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Shotacon discussion 25 Jul 05:43
joined Aug 26, 2018

GreenTomato posted:



That was a yes to the no, meaning the No is amplified.

last edited at Jul 25, 2019 5:44AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

In all seriouness, the only thing who can make the story progress is either Uta found out about her brother cheating or Kaoru attempt suicide and for me it will be a combination of the two.

How about no?

joined Aug 26, 2018

In all honesty when are Uta and the neko girl getting together, the only reason why I can think the author would be showing her so much is because they are actually endgame.

Why do you always root for the dumbest ships? Sorry, excuse my French.
You know Kuro is literally in a relationship already? Sheesh...

joined Aug 26, 2018

Does anyone else feel a slight escalation there..?

Sotoka, Hime and Kakeru are on the same level as Iko, so it's kinda balanced.

Aside from Sotoka all of these extreme weirdoes have been popping up more recently.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I guess I'll just watch the anime?
It seems the chapters are incomplete..

Don't. All joking aside, it's a trashfire... on top of the trashfire that this story already was. Bad animation quality, rushed ending (ten times as rushed as the real ending) and not worth even the time of the fans of this thing.
Just look for the other chapters on another site if you dare.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Kodama is authentic, unlike most authors out there. You know what to expect with her

This is blatantly wrong. As I mentioned above, she has two very different approaches and when you start a story of hers you will never know which way the coin lands.

As for NTR, I'm not sure what all the hate is.

First of all, this is a yuri forum and as hypocritical as it is, most readers here actually quite enjoy when a woman takes another woman from her male lover. It's a whole genre. Well most of my points were already mentioned, but I just wanted to repeat that lol

NTR has dozens of glaring issues outside of "triggering" people. It's pacing is bottom of the barrel, especially in the last third. I have rarely seen a case of "This could have been resolved 10 chapters ago, but we meander for no reason" this bad. If it was stretched any thinner one might think it was secretly a commentary on how the industry forces mangaka to elongate their manga unreasonably... except I cant imagine anyone thought NTR would need to be longer.

The only semi-likeable character was the guy who was cheated on of all people. Which is kind of the point of the NTR genre... I suppose. But this story tried to be "realistic" as you said and instead made everything feel like fetish bait. But unless you are making a pretentious statement about the shittiness of the world at large, common sense is to make at least some of your characters likeable or at least relatable. Neither of which NTR achieves. Hotaru's reasoning for causing this entire conflict is beyond stupid. And not the endearing kind.

Oh and the ending was the most half-assed thing about it. Honestly the hook was the only decent thing about it.

In summary: NTR represents all of Kodama's weakest traits as a writer and deserves the hate. But where other authors would be doomed by that, she has at least some good works to fall back on.

joined Aug 26, 2018

The cast so far!

Bocchi: Shy introvert with bonding issues.
Kai: Typical outgoing girl (with strange taste in mascots)
Nako: Somewhat lazy girl, levelheaded
Aru: Talented girl with a mild inferiority complex due to her unlucky nature
Mieru: An unfortunate little sister.
Sotoka: Wants to be a ninja, but it's more of a hobby
Kako: A mild tsundere with self-image issues.
Yamada: A Yamada.
Ito: A girl who likes to read.
Peko: A girl who likes pancakes.
Teruyo-sensei: A new teacher with deep rooted fear of delinquents and slight paranoia
Ojosa: A rich girl.
Notsugi: LOUD twin.
Nosaki: Calmer twin~
Ino: NUMBAH 1!
Rau: Sleepy introvert who forced herself to become a popular extrovert for her introvert friend.
Mari: Has an accent.
Kou: Introvert with social anxiety turned hikikomori [Rehabilitated]
Himeji: 8th-grader syndrome with a Disney princess obsession. Potential future cosplayer/singer.
Kakeru: A grieving girl who is trying to process the loss of a parent through delusional escapism via the supernatural. Ostracizing herself to communicate with aliens to make contact with ghosts by speaking broken English.
Ramu & Esu: Kai's harem.
Genki: An energetic girl.
Iko: A girl who strives to be a mad scientisto(so cool!) for the sake of artifically accelerating human evolution to make it more powerful. This has to be achieved via the tranfusion of energetic super powerful blood-cells from fellow classmate Genki which she intends to take directly herself with a syringe. She might also have a fetish for blood.

Does anyone else feel a slight escalation there..?

last edited at Jul 24, 2019 6:10PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

With how much these girls talk about getting stronger and more powerful you'd think this will turn into a battle manga eventually. Only Nako would be too lazy to fight tho.

Brrr... Needles. I feel you Genki. But also, what is happening to this cast?! The classmates are getting more eccentric and insane by the chapter.

joined Aug 26, 2018

...a bear girl, kuma!

I would be happy to seduce a bare girl.

What about a barely bear bare bear girl?

