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Arknights! 30 Dec 15:17
joined Jul 26, 2016

Isn't Jihadbot a login reward, like Beagle's free skin? P sure that only starts counting tomorrow...

Arknights! 30 Dec 13:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

Now at like 80+ tokens after burning through my accumulated reserves. Several Elysiums and Cutters, Reed (too bad Bagpipe all but obsoletes her but her visual design's great), Texas and Utage are now at max pot, Weedy for M A X I M U M B O O L I...
No W tho.
Sadness. :c

joined Jul 26, 2016

Over 37°C is generally counted as fever even in adults and medical thermometers near universally have it as the red-marked "alarm point" so... yeah. And Noa did mention she'd been feeling sluggish since the morning.

joined Jul 26, 2016

...even I think this convo is amazingly off-topic, just sayin'. :|

joined Jul 26, 2016

There is one thing I found that backs up my headcanon of Ningguang being gay, look at her nail things...

Heh. I recall there being a Twitter post way back where someone made similar associations. ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)

Chip-truth tho, that's an elaboration of an olden-time accessory of the Chinese upper classes - compare this portrait of the infamous Dowager Empress Cixi:

NFI what those finger-sheath thingies are called and Ning's are integrated into her gloves, but the basic idea is clearly that most ancient and universal status display of the elite - demonstrating by your impractical attire that you did not need to engage in physical labour. Reckon the index and middle finger are left bare because even the leisured ruling class still needed those for things like holding writing implements, official seals and eating utensils. (Ning's idle animations show off such a casually effortless grasp of telekinesis that presumably she doesn't need to physically touch objects if she doesn't want to anyway, but it's the spirit of the thing.)

Arknights! 25 Dec 23:37
joined Jul 26, 2016

It does rather complicate several aspects of reproduction yeah. Which is of course why it's a more or less unique trait, but then spotted hyena evolution was edgy hipster af and took several other unusual turns anyway.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm not sure why being incredibly obnoxious is apparently supposed to be hot.

That's *literally* different strokes for different folks!

SHY discussion 25 Dec 18:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

NOT EVEN MY FINAL FORM (disregarding that she's actually smart enough to not advertise aces in her sleeve in advance >_>)

last edited at Dec 25, 2020 6:47PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

The constellation in the southwestern corner of the sky is totally a hotbed for shipping.

Mio/Shizuka/Kaoru/Mask/Onibi/Nao — Talk about potential, ohohoh.

The Manga Research Club is pretty much the series nexus of sprawling and convoluted relationships. Probably doesn't hurt that - with the notable exception of Hibiki and Mio - everyone connected to it is a raging weirdo (all the artsy types, Nao), messed up in the head (Shizuka) or both (Kaoru)... :P

Arknights! 25 Dec 17:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

Those plant crab things are indeed adorable and she's the same race as Spot. The second Hyena for Arknights, and the first female one.

I can already see the futa jokes

...only Beany isn't a spotted hyena which is the only one whose females have that gnarly pseudopenis. She's probably based on the aardwolf, very much the odd one out among the extant hyenas in general.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Of all things, why did it have to be German...

Cool factor plus it makes everything sound like either a war movie, or hardcore porn

joined Jul 26, 2016

lmao Kaoru going full villain faces there
also oh god that aura of quiet, smug self-satisfaction Mayoi radiates until she gets Uno reversed
(p sure Freundin is the feminine of the word BTW; this should surprise noone because Kaoru)

Probably worth pointing out that Bou-chan is pretty much the only person outside family with whom she lets her usual "cool oneesama" act slip and gets this expressive. These two are totally getting off on these weird little duels.

Also, Kaoru with ponytail is based


joined Jul 26, 2016

Faits accomplis over a hundred years old are terribly irrelevant for people seeking better future prospects in life than offered by their only too often presently drought-stricken, war-torn and/or crime-ridden (etc. etc.) homelands tho.

