated note these food descriptions legit make me hungry. ( ˘ڡ˘)

joined Jul 26, 2016

So like, did Leo die tho???

Who knows? Tune in next week to find out!

Did drop a pretty cool Ashita no Joe reference tho.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ningguang is p gr8 tho. I cast Magic Missile!

...needs someone else to handle the occasional Geoslime tho.

joined Jul 26, 2016

is this ntr

I'll probably never get tired of that communication gap between Shinano and Maho lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

Progress in this manga?


"Never to be taken for granted, as in lesser manga."
- Excel Saga back-cover blurb

Arknights! 25 Nov 12:14
joined Jul 26, 2016

Iffy is horrendously strong when you can find a good lane for her but her quirky attack range limits her applicability. Silverdaddy is much more of a generalist - he can't annihilate whole lanes at once and has the usual physical-attacker issues with beefy bois (activated S3 aside, but that has long recharge) but it's a rare map indeed where you couldn't find a spot for him, and his passives bring a lot of utility.

...I think my first E2 6*s were Iffy and Nightingale actually. Both came in very handy getting that full clear on Anni3.

Image Comments 25 Nov 10:48
joined Jul 26, 2016

Humungus gazongus, a variety of melon found widely in Chinese cartoons.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I only read titles with “bread” or “nsfw” tags

With our powers combined...

Bread sex

Bread, sex, breaded sex

Image Comments 24 Nov 16:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Source seems sus

Image Comments 24 Nov 11:44
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^no the gacha RNG hates me :c

Image Comments 24 Nov 11:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^"Far as I know only steers and queers come from Texas, and since you don't look like a steer to me you must be a queer."

Arknights! 24 Nov 11:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

"The tickets will be given out the next week after the survey ends."
- official Discord notification of the survey

P sure that was also mentioned in the survey page itself but can't check it again after filling it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

So I finally got off my lazy ass and finished the current storyline yesterday (mostly to get Liyue's rep stuff fully unlocked) and that was some ride. Highlights in no particular order:

  • bourgeois parasiteZhongli being Comically Serious about Every. Fucking. Thing. (plus always broke)
  • nobody hesitating to spend ridiculous amounts of Fatui money
  • the entire perfume quest arc, especially once you get to "ALL the double entendres" Yang'er (and can trade flirt with her right over Paimon's head)
  • the running-gag speculation over the significance of Rex Lapis's taste in perfumes
  • Cocogoats. Just... Cocogoats.
  • that generous discount on the ritual incense and its deadpan commentary in the item description
  • Childe has a pretty cool Rider suit
  • Ningguang being a Crazy Prepared madlass (but then her front porch has a view to the graveyard of some very angry and notoriously insufficiently dead gods...)
  • Ganyu accidentally sending you off on a wild goose chase by plum forgetting to tell you how to actually get to the Jade Chamber
  • Childe openly sulking over having gotten bamboozled by Zhongli and Signora
  • Keqing wondering aloud if you were just trying to look cool with that reward request
  • "You're drooling."

Also, wanna bet Ganyu and that weirdo who wears medicine ingredients around his neckpharmacy guy with his snek will be made playable characters somewhere down the road?

joined Jul 26, 2016


Citrus + discussion 23 Nov 11:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

Handwaving problem-solving was certainly an issue but a lot of the grievances the US fandom directly stem from a combination of both the looming "threat" of Mei's arranged marriage and her lack of initiative to do anything about it.

Insofar memory serves the serious issue with that whole arc was how it kinda came out of nowhere, was handled clumsily to put it mildly, and finally resolved with what can be best described as "handwave conga line."

Not that the whole Suddenly Arranged Marriages thing being a dead-horse trope in the genre particularly helped ofc.

Citrus + discussion 23 Nov 09:59
joined Jul 26, 2016

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that 84% of all statistics quoted on the Internets must be made up on the spot."

Image Comments 23 Nov 09:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

^pretty sure it basically killed off the IP.

Image Comments 23 Nov 09:33
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Andromeda never happened, capisce?

Image Comments 23 Nov 09:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

^is this the time for the obligatory reminder about their canon interactions mostly amounting to Skadi being an edgy twat and trying to literally behead Grani for very dumb reasons...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Man I really like Ataru, she's in love with Sakuma but doesn't want to ruin their friendship and start useless drama and likes seeing her being happy while she's with Wanko, and she isn't awkward or anything, she's still happy to be there and be their friend.

No I'm pretty sure she's kinda glum about the situation actually. But she's also enough of an adult to "grin and bear it" and try to put it aside.

Arknights! 22 Nov 22:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

Finally got around to E2ing Ptilopsis (yay rock farming), haha SP printer go brrrrrrr

joined Jul 26, 2016

Preeeeetty sure Yumimi keeps pulling that "just kidding" line to relieve her own tensions, I'd be signally surprised if she's nearly as on top of things as she portrays herself as.

Though tbf given Nononon's rampant insecurities someone in the relationship needs to act confident and take the initiative, however uncertain and fumbling blind they now might actually be.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The French at least are to be congratulated for one terminology in as much as “la pissotière” was nothing less than a public urinal on the sidewalk of the busy street in which the heads and feet of the usually male occupants were still visible to those passing by, but the purpose of the facility as its name suggests, was not in doubt.

I mean. Far as I've been told their terminology for children of successive marriages is bluntly de 1ère/2ème/etc. lit ("from 1st/2nd/etc. bed") - not big on pointlessly prudish euphemisms that lot.