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joined Dec 18, 2013

sigh this is getting REALLY repetitive and boring now, every chapter has the same jokes, the same conflict and the same ending only not ending.
Just end already! I dont even care if they get together just have AN ENDING

I agree with this. Akina in particular is very irritating now with her poor attempts at "saving face" is like she does one step forward and three backwards

joined Dec 18, 2013

Okay Lune. Be careful out there!

joined Dec 18, 2013

If you know if the sister is dead or not from reading raws

feel free to not mention if she is or not. Cause that'd be a annoying spoiler that would hijack the thread.

just wanted to nip that in the bud before it had a chance of starting

How long is the series?

joined Dec 18, 2013

So is the sister dead or what?

Image Comments 21 Mar 15:28
joined Dec 18, 2013

All of MireMamo's Drive cutscenes, Drive Breaks and intro

Mirei looking pretty good in a red shirt

joined Dec 18, 2013
joined Dec 18, 2013

This just keeps getting better and better. I'm so glad the series is back.

joined Dec 18, 2013

The game is uploaded for those curious.

So how is it? is worth the download?

joined Dec 18, 2013


joined Dec 18, 2013

Cute story but I'd liked something more, let's say, blatant.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Another pretty insightful analysis of MireMamo from /u/

ep 1 mirei feels the urge to protect mamori due to her past obviously
ep 2 mamori starts to question her own sexuality
ep 3 is when I'd say mirei actually falls in love with mamori
ep 4 mamori sees what she thinks is a lifeline back to normality and mirei gets jealous
ep 5 shows them both the importance of being with your true love and further emphasises to mamori that girls can love girls while mirei wants to put more effort into wooing mamori
ep 6 just general relationship building
ep 7 mamori is on the path to full homo
ep 8-9 mamori sees how important mirei is to her as she throws her life on the line and frets over the wounded mirei
ep 10 mamori chooses to leave akira's side as she acknowledges that mirei is actually more important to her and puts herself in danger again to go help mirei
ep 11 momoka makes mamori doubt mirei
ep 12 mirei proves momoka wrong and mirei and mamori fuse their hearts together and become one, something that only lady lady were matched well enough to do

Also note, Mireikami's outfit is based on Mamori's wedding dress, the final battle takes place in the wedding chapel and after the battle they go on a honeymoon cruise. Hint hint.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Just dropping my two cents here: From what I've read so far on the story, Ssamba's writing seems to have slipped into decompressed storytelling, that by itself isn't a bad thing mind you, but on a long running series like this is only natural for readers to start feeling burnt out on the whole thing (and personally, I find her artstyle to not be the most fitting for the trope)

joined Dec 18, 2013

I feel kind of bad for Meifong, being the only one without a partner and having Lady Lady around.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Jealous Mirei is best Mirei

Image Comments 13 Mar 15:35
joined Dec 18, 2013

Aaaaaaand the pixiv linked is dead. Again.

This is getting ridiculous

joined Dec 18, 2013

Didn't Momoka hate Mirei in the show...?

Momoka was the classic scorned ex. She was just venting out her frustrations on Mirei but actually she just wanted to return with her.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Mamori and Mirei's figures were released this week and Kaneko tweeted that as long the fans keep supporting them, figures of Charlotte, Kasumi and Lady Lady are a definitve possibility.

And the fans, didn't miss the chance to comment on it

If they're really making Lady Lady figures, shouldn't it be enshrined as holy object of the Yuri God ?

joined Dec 18, 2013


I simply love MireMamo.

Anime season 09 Mar 17:21
joined Dec 18, 2013

Pretty awesome critic I found about Valkyrie Drive on 4chan

So I just binged through this series today. Had been avoiding it for a long time since I have no interest in the in-your-face fanservices, but to my pleasant surprise, VD actually has some substance in it.

There are real lesbians, not just straight-girls-making-out-for-plot-reason. Mirei's attraction for Mamori was handled so well. So much so that I couldn't remember the last time I've seen a canon yuri romance being developed with such grace. It didn't feel rushed, Mirei's sympathy for Mamori just gradually changed into adoration and then full on romantic in a natural way. This is IMO thanked to 1) the excellent pacing of the show and 2) the tasteful execution of jealousy + protectiveness moments.

The OP and ED music actually sound good. I didn't skip a single OP for all 12 episodes, something I hadn't done in years.