Chronic and willful ignorance about any number of things is certainly one of the major problems with the US, but that's what happens when the cultural mindset is actively hostile to investing the resources of the state into the betterment of the populace and society (OH NOES COMMUNISMS) and critical self-reflection (Y U H8 FREEDUM). One result of which is that it's increasingly dependent on importing educated and intellectually developed workforce because so much of the potential of the native population is outright wasted through a chronic unwillingness to invest resources in developing it. Which obviously doesn't bode well in the long run.

to the fact that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not classified a war crime, despite the fact that a 1946 military investigation shows that Japan would've surrendered by November 1945 at the latest with zero aggression required

Uh, yeah, no. Strategic bombing was not a war crime, it was an universally accepted weapon everyone used to the extent their resources (in practice airforce makeups) allowed those days. It was certainly horribly inefficient in achieving its actual stated goals and based on seriously flawed theories and assumptions but that only became apparent in hindsight (which is a major reason pinpoint surgical accuracy became a major airpower developement goal thereafter).

And during the war Allies had basically zero human intelligence on Japan - by '45 the last Soviet spy networks on the ground were long since destroyed. They had to make their projections based on observations of Japanese military behaviour on the ground (ie. a consistent disregard of pretty much even the most basic laws and customs of war and fanatical willingness to fight to the death) and shocking incidents like the mass suicides of civilians during the Battle of Okinawa, which is what informed the extremely grim preliminary estimates for Operation Downfall.
Which was actually exactly what the Japanese high command intended; they were hoping that the apparent greater willingness of their troops and subjects to die would deter a final invasion on the as-such entirely accurate assumption the Democracies were altogether more sensitive to casualties than themselves. (Not that it took much; the mangaka Shigeru Mizuki, who lost an arm to an Allied air raid in Papua New Guinea, opined in an autobiographical work that the military's "contempt for death had perverted into contempt for life".)

In practice the Home Isles were being starved out and destroyed from the air already with entirely conventional weapons and the mood of the populace was such that the (very unpleasant) secret police were getting seriously worried about the possibility of a popular uprising; but the Allies had no way of knowing this at the time and quite understandably had zero desire to play further masochistic death-cult games with the ultranationalist nutters still in charge.
The Bombs, as it happens, did indeed have the desired effect - they completely discredited the deterrence argument of the fight-to-last hardliners (the second one dispelled any straw-grasping delusional hopes of the weapon somehow being an unique one-use affair) and allowed the moderates of the regime to actually sue for peace. Which in turn averted the unknowable but doubtless absolutely horrendous loss of life that would have accompanied Downfall - which, for the record, among other fun stuff envisaged large-scale use of chemical weapons as the Allies knew from signals intelligence the Japanese would be in no position to retaliate in kind (which as everyone had realised after the Great War was the only situation where using those things actually made any sense).

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Democracy is the most pitiless form of governement, for it gives the people exactly the leaders they deserve" quipped somebody once. Near as I can tell from here across the Pond 'Murricans like living in a farcically dysfunctional excuse of Western democracy, though admittedly that might be partly because the majority of them apparently don't even realise alternatives exist and could be pursued. I mean it's a given that the extant political establishement isn't keen on say reviewing the electoral system into any of the varieties that'd make more than two parties factually relevant (which would fix an awful lot of what's wrong with the present hyper-polarised state of political life in the country) due to obvious entrenched interests; but if there exist grassroots movements demanding such reforms then at the very least they aren't of a magnitude and relevance that would be visible in the public discourse the rest of the world sees.

Most of the rest pretty much stems from 'Murricans apparently being collectively allergic to sensible organisation and governance because MUH FREEDUMS so that about no two states in the whole federation actually have quite the same laws, just for starters.

Maybe I'm just biased from having grown up in the legacy of one of the first and most efficiently centralised states in Europe but to me that just strikes me as a giant mess that serves no practical purpose whatsoever. Bad governance is a luxury good observed an op-ed in The Economist years ago and that very much seems to be the case here; gratuitous mess in service of empty slogans for basically no other reason than having a sufficiently lavish resource base to not immediately go bankrupt over it, and not wanting to think about complicated things hard enough to realise how dangerous this is in the long run.

Image Comments 11 Dec 21:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

That kid is so done with the grownups' shit

joined Jul 26, 2016

The main trap is that immigrants and minorities, after selling their souls to the capitalist machine, are able to join the elite and become "icons of the American dream" for those of the same background.

I'm... not really seeing how this is supposed to be a negative. The fact that they actually have a shot at achieving at all is a major draw for a reason you know. Because whatever the many flaws of the US it's assuredly a better, safer and more equal-opportunity place to live than some 80-plus % of the globe (the main real competition being a fairly circumscribed part of Europe, as the developed Asian states tend not be terribly welcoming). People leave the third world for the first en masse despite all the risks involved for the very sensible reason that the former is by and large an inveterate shithole with scant opportunities for bettering your lot in life (without trampling a ton of other have-nots underfoot anyway).

