Can I just say that this chapter (9) really elevated this manga in my eyes? Not only did the author dodge the possible "multiple chapters of them not having a heart-to-heart about what happened" trope and instead allowed the characters to explain their emotions (as well as they understand them--the poor baby gays) to each other, they also took a critical step of spelling out that the connection characters' motivations really extend beyond trying to look cute. To this point, the manga has seemed to put a lot of emphasis on the importance of what a person looks like, which might seem shallow and unworthy of writing about (to say nothing of the potential harm such a piece could cause given all the fucked up social standards we have around beauty); however, what Kurokawa says in her little outburst made it clear to me that the author knows better, that the characters' preoccupation with beauty belonged to them and was not the author's position on the issue, and that the real point of their efforts to improve their appearance was to become stronger, more confident, and closer to each other--and in those things lies the value of the search for beauty.
I'm really looking forward to where this manga goes from here: I no longer have a firm sense of what quality level of authorship we're looking at here, and I hope I'll continue to be happily surprised as it progresses.