The 10% rule means it's not furry at that point so enjoy yourself.

Got you cover

Someone got my reference
sheds a single tear

last edited at Jul 24, 2019 4:10PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Aki saying she's the "straight man." Yeah, we believe you. ^.^

She is at least the straight owner of this gay zoo.

If you except Sarutobi, it's more a farm than a zoo. A dog, a cat, a cow, a mice, a monkey, a bird and a rabbit.

I can't ignore monkeys on my farm. Especially if they want to get paid.

last edited at Jul 24, 2019 4:07PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Aki saying she's the "straight man." Yeah, we believe you. ^.^

She is at least the straight owner of this gay zoo.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Yeah but Inu to Neko is a 4-Koma and was only 3 minutes which kinda make sense even if i wanted more. NTR is a normal manga with 26 chapters with more than 30 each. They can have seriously done better than 9 minutes episodes.

They had a budget of some leftover gum and prayers. Honestly they would have been better off buying lunch from that money than wasting it on NTR.

last edited at Jul 24, 2019 2:39PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Is the anime worth watching, to those who liked this? I'll probably check it out regardless, unless it's cringe worthy. Aw hell, I'll still watch it.

No, the anime is definitely not worth watching. It's 12 episodes of 9 MINUTES EACH. I mean who take a manga and make 12 episodes of only 9 minutes.

Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san did it.
Except that one was a 4koma.
And also actually a good manga.

last edited at Jul 24, 2019 1:58PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

You know you're in for a ride when a manga starts off with someone punching a bear.

But you'd know you were in for a greater ride if it had started with seducing a bear ...

...a bear girl, kuma!

joined Aug 26, 2018

As soon as I saw "Bakeneko" I knew it would be interesting. They are a weird type of catgirl, but you can't go wrong with that premise.
Not sure if this is even a triangle... the Bakeneko only cares about Sora because of Hazuki's feelings. Very useful and a bit convenient.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Resorting to melodrama and edgy character traits to "spice things up" is a sign of bad writing generally speaking. It means the author has either no interest or not the ability to let their characters and plot carry the story.

The interesting thing about Kodama is that she can indeed do both. She has a near bipolar attitude to writing. It's either a lot of cute fluff with some interesting commentary or good comedy... or it's a trashfire like NTR. No inbetween.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I agree, crack ships are just a way for some people to have fun, like heck, some people ship Tomoko with boys from other Animes/Mangas entirely, that's a whole lotta crack!

Whoa now, let's not tear down the dimensional barrier like that. I actually despise crack ships of that magnitude. NemoYuri is at least somewhat viable under the right circumstances...

last edited at Jul 24, 2019 7:47AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm pretty sure Satsuki didn't do that for the swapping haha
What a coward though. First she says no and then she goes in for the surprise attack. Well, whatever. Yume seemed to enjoy it. Even if the manga didn't end I'm not sure if this pairing would really develop. This was pretty out of character for Satsuki after all.

PS: Don't wear those flip-flop-esque sandals. They are just pure garbage.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm not usually a fan of hopeless ships that go against the canon, but honestly in this series nothing will happen anyway, might as well have fun.

Now there is actually some chemistry between these two. The cold and aloof girl with the genki girl is always a viable dynamic. Yuri's deadpan lines and Nemo's cute reactions just work.

joined Aug 26, 2018

So I'm a lesbian and my best friend is a straight guy. He's really great and we talk about what Fire Emblem characters are thicc and other classy things. It's pretty rare to find a yuri manga that has a straight guy who's best friends with the mc and doesn't try to flirt with her. In Bloom Into You there is Seiji Maki, but he is asexual and therefore not into anybody. I would love a manga that has a guy and girl who both talk about hot chicks and are friends. Is this too niche of a thing to look for?

Their Story isn't actually a manga, but it fits all your criteria. Best friend is a straight dude and they do have all the normal talks and he has zero interest in her.

Then there is also Living with my brother's wife. Whether it will end up with actual yuri is unclear, but the side-characters are very fleshed out and she has male and female friends alike. It's worth checking out even if it's still subtext.

Image Comments 23 Jul 11:49
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Press the previous page button. These two belong together.

Image Comments 23 Jul 06:38
joined Aug 26, 2018

^And Shishou is her big sister? Out on a date with Mashu, but then getting all excited about her little sister catching the eye of the local flower girl pff

Image Comments 23 Jul 06:16
joined Aug 26, 2018

^That's not really how it works. Skadi naturally never met Medb. Not that Medb was much of a flowershop girl anyway.

Great art though. Scath sure isn't bothered by her possessed body being used for yuri lol

Image Comments 23 Jul 05:49
joined Aug 26, 2018

You act like they couldn't have asked ZUN before instead of waiting 5 years.

Image Comments 23 Jul 03:50
joined Aug 26, 2018