It all needs to stop and be remade, but like that elusive jackpot for the gambling addict, the dream refuses to die or be seen as it actually is.

There's certainly a laundry list of things that really need serious reforming about the US, but fat chance getting anywhere with that when one of the biggest ones is a political system that has a strong tendency to rampant polarisation and deadlocking built right into its core mechanisms and duly retarded amounts of vested interests all around in perpetuating the edifice as is.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Japan has it somewhat easy with their food. Low sugar and animal fat, usually very cheap fish...If you avoid junk food and do some sports it should be enough.

Couldn't tell you what the situation is today but when I was there 'bout a decade back one thing that did stand out to me was the total absence of obese people. Was certainly a welcome change from the traditional homegrown beer bellies and newfangled Murikkan-style landwhales common 'round here.

Arknights! 11 Dec 16:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

I got Asbestos. Lacking her penguin waifu tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Image Comments 11 Dec 16:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

Remi just likes to watch =3=

joined Jul 26, 2016

^ The U.S. has always been held up as the land of milk and honey where I'm from, and immigrating there is supposed to be the greatest thing a kid from my nation could achieve. Growing up, I heard so many great things about it, and to compare those myths with the hellscape that America has become today is truly disconcerting. I've actually got a cousin who flew to the States last year to set up a medical practice, and she opted to settle in the South instead of someplace like NYC because it's cheaper to live and set up a profession there. It's pretty much the most dangerous place a person can go, especially if they're a POC, and though things haven't gotten too bad for her because she's in a dorm, I would not want to be in her place. Even after Trump's loss, fundamentalism in America has received a massive boost, and it's gonna take a long, arduous battle to push it back down. In the meanwhile, take care and stay safe.

Sorta reminds me of a story about my grandfather (who's been dead for a few decades now but anyways). For background when he was born we still had portraits of the reigning Czar displayed in public buildings, and until at least WW2 the US was the prime destination for surplus population looking for greener pastures (Sweden, rather closer by, took over the role postwar until we ceased to be a net exporter of labour in the Seventies) - "*nouveau riche* American cousin" was a popular-culture stock figure for generations. For a working-class lad of the era he was actually rather well-traveled (Labour activism had its perks), but only within Europe, and had quite the idealised image of the US which according to witnesses he was not at all shy about voicing.
His children, who made considerable socioeconomic advance from their working-class background in the postwar affluence (up to fairly senior corporate exec in the case of my eldest aunt), eventually grew rather tired of his wide-eyed gushing about the country so for his 70th birthday (this would have been in the Eighties) they got together and bought him an all-expenses-paid tour thereof as a gift.

When he came back from the trip he was no longer an unconditional fan.

FWIW my mother, a historian by trade, is of the opinion that nowadays the US is displaying (besides its assorted structural problems) the classic symptoms and internal tensions of an empire in decline and in the usual rampant denial about the fact.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Honoka's unlocking her latent top gene

Definitely runs in the family, she was more top than her onee-chan for a split second

Kaoru would shed tears of pride if she saw that. (Reminds me, she's never met Eli has she?) Probably their mother too.
"Our little Honoka's all grown up now!"

Arknights! 10 Dec 15:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

So my 5+ guarantee pull was Scavenger's Waifu, She Of The Fabulous Tail. Which is nice I guess but... not that useful T B H. :/

joined Jul 26, 2016

An essentially accurate summary of how the Sherman Firefly came about. :v

Arknights! 09 Dec 23:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

TBH I just want her because A) her kit is made of trolling and lulz B) that undiluted sadistic glee her VA puts into her combat barks gets me every time >_>

Image Comments 09 Dec 23:09
joined Jul 26, 2016

My personal pet theory and explanation for her inexplicably different appearances is that Alice's actually an incorporeal spirit who inhabits appropriately enchanted puppets as her physical vessels, and simply pragmatically opted for an "adult" form when she decided to move out of Makai. (This idea might or might not have been lowkey inspired by Aozaki Touko from Kara no Kyoukai and some sci-fi themes >_>) Sorta takes her puppeteer motif to its logical conclusion and, well, it's not like the canon says anything about what she looks like under her dress... o3o