The final battle was awesome. The weapons and Mirei's Valkyrie form all have great designs.

Most the characters, including the villains, are likable. While they're not the most multidimensional characters out there, they do exhibit some degrees of well-roundedness instead of boring archetypes.

My only griefs with this show is 1) the fact it's a softcore porn (The oversized breasts make some of the girls look less pretty than they actually are. The bare tits/butts/crotches, tentacle scene, undignified crude poses, etc. make the show look cheap and hard to respect) and 2) some of the plot points are lazy asspull (pretending to be a guy because "it will guarantee you to be a leader among girls", really??? Going batshit insane because you're being used as a lab rat, sure, but why not getting angry when they first turned you into a living weapon as well?)

Tl;dr: expecting dumb porn, got a decent action show with real romance instead - as long as you can tune out the porn parts.

Lack of good yuri :( 09 Mar 17:18
joined Dec 18, 2013

I found this critic about VDM to be very relevant to this discussion

So I just binged through this series today. Had been avoiding it for a long time since I have no interest in the in-your-face fanservices, but to my pleasant surprise, VD actually has some substance in it.

There are real lesbians, not just straight-girls-making-out-for-plot-reason. Mirei's attraction for Mamori was handled so well. So much so that I couldn't remember the last time I've seen a canon yuri romance being developed with such grace. It didn't feel rushed, Mirei's sympathy for Mamori just gradually changed into adoration and then full on romantic in a natural way. This is IMO thanked to 1) the excellent pacing of the show and 2) the tasteful execution of jealousy + protectiveness moments.

The OP and ED music actually sound good. I didn't skip a single OP for all 12 episodes, something I hadn't done in years.

The final battle was awesome. The weapons and Mirei's Valkyrie form all have great designs.

Most the characters, including the villains, are likable. While they're not the most multidimensional characters out there, they do exhibit some degrees of well-roundedness instead of boring archetypes.

My only griefs with this show is 1) the fact it's a softcore porn (The oversized breasts make some of the girls look less pretty than they actually are. The bare tits/butts/crotches, tentacle scene, undignified crude poses, etc. make the show look cheap and hard to respect) and 2) some of the plot points are lazy asspull (pretending to be a guy because "it will guarantee you to be a leader among girls", really??? Going batshit insane because you're being used as a lab rat, sure, but why not getting angry when they first turned you into a living weapon as well?)

Tl;dr: expecting dumb porn, got a decent action show with real romance instead - as long as you can tune out the porn parts.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I can understand why they went with the cure route: culling the cast to a manageable size. Mermaid introduced a TON of characters that couldn't receive a proper focus once they introduced the cast of the other islands (let's not forget this is meant to be a multimedia franchise and thus, sequels are expected/planned)

joined Dec 18, 2013

Excellent critic posted by an anon on /u/

So I just binged through this series today. Had been avoiding it for a long time since I have no interest in the in-your-face fanservices, but to my pleasant surprise, VD actually has some substance in it.

There are real lesbians, not just straight-girls-making-out-for-plot-reason. Mirei's attraction for Mamori was handled so well. So much so that I couldn't remember the last time I've seen a canon yuri romance being developed with such grace. It didn't feel rushed, Mirei's sympathy for Mamori just gradually changed into adoration and then full on romantic in a natural way. This is IMO thanked to 1) the excellent pacing of the show and 2) the tasteful execution of jealousy + protectiveness moments.

The OP and ED music actually sound good. I didn't skip a single OP for all 12 episodes, something I hadn't done in years.

The final battle was awesome. The weapons and Mirei's Valkyrie form all have great designs.

Most the characters, including the villains, are likable. While they're not the most multidimensional characters out there, they do exhibit some degrees of well-roundedness instead of boring archetypes.

My only griefs with this show is 1) the fact it's a softcore porn (The oversized breasts make some of the girls look less pretty than they actually are. The bare tits/butts/crotches, tentacle scene, undignified crude poses, etc. make the show look cheap and hard to respect) and 2) some of the plot points are lazy asspull (pretending to be a guy because "it will guarantee you to be a leader among girls", really??? Going batshit insane because you're being used as a lab rat, sure, but why not getting angry when they first turned you into a living weapon as well?)

Tl;dr: expecting dumb porn, got a decent action show with real romance instead - as long as you can tune out the porn parts.