I enjoyed Volume 8 too, which happened to come out on my birthday. I bought the Kindle version through Amazon.
One thing I found strange about the fan translation on this site was that Yuu doesn't call Touko "Nanami-senpai" during the scene in the cafe, but she does in the localization. As such, Touko's remark about Yuu calling her "senpai" again seemed a bit strange when I read it in the fan translation.
Fan Translation: "They were really excited to see you. Asking for your autograph and all."
Localization: "You were a big hit with them, Nanami-senpai. They even asked for autographs."
English Localization have honorifics ? Cause French Localization didn't, but at least use the name/first name distinction. The only time i see "Senpai" use was from Sayaka's first flashback when she called her Senpai of Middle school.
Yes, the English localization uses honorifics, partly because the senpai-kohai dynamic often comes up in this series. If there's a second season, I wonder how the dub will handle the scene in which Yuu calls Touko, "Touko-senpai," and Touko encourages her to drop the "senpai."
Well personally i wonder how they gonna do with the French localization of the manga since they don't use honorifics. Still have to wait since next release is only Vol.6 and it's the 21th.
last edited at Aug 19, 2020 2:33PM